
  • 网络Guangning;guangning county
  1. 广东省是我国广州管圆线虫的主要流行病区之一,除了散发病例的存在外,2007年3月在广宁县出现了一次6人发病的小规模暴发。

    Guangdong province was one of the major epidemic regions in our country . Besides sporadic cases , A small scale outbreak with 6 people occured in Guangning county in March 2007 .

  2. 目的:以广东省广宁县随机抽样的1667名居民糖尿病流行病学调查者的血糖测定为例,详细介绍血糖测定全程质控的步骤和重要性。

    Objective : At the base of the blood glucose ( BG ) of the 1 667 randomized cases of diabetes in country Guangning , Guangdong province , we introduced minutely the steps and importance of quality control ( QC ) during BG measurement .

  3. 东临佛山三水区,南连肇庆鼎湖区,西接广宁县,东北毗邻清远市。

    To its east is Foshan Sanshui District , to the south is Dinghu district of Zhaoqing City , to the west is Qingning County , and to the north-east is Qingyuan City .