
  • 网络Boluo County
  1. PVC&U管在博罗县小型水库涵管加固中的应用

    The application of PVC-U pipe in culvert reinforcement in Boluo County reservoirs

  2. 惠州市博罗县农村井水卫生学情况的调查

    Hygienic survey of well water quality in rural area of Boluo County

  3. 博罗县警方追捕的嫌犯涉嫌在该县砍伤两名行人。

    The officers were chasing the suspect for allegedly stabbing two pedestrians in Boluo county .

  4. 一位帮助组织请愿的博罗县居民证实,该请愿书来自那里。

    One of the Boluo residents who helped with the appeal confirmed it had come from there .

  5. 本文采用现代测试技术对博罗县梅花墩春秋时期古窑址出土的陶瓷器残片进行了测试分析和工艺技术研究。

    In this paper the unearthed pottery and porcelain shards of Spring and Autumn at ancient Plum Dune Kiln site in Bolo County were examined and studied by modern testing means .

  6. 博罗县政府表示,拟建的焚化炉每天能焚烧700吨垃圾,同时还能发电,尽量降低焚烧释放的污染物,不释放有害毒素。

    The Boluo government has said the proposed incinerator would be able to burn 700 metric tons of waste a day , generating power while releasing minimal pollution with no dangerous amounts of toxins .

  7. 他们主要担心的是,焚烧厂将把二恶英和其他污染物排放到空气中及附近的河流里,对他们的健康构成威胁,博罗县官员在接受当地报纸采访时,否认了这种说法。

    Their chief worry was that the plant would emit dioxins and other pollutants into the air and a nearby river , posing a risk to their health , a claim that Boluo officials have rejected in interviews with local newspapers .