
bó cí wǎ nà
  • Botswana
博茨瓦纳[bó cí wǎ nà]
  1. 如果这个方法奏效的话,它能给博茨瓦纳以及其他地区的农民提供一种低成本、可持续的手段去保护牲畜,同时也能避免狮子被杀戮。

    " If the method works , it could provide farmers in Botswana — and elsewhere — with a low-cost , sustainable tool to protect their livestock , and a way to keep lions safe from being killed . "

  2. 在非洲有许多地方可以进行游猎,但骑马穿越位于博茨瓦纳的奥卡万戈三角洲的洪泛地区一定是世界上最令人兴奋的野生动物之旅之一。

    There are many places to go on safari in Africa , but riding a horse through the flooded waters of Botswana 's Okavango Delta must rank as one of the world 's most exciting wildlife journeys .

  3. 训练执法人员也是博茨瓦纳哈博罗内(Gaborone,Botswana)国际执法学院(InternationalLawEnforcementAcademy)的重点工作。

    The training of law enforcement officers is also the focus of the International Law Enforcement Academy in Gaborone , Botswana .

  4. 博茨瓦纳教育系统包含了在主流课堂中对患有ADHD学生的教育。

    Botswana Education system includes the teaching of students with ADHD in mainstream classroom .

  5. 后来,该公司用一家似乎是编造出来的法律事务所,逼退了博茨瓦纳的一个消费者权益组织。后者曾对Axact开办的海德威大学(HeadwayUniversity)提出批评。

    Later , using an apparently fictitious law firm , the company faced down a consumer rights group in Botswana that had criticized Axact-run Headway University .

  6. 政策环境较好的国家,如博茨瓦纳、乌干达和法属非洲共同体地区几个国家的表现往往超过平均水平,GDP增长达4.4%。

    Countries with better policy environmentsfor example Botswana , Uganda and several of the CFA-zone countriestended to perform better than average , with GDP gains of4.4 percent .

  7. 在英联邦国家中包括印度、马来西亚、博茨瓦纳、加纳和肯尼亚等这一天被称为国殇纪念日(RemembranceDay)。

    In the Commonwealth countries including India , Malaysia , Botswana , Ghana and Kenya , among many others the day is referred to as Remembrance Day .

  8. 借助Facebook,华纳兄弟终有一天有可能覆盖从约旦和塞内加尔到博茨瓦纳和马提尼克岛的200多个国家的6亿多用户。

    With Facebook , Warner Brothers has the potential to one day reach some 600 million users in more than 200 countries , from Jordan and Senegal to Botswana and Martinique .

  9. 博茨瓦纳环境、野生生物与旅游部的高级野生生物官员ShaftNengu说,博茨瓦纳正在通过联合国粮农组织与泰国开展研究合作。

    Shaft Nengu said Botswana has been collaborating on research with Thailand through the UN Food and Agriculture Organization .

  10. 在博茨瓦纳和南非,粮食占消费者价格指数(CPI)的五分之一;而在斯里兰卡和孟加拉(Bangladesh),则占到三分之二。

    In Botswana and South Africa , food accounts for a fifth of the consumer price index ; in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh it accounts for two-thirds .

  11. 其他国家对此产生了兴趣,而且我们已经着手在博茨瓦纳、莫桑比克和纳米比亚安装AFIS。

    There has been interest from other countries , and we are already working on implementing AFIS in Botswana , Mozambique and Namibia .

  12. 在博茨瓦纳比较母乳喂养加婴儿预防性应用叠氮胸苷6个月与配方奶加婴儿叠氮胸苷1个月以减少母婴HIV传播的一项随机试验:Mashi研究

    Breastfeeding plus infant zidovudine prophylaxis for 6 months vs formula feeding plus infant zidovudine for 1 month reduce mother-to-child HIV transmission in Botswana-A randomized trial : The Mashi study

  13. Lule说,诸如博茨瓦纳等中等收入国家在应对艾滋病过程中投入了大量财力、物力和人力。

    Middle-income countries such as Botswana have invested considerable amounts in their response to AIDS , says Lule .

  14. 此前,在同一条赛道上,美国选手艾赛亚·朱伊特(IsaiahJewett)和博茨瓦纳选手尼杰尔·阿莫斯(NijelAmos)在800米半决赛中一起摔倒了。

    Earlier , on the same path , runners Isaiah Jewett of the U.S. and Nijel Amos of Botswana fell together during the 800-meter semifinals .

  15. 三十年来,艾滋病一直是困扰非洲撒哈拉沙漠南部一些国家的最大的健康问题。博茨瓦纳虽然有积极有力的艾滋病预防项目。但是那里的成年人当中仍然有四分之一是HIV携带者。

    For 30 years , AIDS has been a major health problem in some African countries south of the Sahara Desert . In Botswana , one of every four adults is infected with HIV . Yet the country also has aggressive AIDS , prevention campaigns .

  16. 此次展览中,摄影师JohnHogg和ArneHoel用相机描绘了博茨瓦纳、毛里求斯、纳米比亚和南非的多样性。

    As part of the exhibit , the diversity of Botswana , Mauritius , Namibia , and South Africa is expressed through the lenses of photographers John Hogg and Arne Hoel .

  17. 而Okavango三角洲丰富的地下水维持着当地多数居民的基本生活和工农业发展,是博茨瓦纳不可或缺的重要湿地资源。

    The abundant groundwater of Okavango delta maintains the basic living and industrial and agricultural development of local residents , which is the indispensable and important wetland resource .

  18. 此后,CITES分别于2002的第十二届和2007年的第十四届缔约国大会,同意津巴布韦、纳米比亚、博茨瓦纳和南非四国一次性单向出口一定数量的生象牙,其中2002年为60吨。

    Since then , the 12th CoP of CITES in 2002 and the 14th CoP of CITES in 2007 allowed Zimbabwe , Namibia , Botswana and South Africa to export certain amount of row ivory respectively , which is 60 tons in 2002 .

  19. Okavango三角洲位于南部非洲干旱-半干旱国家-博茨瓦纳北部,是世界上最大且最原始的内陆三角洲。

    Okavango delta , the largest and the most primitive inland delta in the world , is located in the north of Botswana-an arid and semi-arid country in the Southern Africa .

  20. 非洲艾滋病的女性化可能是如博茨瓦纳那样将艾滋病项目与性健康和生殖健康项目组合实施的唯一最重要的原因,Lule说。

    The feminization of the epidemic in Africa may be the single most important reason to link HIV / AIDS and sexual and reproductive health programs , as Botswana is doing , says Lule .

  21. 维多利亚瀑布在津巴布韦和赞比亚以及丘比国家公园在博茨瓦纳的奥卡万戈三角洲,在Maun区域给出了在这个菜单。

    The Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe and Zambia as well as the Chobe National Park in Botswana and the Okavango Delta in the Maun area are also presented in this menu .

  22. 迄今为止,他们在这个网站上找到的工作包括:经营莫桑比克的一家海滩旅馆,管理南极洲的一间邮局,在博茨瓦纳北部主办一个游猎营地,为红海一家豪华的高尔夫度假村记账,以及主持电视节目《ParadiseHunter》等。

    Among the jobs they have found through the site so far : Managing a beach lodge in Mozambique , running a post office in Antarctica , hosting a safari camp in northern Botswana , keeping the books for a luxury golf resort on the Red Sea , and hosting a television series called Paradise Hunter .

  23. 前述报告的作者——尼日利亚的托普·雷蒙德·埃金比努(TopeRaymondAkinbinu)和博茨瓦纳的Y·J·马沙拉——引用的四项研究成果显示,即便每天使用电脑三小时,也有可能带来眼部症状、腰痛、紧张性头痛以及社会心理压力。

    The report 's authors , Tope Raymond Akinbinu of Nigeria and Y. J. Mashalla of Botswana , cited four studies demonstrating that use of a computer for even three hours a day is likely to result in eye symptoms , low back pain , tension headache and psychosocial stress .

  24. 飞往骷髅海岸沙丘的或者在纳米比亚和Sossusvlei,在维多利亚瀑布在津巴布韦或在博茨瓦纳的奥卡万戈三角洲是一个壮观,令人难忘的经历。

    A flight to the Skeleton Coast or over the dunes of the Namib and the Sossusvlei , to Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe or across the Okavango Delta in Botswana is a spectacular and unforgettable experience .

  25. 几年前,矿业高管卢卡斯兰登(LukasLundin)骑着摩托车,从开罗前往开普敦,行程8000英里,用时仅5周,途经10个国家,包括苏丹、埃塞尔比亚、马拉维、赞比亚和博茨瓦纳。

    A few years ago , Lukas Lundin , a mining executive , rode his motorbike 8,000 miles from Cairo to Cape Town . His journey , which took just five weeks , meandered through 10 countries , including Sudan , Ethiopia , Malawi , Zambia and Botswana .

  26. 通过手机获得早期成功,Econet将自己未来增长的大部分放在来自EcoCash等服务的津巴布韦非语音业务收入上&这家公司在包括尼日利亚、南非和博茨瓦纳等非洲国家经营业务。

    With an early success on its hands , Econet is staking much of its future growth in Zimbabwe and other African countries in which it does business including Nigeria , South Africa , and Botswana on non-voice revenues that come from programs like ecocash .

  27. 象头数有北部博茨瓦纳和西北津巴布韦的总和那么多。

    This population covers most of northern Botswana plus northwestern Zimbabwe .

  28. 日本公民进入博茨瓦纳不需要签证。

    Japanese citizens do not need a visa to enter botswana .

  29. 但你该开始安排博茨瓦纳的工作了

    but I think you should start making arrangements for Botswana ,

  30. 问:博茨瓦纳有哪些银行服务?

    Q : are there any banking facilities in botswana ?