
bó shì
  • Dr;doctor;master;Doctor of Philosophy;learned scholar;court academician (in feudal China)
博士 [bó shì]
  • (1) [court academician (in feudal China)]∶古代学官名。六国时有博士,秦因之。唐有太学博士、算学博士等,皆教授官。明清仍之,稍有不同

  • 有司业、博士为之师。--明. 宋濂《送东阳马生序》

  • (2) [learned scholar]∶博通古今的人

  • (3) [doctor]∶学位名。学位的最高一级

  • 文学博士

  • 医学博士

  • (4) [master]∶古代对茶坊伙计、手工艺者的尊称,犹后世称人为师傅

  • 茶博士

  • 酒博士

博士[bó shì]
  1. 他是哲学博士。

    He is a doctor of philosophy .

  2. “是麦基博士吗?”那个男人用平稳而洪亮的声音喊道。

    ' Doctor McKee ? ' the man called in an even , sonorous voice .

  3. 克莱恩博士的研究领域是热带病。

    Dr Crane 's specialism is tropical diseases .

  4. 她正在攻读博士学位。

    She 's studying for her doctorate .

  5. 犯罪学家安·琼斯博士认为这起罪案与社会环境有关。

    Criminologist Dr Ann Jones has linked the crime to social circumstances

  6. 负责寻找志愿者的人是查尔斯·韦伯博士。

    The man responsible for finding the volunteers is Dr. Charles Weber .

  7. 他凭一篇研究工业机器人的论文获得博士学位。

    He was awarded his PhD for a thesis on industrial robots .

  8. 他以前总是嘲笑巴斯克斯博士的社会主义观点。

    He used to heap scorn on Dr Vazquez 's socialist ideas .

  9. 马哈蒂尔博士打算和首相讨论这个提案。

    Dr Mahathir intends to take up the proposal with the prime minister

  10. 霍夫曼博士是在莱斯特大学读的研究生。

    Dr Hoffman did his postgraduate work at Leicester University .

  11. 有人悬赏50,000美元买阿尔瓦雷斯博士的人头。

    A bounty of $ 50,000 was put on Dr. Alvarez 's head

  12. 辛克莱博士虽然点头表示了同意,但还显得有点不情愿。

    Dr Sinclair 's affirmative nod seemed a shade reluctant .

  13. 可怜的佩格勒博士大大落后于当初的约定。

    Poor Dr Pegler got terribly behindhand with his appointments .

  14. 他受过更高的教育,拥有化学博士学位。

    He is more highly educated , with a PhD in Chemistry .

  15. 肯戈理博士视土耳其为自己的祖国。

    Dr Kengerli looks to Turkey as his mother country .

  16. 瑞安博士周游世界为他的书搜集资料。

    Dr Ryan travelled the world gathering material for his book

  17. 莱希博士在办公室里看起来没有那么谨小慎微,放松了许多。

    In the office , Dr. Lahey seemed less guarded , more relaxed .

  18. 基恩博士是星期天早上7点左右抵达的。

    Dr. Keen arrived about seven on Sunday morning .

  19. 官方消息人士在公开推测谁有可能成为接任劳伦斯博士的人选。

    Government sources are now openly speculating about a possible successor for Dr Lawrence

  20. 奥宾博士是圣布莱斯人。

    Dr Aubin is a native of St Blaise .

  21. 梅西伯夫博士阐述了他的教学方法的基础。

    Dr. Mesibov set forth the basis of his approach to teaching students .

  22. 布特罗斯·加利博士说这一行动没有足够的资源支持。

    Dr Boutros Ghali said the operation would overstretch resources

  23. 廷斯利博士在棋盘上还有5枚棋子,对手钦诺克还有4枚。

    Dr Tinsley had five pieces on the board against Chinook 's four .

  24. 巴赫博士目前正以诽谤罪起诉该公司。

    Dr. Bach is now suing the company for slander

  25. 苏珊·汉金森博士对5万多名女性的饮食习惯进行了研究。

    Dr Susan Hankinson has studied the dietary habits of more than 50,000 women

  26. 尽管进行了彻底的调查,还是没有发现索思韦尔博士的任何踪迹。

    Despite a thorough investigation , no trace of Dr Southwell has been found

  27. 她听出了萨尔诺夫博士刺耳的嗓音。

    She recognized the grating voice of Dr. Sarnoff .

  28. 他获得了社会心理学博士学位。

    He obtained his doctorate in Social Psychology .

  29. 苏布罗托博士质疑全球变暖理论所依据的科学假设。

    Dr Subroto questioned the scientific assumption on which the global warming theory is based

  30. 班热博士饲养家禽、猪和羊。

    Dr Binger keeps poultry , pigs and goats