
  • 网络napoleon iii;Emperor Napoleon III;Napoleon III of France;Louis Napoleon
  1. 1852年,拿破仑三世成为法兰西的皇帝。

    Napoleon III becomes Emperor of France .

  2. 伟大的德国诗人歌德和拿破仑三世都非常喜欢滑冰运动。

    The great German poet Goethe and Napoleon III all loved to take to the ice .

  3. 拿破仑三世统治下的法国苦难深重。

    France was suffering under the rule of Napoleon the Third .

  4. 拿破仑三世颁布一道命令,于是法国人到墨西哥去了①。

    Napoleon III. gives an order , and the French go to Mexico .

  5. 1870年法国不流血革命推翻拿破仑三世后,雨果返回巴黎。

    In1870 bloodless revolution in France , after the overthrow of napoleon iii Hugo return to Paris .

  6. 于是,拿破仑三世,拿破仑,波拿巴的一个侄子,成为第一任总统,后来1852年又变成皇帝。

    Then Napoleon ih , a nephew of Napoleon bonaparte , became first president , and then in1852 emperor .

  7. 1848年拿破仑三世在被选举为总统后迁居于此,并在他称帝后这里就变成了皇家宫殿。

    Napoleon 3moved in the Mansion in 1848 when he was elected president , and the house became a Royal Palace when he proclaimed himself as emperor .

  8. 这封信来自法国拿破仑三世,他密谋让保守的墨西哥人拥立一个法国傀儡皇帝。

    The letter had been issued by Napoleon III of France , who was conspiring with conservative Mexicans to place a loyal French puppet on the throne .

  9. 他遏止了拿破仑三世试图通过武力威胁吞并夏威夷的企图,同时,和英国人一样,他也热衷于侵犯古巴。

    He quashed Napoleon III 's attempt to annex Hawaii by threatening military action , and did likewise with the British over their efforts to invade Cuba .

  10. 拿破仑三世对柯布登的理想化建议非常赞同,但法国工业领袖及其政治盟友却抵制由贸易。

    Napoleon III agreed Cobden whose idealization of the proposal is endorsed , but the French industrial leaders and their allies in the government did not agree a free trade .

  11. 法国共和国的第一任总统,拿破仑三世只有在宴请最重要的宾客的时候才会使用铝制餐具,一般的普通宾客就用金银餐具招待。

    The first president of the French Republic , Napoleon III , used aluminum dinner settings for only his most valued guests . The regular , run-of-the-mill guests were seated with gold or silver tableware .

  12. 1936年巴黎军事博物馆中的拿破仑棺木永久陈列馆开放之前,这缕头发被交到了拿破仑的侄子&拿破仑三世手中。

    It was later given to Bonaparte 's nephew , Emperor Napoleon III , before being put in a permanent exhibit at the Army Museum in Paris in1936 .