
nà bù lè sī
  • Naples
那不勒斯 [nà bù lè sī]
  • [Naples] 意大利南部的一个海港城市,风景优美

  1. 他命令联合舰队将军队护送到那不勒斯。

    He ordered the combined fleet to convoy troops to Naples .

  2. 你能为我订购一张直达那不勒斯的车票吗?

    Can you book me a ticket through to naples ?

  3. 那不勒斯队追平了AC米兰队,并列意大利联赛排行榜的榜首。

    Napoli have drawn level with AC Milan at the top of the Italian league .

  4. 美国不是正在这个时候要求在那不勒斯建立一个海军基地,而我们的内阁不是在支持他们吗?

    Aren 't the u.s.a.demanding a navy base at Naples this very moment and isn 't our cabinet backing them ?

  5. 在意大利卡普里岛,狗主人如果不清理狗狗的便便,当地会利用狗狗的DNA来追踪狗主人意大利那不勒斯海湾南部的卡普里小岛上,当地法律规定,狗主人必须为当街拉便便的狗狗善后。

    In the small island on the south side of the Gulf8 of Naples , Capri , there is a local law that dog owners must clean up after their dogs if they poop on the street .

  6. 那不勒斯机场的对外交通部分地停顿了数天

    For several days traffic fromthe Naples airfields was partially interrupted .

  7. 最致命的地震发生在1980年的那不勒斯,造成3000人死亡。

    The most deadly recent quake in Italy occurred in Naples in 1980 , killing1 3000 people .

  8. 《离开的与留下的:第三册,那不勒斯小说系列:中间时刻》(ThoseWhoLeaveandThoseWhoStay:Book3,TheNeapolitanNovel:“MiddleTime”)。伊莉娜·法伦特(ElenaFerrant)著。

    THOSE WHO LEAVE AND THOSE WHO STAY : Book 3 , The Neapolitan Novels : " Middle Time . " By Elena Ferrante .

  9. 目前,辛普森与他的妻子在美国佛罗里达州的那不勒斯共同经营一家名为SQAdvisorsLLC的投资顾问公司。

    Simpson retired , and now is managing an investment firm , called sq advisors LLC , with his wife in Naples , Florida .

  10. 安德烈亚·德杰尼奥(AndreadelGenio)是那不勒斯人,他从生活在普利亚的祖母那里继承了一座仍在耕种的农场。

    Andrea del Genio is a Neapolitan who inherited a working farm from his Puglian grandmother . "

  11. 那不勒斯前锋巴尔加斯在第19分钟为智利队攻入一球,之后查尔斯·阿兰奎斯(CharlesAranguiz)再进一球,在上半场结束前3分钟将领先优势扩大为两球。

    Napoli forward Eduardo Vargas gave Jorge Sampaoli 's side a deserved lead with a calm finish in the 19th minute , before an improvised Charles Aranguiz toe-poke doubled their lead three minutes before the break .

  12. 就仿佛在曼哈顿,既有供应正宗那不勒斯披萨的Motorino披萨店,也有定位美式意大利菜的Carbone饭店。

    As in Manhattan , there 's a Motorino for Neapolitan pizza lovers and a Carbone for fans of Italian-American cooking .

  13. 意大利有两个著名的火山:一个是位于那不勒斯并在目前处于休眠状态维苏威火山,另一个是位于西西里岛上的活火山埃特纳火山(Etna)。

    Italy is more typically associated with two famous volcanoes : the currently dormant Vesuvius near Naples and the very active Etna on Sicily .

  14. 近那不勒斯Terzigno当地居民,抗议意大利在他们的城市一个新的垃圾堆。

    Local residents of Terzigno near Naples , Italy protesting against a new rubbish dump in their town .

  15. 警方调查发现,在那不勒斯,华人帮派与意大利黑手党组织,特别是卡莫拉(Camorra)之间的合作越来越紧密。

    Investigations have un - covered growing co-operation between Chinese gangs and the Mafia , particularly the Camorra , in Naples .

  16. 该博物馆比其他主要博物馆要小得多。佛罗伦萨的艺术史学家、那不勒斯费德里科二世大学(FedericoIIUniversity)的教授托马索·蒙塔纳里(TomasoMontanari)对乌菲齐博物馆的拥挤强烈不满。

    Tomaso Montanari , an art historian in Florence and professor at the Federico II University in Naples , has been strongly critical of crowding at the Uffizi , which is considerably smaller than other major museums .

  17. 当然,纸总有它存在的理由:承载世界的智慧,这里展示的是坎迪达·霍弗(CandidaH?fer)拍摄的那不勒斯吉伦拉米尼图书馆的书库,里面的图书有着漂亮的书脊(右上)。

    Of course , paper will always have its raison d ' ê tre : to bear the wisdom of the world , here rendered as art in Candida H ? fer 's image of the beautifully spined stacks inside the Girolamini Library in Naples ( top right ) .

  18. “待用咖啡”的意大利语是caffesospeso,这个传统起源于意大利南部城市那不勒斯的咖啡馆,在那里人们可以提前多买一两杯咖啡,给其他可能比较贫困的咖啡爱好者享用。

    Born in the cafes of Italy 's southern city of Naples , the " caffe sospeso " ( which literally means " suspended coffee " ) is a tradition in which someone pays in advance for an extra cup or two , which can then be consumed by a coffee-drinker-in-need later in the day .

  19. 狂放、刺耳、嘈杂、肮脏、享乐的那不勒斯。

    Wild , raucous , noisy , dirty , balls-out Naples .

  20. 马拉多纳提高了那不勒斯队的地位,球迷们也出动了。

    Maradona lifted the Neapolitan team and the fans turned out .

  21. 此刻他只需为和那不勒斯的碰撞做好准备。

    He will be ready for the clash with Napoli though .

  22. 桑普多利亚和那不勒斯正在努力求购罗马前锋蒙特拉。

    Sampdoria and Napoli are moving for Roma striker Vincenzo Montella .

  23. 我问朱利欧:那不勒斯的用词是什么?

    I asked Giulio , What 's the word in Naples ?

  24. 他让王后取消了到那不勒斯的船运。

    He got the queen to cancel the shipments to naples .

  25. 有些那不勒斯人更容易受到病毒或皮肤问题。

    Some Neapolitans are more susceptible to viruses or skin problems .

  26. 一个因暴力和勒索而声名狼藉的那不勒斯秘密组织。

    A secret society in Naples notorious for violence and blackmail .

  27. 想要回你的钱,那你就去那不勒斯。

    You want your money back , you go to naples .

  28. 那不勒斯机场的对外交通部分地停顿了数天。

    For several days traffic from thepNaples airfields was partially interrupted .

  29. “那是西班牙支票、海地支票或那不勒斯支票吗?”

    " Are they spanish , haitian , or Neapolitan bonds ?"

  30. 我怀疑伯恩准备在那不勒斯成家。

    I doubt that bourne 's in Naples readyto start a fiamily .