
  1. 克恩先生将那孤儿收养为自己的儿子。

    Mr. Kern adopted the orphan as his own son .

  2. 那孤儿托给她叔父照料。

    The orphan was consigned to her uncle 's care .

  3. 一见到那孤儿,我就想到她的父母。

    The sight of the orphan always reminds me of her parents .

  4. 当我十四岁左右时我就离开那孤儿院了。

    I left the orphanage when I was about fourteen .

  5. 他们把那孤儿当作家里的一员看待。

    They treated the orphan as one of the family .

  6. 那孤儿对于儿时孤儿院没收了一只玩具熊的事始终耿耿于怀。

    The orphan remembered with hatred the confiscation In his childhood Institution of a teddy bear .

  7. 那孤儿院给我们送来一个孤儿,我们准备收养他。你看,我还指望他帮忙干农活呢。

    The children 's home is sending us one of their orphan boys . We 're going to adopt him , you see , and he 's going to help me with the farm work . '

  8. 难道你不就想让那群孤儿的脸上重现笑容吗?

    You don 't want to bring smiles back to their faces ?

  9. 她独自把那三个孤儿抚养成人。

    She brought up the three orphans all by herself .

  10. 那孩子由孤儿院照管了好多年。

    The child has been in institutional care for many years .

  11. 她十分同情那可怜的孤儿。

    Her heart went out to the poor orphan child .

  12. 那是给孤儿院的钱。

    That 's the money for the orphanage .