
  • 网络Raja;Rajah
  1. 由于被拉者多系农村的青壮劳力,严重影响了大后方的生产;由于应征壮丁的抵制和反抗,也加剧了大后方社会的动荡。

    As able-bodied man pulled are mostly main labors in rural areas , it seriously affects production of the rear area . The resistance of the able-bodied men , also intensifies social unrest of the rear area .

  2. 我从不拉搭乘者。

    I never give rides to hitchhikers .

  3. 赢者的微笑:活跃,还拥有套真正的牙齿的祖母寻觅一位热忱的拉牙线者一起享用美味的牛排,烤玉米棒和太妃糖。

    Winning smile : active grandmother with original teeth seeking a dedicated flosser to share rare steaks , corn on the cob and caramel candy .

  4. 1月31日,一名叫塞帕拉的狗拉雪橇驾驶者必须要穿过一个名为诺顿湾的冰冻水体。

    On January 31 , a musher named Seppala had to cross a frozen body of water called Norton Sound .

  5. 第一位叫香农的狗拉雪橇驾驶者在尼纳纳的火车上取了药,然后行驶了一整夜。

    The first musher , Shannon , picked up the medicine from the train at Nenana and rode all night .

  6. 但是我不这么认为,政治是一个拉大应试者得分差距的学科。

    But I don 't think so , politics is a subject that is used to widen the gap between the examinees .

  7. 他拉着她的手带者她来到码头。

    He took her hand and led her to the pier .

  8. 一位驻纽约的资产经理表示:我认为,如果非要强调点什么的话,那就是纽约、伦敦、香港乃至新加坡这些全球领跑者正在拉大与追赶者的距离。

    One asset manager based in New York said : I think , if anything , the global leaders of New York , London , Hong Kong and even Singapore are moving ahead of the chasing pack .

  9. 沙特阿拉伯的贾马拉桥是旅游者的必去之地。不仅对于穆斯林们是这样,对于那些有其他宗教信仰的人们同样如此,因为它在沙特阿拉伯的旅游景点中占有非常重要的地位。

    The Jamarat Bridge at Saudi Arabia is a must see place not only for the Muslims but also for those belonging to other religion as it holds a very significant place in among the places of tourist interest in Saudi Arabia .

  10. 这个结论对认识矮塔斜拉桥与常规斜拉桥二者的受力特性有一定的参考意义。

    This conclusion has a certain significance for reference in knowing the forced characteristics of the cable-stayed bridge with low pylon and the conventional cable-stayed bridge .