
  • 网络Labrador Current;LabradorColdCurrent
  1. LGM时期墨西哥湾暖流和北大西洋暖流的减弱以及拉布拉多寒流的增强,使得向北热量传输的减少,从而导致了SST的剧烈下降,同时也导致了海冰的扩展。

    The weaker Gulf Stream and North Atlantic Drift and stronger Labrador Current during LGM could lead to the decrease in oceanic northward heat transport , resulting in the strong cooling of the SST and the increase in the sea ice concentration .

  2. 北上的墨西哥湾暖流与南下的拉布拉多寒流,在新英格兰海岸的附近相遇。

    The warm Guff Stream sweeping north and the frigid Labrador Current flowing south meet just off the New England coast .