
  • 网络lahore;LAHOR
  1. 自从1995年毕业于拉合尔工程技术大学(UniversityofEngineeringandTechnology,Lahore)电子工程专业以后,他就开始为工业控制系统设计各种软件解决方案。

    After graduating in Electronics Engineering from the University of Engineering and Technology , Lahore , in1995 , he began designing software solutions for industrial control systems .

  2. 首批警讯之一出现在2007年,当时一批中国妇女在巴基斯坦遭到绑架,最终导致拉合尔(Lahore)的红色清真寺被围困。

    One of the first wake-up calls was in 2007 , when a group of Chinese women were abducted in Pakistan , an event which led to the siege of the Red Mosque in Lahore .

  3. 拉合尔的数字权利基金会(DigitalRightsFoundation)的执行总监妮格特·达德(NighatDad)是在网上发布称赞俾路支的请愿书的女权主义团体成员。她说自己在Twitter上发表关于此案的帖子之后,遭到前所未有的强烈反对。

    Nighat Dad , the Lahore-based executive director of the Digital Rights Foundation and a member of the feminist collective that posted the petition celebrating Ms. Baloch , said that after writing on Twitter about the case , she had received an unprecedented backlash .

  4. 此外还将在瓜达尔修建一个机场、一座发电站以及新公路,同时升级拉合尔和西北部城市白沙瓦(Peshawar)之间的铁路基础设施。

    Also included were plans to build an airport , a power plant and new roads in Gwadar and to upgrade rail infrastructure between Lahore and the northwestern city of Peshawar , he said .

  5. 最近,SSG都专注于本国的反恐行动,参与救援了2009年拉合尔警察学院袭击事件以及同年的巴基斯坦军事总部袭击事件。

    More recently , the SSG has focused on local anti-terrorist operations , taking part in ending the 2009 attacks on the Lahore police academy and rescuing the hostages of another 2009 attack on the Pakistan Military Headquarters .

  6. 该研究在拉合尔SairaMiraj医院进行,该医院为私人医院,位于城市的郊区,绝大多数患者经济水平较低。

    This study was conducted at Saira Miraj Hospital Lahore Pakistan , which is a private hospital . This hospital is located in outskirts of the city and majority of its patients belong to the lower socio-economic class .

  7. 她住在拉合尔市外的一个小村子,在巴基斯坦。

    She lives in a small village outside Lahore , Pakistan .

  8. 1965年,印度军队进攻拉合尔和锡亚尔科特;1971年进攻锡亚尔科特和卡拉奇。

    Indian Army attacked Lahore and Sialkot in1965 and Sialkotand Karachiharbour in1971 .

  9. 在这段录音里可以听到调查人员说:“你是在拉合尔总领馆工作吗?”

    Interrogator : " You are working in the Consulate General in Lahore ?"

  10. 这座炼油厂距离巴基斯坦东部城市拉合尔只有175公里。

    The refinery is 175 kilometers from the eastern Pakistani city of Lahore .

  11. 巴中经济特区,位于旁遮普省拉合尔市。

    The Sino-Pakistan Economic Zone is located in Lahore City of Punjab Province .

  12. 戴维斯两个星期前在拉合尔被逮捕,被控枪杀了两名巴基斯坦男子。

    Davis was arrested two weeks ago in Lahore after allegedly shooting to death two Pakistani men .

  13. 帕金森患者分别来自中国山东省济南市齐鲁医院和巴基斯坦的拉合尔医院。

    The PD patients observed were from Qilu Hospital Jinan , Shandong province China and Services Hospital Lahore .

  14. 一家位于拉合尔,负责为我们提供教科书的出版公司则捐赠了五大卡车的食物及其他民生必需物资。

    A publishing company in Lahore which supplied our schoolbooks sent five trucks of food and other essentials .

  15. 西姆拉协定、拉合尔宣言必是前进的基石他说。

    The Simla Agreement and Lahore Declaration have to be the basis for going forward , he said .

  16. 赛义德曾在孟买袭击事件后被捕,但随后被东部城市拉合尔的一家法院释放。

    He was held after the Mumbai attacks but released by a court in the eastern city of Lahore .

  17. 2015年3月15日一个人在检查拉合尔一个教堂自杀式袭击后留下的鞋子。

    A man checks footwear left behind at a church after a suicide attack in Lahore March 15 , 2015 .

  18. 随着结果慢慢透露出来,一批批反对党的支持者在拉合尔、拉瓦尔品第和卡拉奇的街道上举行庆祝。

    As results trickled out , groups of opposition supporters celebrated in the streets of Lahore , Rawalpindi and Karachi .

  19. 至少8名武装男子把一位美国公民从他在巴基斯坦东部城市拉合尔的家中绑架走。

    At least eight armed men have abducted an American citizen from his home in the Eastern Pakistani City of Lahore .

  20. “我没罪,”萨尔曼在抵达拉合尔机场去登上前往迪拜的航班后告诉记者。

    " I am not guilty ," Salman told reporters after arriving at Lahore airport to board a flight to Dubai .

  21. 前瞻性列队研究:巴基斯坦拉合尔市新生儿先天性出生缺陷、婴儿死亡率和智力障碍的发病率和发病机制

    Prevalence and aetiology of congenital birth defects , infant mortality and mental retardation in Lahore , Pakistan : A prospective cohort study

  22. 日前,巴基斯坦拉合尔市警方逮捕了一名女性,她涉嫌谋杀自己因其未得到家人同意私自结婚的亲生女儿。

    Police in the Pakistani city of Lahore have arrested a woman suspected of murdering her daughter for marrying without family consent .

  23. 戴维斯被控上个月在巴基斯坦东部城市拉合尔一次指称的企图抢劫事件中开枪打死两名巴基斯坦人。

    Raymond Davis is accused of shooting and killing two Pakistanis during an alleged attempted robbery in the eastern city of Lahore last month .

  24. 在拉合尔,一名身份不明的枪手星期天夜间开枪打死了谢里夫党内一名参加省议会选举的候选人。

    Late Sunday in Lahore unidentified gunmen shot and killed a candidate from Mr. Sharif 's party who was running in the provincial elections .

  25. 斯里兰卡在1996年拉合尔巴基斯坦举行的板球世界杯决赛中打败澳大利亚,加冕板球世界杯冠军。

    Sri Lanka was crowned the world cricket champions when it won the1996 cricket World Cup final against Australia held in Lahore , Pakistan .

  26. 拉合尔是旁遮普的省会,巴基斯坦最富有且人口最多的地区以及总理谢里夫的政治中心。

    Lahore is the capital of Punjab , Pakistan 's wealthiest and most populous province and the political heartland of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif .

  27. 现在,她和阿萨兰在拉合尔团聚了,并且希望能在第一个结婚纪念日时一起外出度假。

    She 's now back with Arsalaan in Lahore , and hoping they 'll be able to go away together for their first anniversary .

  28. 巴基斯坦基督徒聚集在2015年3月15日星期日巴基斯坦拉合尔自杀式爆炸袭击受损的教堂里。

    Pakistani Christians gather at a church damaged from a suicide bombing attack in Lahore , Pakistan , Sunday , March 15 , 2015 .

  29. 数千名拉合尔的游行者可能会远行260公里至首都伊斯兰堡,于周一举行一场大的集会。

    The thousands of protesters in Lahore are expected to journey 260 kilometers to the capital , Islamabad , for a large rally Monday .

  30. 稍不经意,就会沦入拉合尔的妓院;或者在街头乞怜,加入诸多“可怜虫”的行列。

    It is too easy to tumble into the brothels of Lahore or become one of the many " sparrows " begging on the streets .