
  • 网络rabat;Labatt
  1. 从拉巴特(Rabat)到雅加达(Jakarta)的许多城市,夜晚的市集灯火辉煌。

    Bazaars light up the night in many cities from Rabat to Jakarta .

  2. 拉巴特的移民专家abdelhaymoudden认为首先离开的是为生活挣扎的农民:“如果城市的经济状况无法接受他们,这就有可能把他们推向同往国际移民的梁山之路”

    Abdelhay Moudden , a migration expert in Rabat , suggests that the first to leave may be struggling farmers : " if the urban economy cannot absorb them , then it may also push international migration . "

  3. 2016年9月,总部位于巴黎的法国ESSEC高等商学院开始在摩洛哥首都拉巴特授课,该学院位于这里的非洲-大西洋新校区将在2017年投入使用,目的是吸引整个西非地区的学生,与设在毛里求斯的东非-印度洋校区形成互补。

    In September , Paris-based Essec began teaching in Rabat , Morocco , where its new Africa-Atlantic campus opens next year , with the aim of attracting students from across west Africa , complementing its east Africa-Indian Ocean campus in Mauritius .

  4. 耸立在拉巴特山谷里的巨大蘑菇形砂岩。

    Large sandstone mushroom shaped rock high up in Rakabat canyon .

  5. 加工巴西大豆和美国大豆的综合效益评估拉巴特-塞拉维拉亚药房联合会

    Comprehensive profit evaluation of processing soybean from Brazil and United States

  6. 又拿出一大堆给拉巴特湾渔场医院…

    and I gave a whole bunch to the Bayou La Batre Fishing Hospital ...

  7. 而后他们在2002年7月13日摩洛哥拉巴特成婚。

    Thus on July 13 2002 , they were married in Rabat , Morocco .

  8. 他表示,西班牙将加强外交努力,以迫使拉巴特从佩雷吉尔撤军。

    He indicated that Spain will step up diplomatic efforts to pressure Rabat into withdrawing its troops from Perejil .

  9. 拉巴特皇宫的庆祝活动原订四月在马拉喀什举行,如今延至七月十二日才开始。

    Celebrations of the Rabat Royal Palace were originally scheduled to take place in Marrakech in April , but have now been postponed to July 12 .

  10. 在周一,也就是旅程的最后一天,这对夫妇参观了该国首都拉巴特的社会企业家经营的各种工艺品摊位。

    On the final day of their tour on Monday , the couple toured various crafts stalls run by social entrepreneurs in the country 's capital of Rabat .

  11. 马德里说,已向拉巴特提出正式抗议,并将增派部队到北非的休达与麦里亚属地外海的岛屿。

    Madrid said that it has already made formal protests to Rabat and will send additional troops to the islands off Spanish Ceuta and Melilla in North Africa .

  12. 摩洛克位于非洲北部地区,被称为通往非洲的一扇大门,主要旅游城市包括首都拉巴特、最大城市卡萨布兰卡、马拉喀什以及阿加迪尔市。

    Morocco is a gateway to Africa . Major tourism cities in the North African kingdom include the capital of Rabat , Casablanca - the country 's largest city - Marrakesh and Agadir .