
  • 网络Lilongwe;LLW
  1. 马拉维政府和联合国儿童基金会的有关人员上周在首都利隆圭进行了启动仪式。

    Officials from the government and UNICEF held a launch ceremony last week in the capital Lilongwe .

  2. 一架无人机飞行了10公里,把物资从社区保健中心顺利送到了利隆圭的一家医院。

    A drone traveled 10 kilometers to deliver materials from a community health center to a hospital in Lilongwe .

  3. 英国派往利隆圭的特使受到“不受欢迎的”驱逐,英国遂下令驱逐马拉维高级专员离境。

    The UK has ordered Malawi 's high commissioner to leave the country over the " unacceptable " expulsion of Britain 's envoy to Lilongwe .

  4. 非洲国家财政部长和中央银行行长结束了在利隆圭举行的为期两天的会议。会议主要集中在减缓全球经济震荡对非洲的影响的方法。

    African finance ministers and central bank governors have concluded a two-day meeting in Lilongwe that focused on ways to soften the effects of global economic shocks on Africa .

  5. 马拉维的联合会,一个妹妹向纳米比亚联邦、本集团贷款,资助兴建了相同的居住单位,供发展房屋在222块在利隆圭。

    For the Malawi Federation , a sister to the Namibian Federation , group loans were taken to finance the construction of identical dwelling units for the development of housing on222 plots in Lilongwe .