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  • Leah
  1. 2008年,在IBM担任工程师的利亚o布斯克产生了一个想法。

    In 2008 Leah Busque was an engineer at IBM with an idea .

  2. 只花了八年时间和一个学士学位,但利亚・比奇(LeahBeach)终于不再听到她最不喜欢的那个问题了:你以后到底打算以什么为生?

    It only took eight years and a bachelor 's degree , but Leah Beach has finally stopped hearing her least-favorite question : What do you really plan to do for a living ?

  3. 不过,最近DNA证据显示罗马帝国的祖先—伊楚利亚人和古利迪亚人拥有相同的基因。

    But recently , DNA evidence has shown that the Etruscans , who then led to the Roman Empire , actually share the same DNA as the ancient Lydians .

  4. 葛利亚称,改进过的金融市场和金融商业活动给OECD经济学家带来了复苏的希望。

    Gurria said improved financial markets and business activity are giving OECD economists hope for recovery .

  5. 我认为将是一首歌点头打算在未来的CC的泰伯利亚的,玩的游戏,结果实际上证明是一个CC的国歌的主打歌曲:红色警报。

    What I thought would be a song intended for NOD , in the next C C Tiberian based game , in fact turned out to be an anthem title track for C C : Red Alert .

  6. 但是我想提醒阿斯佩特利亚政府,赖德尔因对国籍的公然歧视而拒绝了MDR的投标。

    However , I remind the Government of Aspatria that Rydal rejected MDR 's bid on the basis of blatant discrimination as to nationality .

  7. 做为一个阿斯佩特利亚企业,MDR有限公司的经济利益因他方违反了双边投资条约而受到了无法弥补的伤害。

    The economic interests of an Aspatrian national – namely , MDR Limited – have been irreparably harmed by this violation of the bilateral investment treaty .

  8. 我向10年前离开Veritas的齐利亚提出了这个问题。

    I posed the question to Mr. Zillier , who left Veritas almost 10 years ago .

  9. 我想他们大致引出了两方面的事情-当他们第一次生产没有PID的奥瑞利亚,2F是他们能够做到的也是他们感觉最后的浮动。

    I think it comes down to maybe two things-when they first built the non PID Aurelia , 2F is what they got and what they felt was good enough .

  10. 据第一太平戴维斯全球研究部(SavillsWorldResearch)、设计公司Candy&Candy以及德意志资产及财富管理(DeutscheAssetandWealthManagement)联合发布的新报告,全球12个前景良好的豪宅市场中包括尼日利亚首都格拉斯。

    The Nigerian city is among a list of 12 up-and-coming luxury markets around the globe , according to a new report from Savills World Research , in cooperation with design firm Candy & Candy and Deutsche Asset and Wealth Management .

  11. 政府对比勒陀利亚(Pretoria)高级法院要求其逮捕巴希尔的命令置之不理,这也令人不安。

    It is also disturbing that the government ignored the Pretoria high court 's order that it detain Mr Bashir .

  12. 一个HX机器就像奥瑞利亚这样的17L锅炉的机器一样需要更多一点的时间,特别的当我们使用温度过高的水区冲煮的时候。

    HX machine like the Aurelia with a17 litre boiler needs a lot more time , especially since we 're dealing with pressurized water in temperatures far above boiling .

  13. 齐利亚说,SilverOak的这两款解百纳(一款产自纳帕谷(Napa),一款产自索诺玛(Sonoma))之所以评价不好,一个原因和用的橡木和葡萄有关系。

    One of the reasons that Silver Oak Cabernets ( the winery produces one from Napa and one from Sonoma ) are reviled , said Mr. Zillier , has to do with the upfront oak and fruit .

  14. 商业游说组织美国商会(USChamberofCommerce)首席经济学家马蒂•雷加利亚(MartyRegalia)说,很难看出这项议案有什么价值。他还表示,不喜欢美联储的货币政策,并不意味着就要授权对它展开审计。

    Marty Regalia , chief economist for the US Chamber of Commerce , the business lobby , said it was hard to see the value of the proposal and added that a dislike of the Fed 's monetary policy was not sufficient to warrant an audit .

  15. 在伊斯的利亚半岛和Kvarner,本土的乐器如sopila,curla和diple能够演奏出极具地方特色的音乐。

    In Istria and Kvarner , native instruments like sopila , curla and diple make a distinctive regional sound .

  16. 人们还不适应博洛尼亚(Bologna)附近的艾米利亚(Emilia)等地的多肉饮食,或者翁布里亚区(Umbria)和托斯卡纳区等地同样多肉、多野味的食物。

    People are not prepared for the meat-heavy diet that you get in places like Emilia , around Bologna . Or the equally meat - and game-heavy diet that you get in places like Umbria and Tuscany .

  17. 创业家与其他人的区别在于,他们在看到问题的同时,还能看出机遇。以色列赫兹利亚跨学科研究中心(IDCHerzliya)毕业生ItayEral创建在线礼品券交易市场Zeek的经历,就证明了这一点。

    Entrepreneurs set themselves apart from the rest of us by seeing the opportunity rather than just the problem , as Israel-based IDC Herzliya graduate Itay Eral proved when he created Zeek , an online gift voucher marketplace .

  18. 来自尼日利亚的报道表示,尼日利亚一处观看世界杯比赛的公共场所遭遇爆炸袭击,受伤人员已被送往附近的医院救治,据NPR新闻的奥非比亚·奎斯特·阿克顿报道,目前并不清楚是否有人在尼日利亚东北部地区发生的爆炸袭击中死亡。

    Reports from Nigeria say a public venue showing soccer World Cup matches has been hit by explosion , casualties were trucked to a nearby hospital , NPR 's Ofeibea Quist-Arcton reports it 's not immediately clear if any one was killed in the blasting , Northeast Nigeria .

  19. 维拉帕米组给予维拉帕米(40mg/片,上海黄河利亚制药有限公司制,批号980301B)80mg/次,3次/d。

    Cases in verapamil group were treated with verapamil ( 40 mg / pill , Shanghai Huanghe Liya Pharmaceutical Company Limited , batch number : 980301B ) 80 mg each for 3 times a day .

  20. 利亚是拉结的姐姐和雅各的第一个妻子。

    The older sister of Rachel and first wife of Jacob .

  21. 艾米利亚,想去吃点东西吗?

    Amelia , would you like to get eat to bite ?

  22. 利亚在《旧约》中,是雅各的第一位妻子。

    In the old testament , the first wife of jacob .

  23. 碘天利亚原来的六个州于1901年结成联邦。

    The Federation of the six original Australian States took place in1901 .

  24. 利亚:好吧,你看待问题的方式很有趣。

    Leah : Well , an interesting way of looking at it .

  25. 挑战全球电视玩家:大卫战歌利亚?

    Competing against Global TV players : David against Goliath ?

  26. 利亚又怀孕,给雅各生了第六个儿子。

    And Leah conceived again , and bare Jacob the sixth son .

  27. 奈及利亚去年夏天恢复疫苗的接种(2004年8月)。

    Vaccinations in Nigeria were resumed last summer ( August 2004 ) .

  28. 伦敦利亚山谷地区重建及奥林匹克运动会的景观总体规划

    Landscape strategy of the lower Lea Valley regeneration and Olympic masterplan , london

  29. 泰勒:记得我前任女友菲蜜吗?她来自奈及利亚。

    Taylor : Remember my ex , Femi ? She was from Nigeria .

  30. 但是葛利亚说最坏的情况即将过去。

    But Gurria said the worst may be over .