
lì yì
  • interest;benefit;profit;advantage;gain;avail;sake;mileage;perquisite
利益 [lì yì]
  • [advantage;interest;profit;benefit] 益处;有益于他人的事

  • 功德利益

  • 聘请一位律师来照管他的利益

利益[lì yì]
  1. 到了这个时候,我应该申明我的利益关系。

    I should , at this point , declare my interest .

  2. 私人利益不得置于公众利益之上。

    Private interest was not allowed to predominate over the public good .

  3. 雇主和雇员的利益并不总是一致的。

    The interests of employers and employees do not always coincide .

  4. 他们指责政府唯工商界的利益是从。

    They accused the government of a surrender to business interests .

  5. 每家公司都在奋力保护自己的商业利益。

    Each company is fighting to protect its own commercial interests .

  6. 政治家常常被迫在互不相容的利益之间开辟航道。

    Politicians are often obliged to steer a course between incompatible interests .

  7. 成立这个协会是为了维护女性艺术家的利益。

    The association was formed to represent the interests of women artists .

  8. 他们的经济政策多半符合大企业的利益。

    Most of their economic policies serve the interests of big business .

  9. 社会工作者必须时刻考虑其当事人的最佳利益。

    Social workers must always consider the best interests of their clients .

  10. 这些政策有损于社会的利益。

    These policies are inimical to the interests of society .

  11. 作出这个决定是为了共同的利益。

    This decision was taken for the common good .

  12. 国家会得到一些利益,不管有多少。

    There would be some benefit , however indirect , to the state .

  13. 公开这些真相是为了公众的利益。

    It is in the public interest that these facts are made known .

  14. 农场主的利益需要同消费者的利益相一致。

    The interests of farmers need to be squared with those of consumers .

  15. 你一定要权衡利益与成本二者的得失。

    You must weigh the benefits against the cost .

  16. 银行提高手续费,损害了客户的利益。

    The banks are socking customers with higher charges .

  17. 商业利益置于安全考虑之上。

    Safety considerations were subordinated to commercial interests .

  18. 他被控妨害公众利益。

    He was charged with committing public nuisance .

  19. 工会代表着20余万名教师的利益。

    The union represents over 200 000 teachers .

  20. 新开发区的规划没有正当考虑当地居民的利益。

    The development was planned without proper regard to the interests of local people .

  21. 他的商务交往与政治活动之间存在着利益冲突。

    There was a conflict of interest between his business dealings and his political activities .

  22. 政府认为发表这份报告将会“违背公众的利益”。

    The government has decided that the publication of the report would be ' contrary to the public interest ' .

  23. 政府表示希望建立一种人人参与的经济模式,让社会全体成员觉得其繁荣将给每个人带来利益。

    The government has said it wants to create a stakeholder economy in which all members of society feel that they have an interest in its success .

  24. 农业利益集团是华盛顿最具影响力的游说团体之一。

    Agricultural interests are some of the most powerful lobbies in Washington

  25. 这些经销商通过损害我家人的利益不光彩地赚钱。

    The dealers profited shamefully at the expense of my family .

  26. 政府承诺保护租户们的利益。

    The government is committed to protecting the interests of tenants .

  27. 弗劳德敦促他为了国家的利益辞职。

    Furlaud urged him to resign for the good of the country

  28. 仍然有人为了商业利益大肆捕杀鲸鱼和海豚。

    Whales and dolphins are still being slaughtered for commercial gain .

  29. 这是为了获取短期政治利益而损人利己地对局势进行操纵。

    This is a cynical manipulation of the situation for short-term political gain

  30. 所有利益相关方最终都同意了这一想法。

    All the interested parties eventually agreed to the idea .