
  • 网络Grotto art;cave art
  1. 敦煌石窟艺术元数据标准的设计及实现

    The Design and Realization of Metadata Standard for Dunhuang Grottoes Art

  2. 试论我国早期石窟艺术的民族特色

    On the National Characteristics of Early Grotto Art In China

  3. 第五章回过头来说了中国的佛教艺术和石窟艺术。

    Chapter look back and say the Chinese Buddhist art and grotto art .

  4. 石窟艺术是佛教文化与中国文化结合的产物。

    Buddhist grotto art is a combination of culture and a product of Chinese culture .

  5. 中国石窟艺术的奇葩

    Exotic Flower of China Grotto Art

  6. 论中国石窟艺术的设计意匠

    Designing Intentions of Chinese Grotto Arts

  7. 敦煌石窟艺术概述

    An Introduction to Dunhuang Grotto Art

  8. 全文从这种观点出发,论述了龟兹石窟艺术模式。

    Starting from this point of view , the author expounded the Model of Qiuci Grotto art .

  9. 石窟艺术的人性化内涵

    Humanized Connotation of Grotto Art

  10. 敦煌石窟艺术的特点

    Salient Features of Dunhuang Arts

  11. 在我国的石窟艺术不断中国化的进程中,始终有三种文化在不断的交融。

    The communication of three cultures constantly existed in the process of the development of Chinese grottoes .

  12. 龙门石窟艺术特色刍议

    Artistic Characteristics on Longmen Grotto

  13. 科学家们称,这个岩石雕刻的发现可以证明,美洲存在着令人信服地最古老的石窟艺术。

    The scientists say this makes the petroglyph the oldest reliably dated cave art in the Americas .

  14. 敦煌石窟艺术既是中华传统艺术的典范,又是全球交往和全球化的产物。

    Dunhuang grotto art is the model of traditional Chinese art , and the result of globalization as well .

  15. 笔者呼吁将石窟艺术纳入艺术教学的范畴,并加强敦煌石窟艺术的研究力度。

    The author finally calls on people to add Grotto art in Chinese art education and to deepen such research .

  16. 石窟艺术形象展示了人性化的神性,以及逐渐转化为神性的人性化过程。

    Grotto art visually shows the godship with humanization and the course of humanization , which gradually changed to be godship .

  17. 尽管佛像占多数,大足石刻也有道教和儒教人物,这在中国石窟艺术中十分罕见。

    Though Buddhist statues dominate , Taoist and Confucian figures can also be seen which is rather rare in Chinese grotto art .

  18. 这是一个里程碑式发展的石窟艺术也有很大的贡献的发展,石窟艺术。

    It is a milestone for the development of grotto art and also has contributed much to the development of grotto art .

  19. 其次,石窟艺术又是佛教境地与中国不同时代真实生活情景融合的再现。

    Secondly , grotto art is the reappearance of inosculation of real living scene in the religious area and different times of China .

  20. 东西方文化交流的历史见证&论北魏龙门石窟艺术

    The Testimony of History in Cultural Exchanges between West and China & On the Artistic Features of the Longmen Grottoes in the Northen Wei Dynasty

  21. 它作为北魏早期佛教艺术的中心,给各地石窟艺术以巨大的影响。

    Being the early focus of Buddhism during the Northern Wei Dynasty , the Yungang Grottos had great influence on grotto art development in other Chinese areas .

  22. 在敦煌、云岗、龙门三大石窟艺术之后,9~13世纪的大足石刻显示了外来的佛教石窟遣像艺术在中国发展的最后成果:完全中国化,并成为中国日常生活的艺术载体。

    The Dazu Carvings , dating from the 9th to the 13th century , represent the last period of the developments in the foreign Buddhism grotto art .

  23. 中国石窟艺术与印度石窟艺术之间存在着千丝万缕的联系,其中有承继,更有发展创造。

    Chinese grotto arts are of close relations with Indian grotto arts . Chinese grotto arts succeeded to Indian 's , and had more developments on it .

  24. 提出加强对文化遗产的保护措施与审美文化的传承与推广,以弘扬中华传统石窟艺术精髓。

    Proposed be must to enhance the protection of cultural heritage , aesthetic culture inheritance and promotion , so as to promote the Chinese traditional grotto art essence .

  25. 在石窟艺术研究中我们深深地感受到越是人性化的石窟艺术,越被人们所接受,也越会获得更多人的信仰。

    In research for grotto art we deeply felt that the grotto art is more humanized it is accepted by people much more and also believed by more people .

  26. 起源于印度的佛教石窟艺术,经由我国古代的丝绸之路渐次东传,并积极地接受了中国本土文化对它的选择与改造。

    The grotto art of Buddhism , originated from India and spread eastward through ancient Silk Road of China , has been selected and improved by Chinese native culture .

  27. 艺术和宗教是人类对自身的一种超越,石窟艺术可称为是一种产生于人类灵魂深处的艺术与宗教物化的融合。

    Art and religion is the transcending of human beings to themselves and the grotto art is called a combination of art and religion produced inside soul of human beings .

  28. 屹立于茫茫隔壁之上千年之久的敦煌石窟艺术,是融建筑、雕塑、壁画于一体的综合性艺术。

    Standing firmly on the vast desert for over a thousand years , Dunhuang grotto art is the synthetical arts that include architectural relics , painted statues and wall paintings .

  29. 第五章把黑水城出土佛教文献与石窟艺术相结合,对河西地区的禅宗、净土和观音信仰进行研究。

    Chapter Five explores the Zen Buddhism , The Pure Land Sect , and the belief in Avalokitesvara in Hexi Region through expounding grotto ad and Buddhist literature unearthed in Heishui City .

  30. 永靖地区有精美的炳灵寺石窟艺术,多彩的古生物化石,多彩的彩陶文物等,这些都为永靖傩文化的产生、发展创造了优良的文化环境和有利条件。

    The fine Bingling temple grotto art , abundant fossils , and the colorful pottery artifacts create a good cultural environment and favorable conditions for the emergence and development of Nuo culture in Yongjing .