
  • 网络Shidao;Rocky Island;STONE ISLAND
  1. 远在东方,有暗影在石岛后聚集。

    Off to the east , there was darkness gathering behind a rocky island .

  2. 海湾外有个石岛。那岛上有样东西,看来象是一座古堡的遗址。

    There was a rocky island outside the bay , with something on the top of it & it looked like the remains of an old castle .

  3. 第一次听到林-马努艾尔的歌,我立刻想到了《音乐人》(TheMusicMan)开幕曲《石岛》(RockIsland)。那是一首无比杰出的曲子,是美国戏剧史上第一次有人尝试通过言语来做音乐。

    WHEN I FIRST HEARD Lin-Manuel 's songs , I immediately thought of " Rock Island , " " the opening number of " The Music Man . " " It 's one of the most brilliant numbers ever written , and the first time anybody had attempted to make music out of speech in the American theater .

  4. 反演结果表明,石岛地震台下方地壳分为3层:约5km以上有一速度梯度带,S波速度从1.5km/s逐渐增加到3.5km/s,其间有若干小的分层;

    The result indicates that the crust can be divided into three layers : above 5 km where there is a gradient zone including several small layers , in which shear wave velocity increases from 1.5 to 3.5 km / s gradually ;

  5. 在青岛石岛附近还存在一个中尺度的反气旋型涡旋。

    There is a mesoscale anticyclone addy near Qingdao and Shidao .

  6. 西沙群岛石岛地貌学上诸问题

    Some problems concerning geomorphology of shidao , xisha Islands

  7. 石岛地震台远震记录反演研究

    Inversion of far-field seismic waves at Shidao Seismographic Station

  8. 南海西沙石岛地震台下的地壳结构研究

    The crustal structure beneath the Shidao Station on Xisha Islands of South China Sea

  9. 石岛湾海域环境功能区划

    Division of environmental functional area of Shidao Bay

  10. 青岛&石岛近海反气旋中尺度涡旋存在证据及数值模拟

    Existential proof and numerical study of a mesoscale anticyclonic eddy in the Qingdao-Shidao offshore

  11. 西沙群岛石岛的放射性碳剖面:近代地壳运动的证据

    Radiocarbon profiles of the rocky islet , Xisha islands : evidence of recent crustal movement

  12. 利用粒度参数分析石岛湾海岸泻湖的沉积环境

    The utilization of grain size parameters to analyse the coastal lagoon sedimentary environment of Shidao Bay

  13. 当天夜里,在达文波特越过了密西西比河。火车从石岛进进了伊利诺斯州。

    During the night it crossed the Mississippi at Davenport , and by Rock Island entered Illinois .

  14. 西沙群岛石岛晚更新世碳酸盐土壤层陆栖蜗牛化石

    Terrestrial snail fossils in soil layers of late Pleistocene eolian BIOCALCARENITE in the Shidao island of the Xisha Islands

  15. 西沙石岛晚更新世风成生物砂屑灰岩的沉积构造和相模式

    The sedimentary structures and the facies model of the late Pleistocene eolian BIOCALCARENITES in Shidao island of Xisha Archipelago

  16. 不久石岛就进入了他们的视线。奥德修斯听到了迷人的歌声。

    Soon they came in sight of the rocky island , and the attractive song reached the ears of Odysseus .

  17. 从奥马哈到芝加哥这一段铁路叫做芝加哥石岛铁路,这条铁路是一条东行直线,沿途约有五十多个车站。

    Omaha is connected with Chicago by the Chicago and Rock Island railroad , which runs directly east , and passes fifty stations .

  18. 他适应不了咬人湾的劲风和狭海的猛浪,行经龙石岛时暴风骤临,他还差点落海,

    The strong winds in the Bite and the roughness of the narrow sea had not agreed with him , and he 'd almost gone over the side when the storm seized them unexpectedly off Dragonstone ,

  19. 虽然此前的剧情里她只是启程回家,但是她终将抵达。因为这一集叫做《龙石岛》,所以可以肯定地说,龙女将在她的家族曾经的领地登陆。

    And though she was only sailing home before , she will finally arrive , and since the episode is titled " Dragonstone , " it 's a safe bet that the spot formerly occupied by her family will be the one she lands on .