
  • 网络Stone sculpture;MOAI;Machu Picchu II-The Inner Temple;Ei Misti
  1. 教堂里的石雕像

    stone effigies in the church

  2. 那是一座巨大的人头狮身的石雕像。

    The great stone stature of the lion with a human head .

  3. 在墓穴上用石头建起了巨大的金字塔。那是一座巨大的人头狮身的石雕像。

    Over these bombs huge stone pyramids were built . the great stone stature of the lion with a human head .

  4. 在那儿,通过新湖形成的水域你可观看高大的石雕像,还可到神庙游览。

    There , by the waters of the new lake , you can see the tall stone figures and visit the temples of the gods .