
  • 网络the petrochemical industry
  1. 乙烯是石油化工产业最重要的基础原料之一。

    Ethylene is one of the most important basic feedstocks in the petrochemical industry .

  2. 石油化工产业是国民经济的支柱性产业,化工产品中的聚氯乙烯(PVC)更是世界上产量及消费量最大的塑料产品之一。

    Petrochemical industry is a leading industry of our national economics , as a kind of chemical products , polyvinyl chloride ( PVC ) is the largest production and consumption of plastic product in the world .

  3. 重点分析了石油化工产业面临的挑战;

    Challenges the petroleum and chemical industry will face are discussed .

  4. 吉林市石油化工产业发展的区域经济分析

    Regional Economic Analysis of Jilin Petroleum and Chemical Industry Development

  5. 新加坡石油化工产业集聚及影响因素分析

    The Analysis of Industrial Agglomeration and Influencing Effects on Petrochemical Industries in Singapore

  6. 我国石油化工产业的现状:总体经济运行态势良好;

    Our country petrochemical industrial present situation : total economy operation situation is well ;

  7. 世界石油化工产业格局的变化及其启示

    Change of World Petrochemical Industry

  8. 结合国际油价未来走势,对我国石油化工产业和石油精炼产业的发展提出了相关的政策性建议。

    At last , based on the tendency of oil price , the writer also puts forward some suggestions on petrochemical and refining industries .

  9. 随着中国国家经济和石油化工产业的发展,合成树脂行业也面临着新的发展机遇和市场挑战。

    Along with the development of the national economy and petrochemical industry , the synthetic resin industry is facing new opportunities and challenges of the market .

  10. 本文分析认为渤海新区主导产业为:石油化工产业、装备制造业、现代物流业、高新技术产业。

    According to my analysis , I thought that the leading industries of the Bohai new urban district include : petroleum chemical industry , equipment manufacturing industry , modern logistics industry and high-tech industry .

  11. 由此,本文基于外商直接投资的相关理论和产业组织理论的方法,对外商直接投资对我国石油化工产业的影响进行分析和研究。

    In order to research the influences of Foreign Direct Investment on Petrochemical Industry in China , this dissertation is on the basis of the latest research results and methods on the subject of Foreign Direct Investment and Organization Theory .

  12. 随着石油化工产业的发展,油品码头的增多和石油吞吐量的增大,溢油事故的发生率越来越高,造成的石油污染日趋严重,从而严重破坏了海洋生物资源和海洋生态。

    With the development of petro-chemical industries , the number of oil wharfs and oil throughput increases , which lead to the incidence of oil spills more and more high , and seriously contaminate the marine living resources and marine ecology .

  13. 兰州的石油化工产业以及燃煤排放的污染物中含有较多的多环芳烃,而兰州市特殊的狭长河谷盆地地理环境,污染物很难通过自然扩散消除,尤其是冬季的污染更加严重。

    Contaminants discharged by petrochemicals industry and coal-burning in Lanzhou contain much Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons ( PAHs ), but they are hardly eliminated by natural diffuse process because of special geographic environment of a narrow and long river valley basin which makes the pollution more serious especially in winter .

  14. 加入WTO后中国的石油和化工产业将面临着更为激烈的国际国内竞争。

    After WTO entry , China 's petroleum and chemical industry will face more fierce competition at home and abroad .

  15. 2009年我国石油与化工产业走向分析

    Analysis on development tendency of China 's petroleum and chemical industries in 2009

  16. 随着建筑业、交通业、石油化工等产业的快速发展,对讲机的需求量将越来越大。

    With the rapid development of construction industry , transportation industry , and petroleum chemical industry , the demand of interphone will be larger .

  17. 西部石油天然气化工产业集群发展的定位及布局研究

    Western petroleum and natural gas chemical industry gathering development 's positon and layout research

  18. 房山和通州等不太繁荣的郊区将被定为特定行业的中心,比如房山和通州将分别被规划为石油化工和文化产业中心。

    And unglamorous suburbs like Fangshan and Tongzhou will be designated as ' hubs ' for specific industries , like petrochemicals and ' cultural industries , ' respectively .

  19. 首先,本文介绍了世界石化行业的现状和发展趋势,从炼油工业和乙烯工业两方面介绍了世界石油化工行业的产业布局和我国石化工业在国际上的地位。

    At first , it introduces the current situation and developing trend , the overall arrangement in the world and the position of China in the petrochemical industry from two aspects : oil refining industry and ethylene industry .

  20. 我国石油化工行业受到政府产业政策的大力扶持,已经成为社会经济的重要支柱。

    China petrochemical industry is strongly supported by the government industrial policy and become a very important role in socio-economic .

  21. 在河北省的经济结构中,传统产业如钢铁、建材、医药、石油化工、纺织等产业均占有重要地位。

    The traditional industries such as steel , building materials , medicine , petrochemical , textile and other industries are an important position in Hebei .

  22. 以中德中美合资企业为主体的石油化工及精细化工产业,以中日合作企业为代表的家用电器产业,以上海医药工业与一批世界著名医药企业联手发展起来的生物医药产业。

    the home electronical appliances industry represented by sino-japanese joint ventures and the bio-engineering and pharmaceutical industries developed jointly by local pharmaceutical manaufactures and a number of world reknowned pharmaceutical enterperises .

  23. 高油价对石油产业下游石油化工和石油精炼产业的运行产生了深刻的影响。

    The high price has brought about great effect on the petrochemical industry and petroleum refining industry in the downstream .

  24. 随着石油化工跨国公司的兼并联合,生产要素开始加速向发展中国家流动,因而促进了发展中国家石油化工产业的快速发展。

    As the multinational petrochemical corporations take over or joint together , factors of production begin to accelerate the flow to developing countries , which contributing to the rapid development of petrochemical industry in developing countries .