
  • 网络The Age of Oil;oil age
  1. 沙特阿拉伯希望延长石油时代,他表示。

    Saudi Arabia wants to extend the age of oil , he said .

  2. 石油时代的大部分时期,石油生产国组织都在试图控制油价。

    For most of the Age of Oil , groups of producers have tried to control its price .

  3. 1859宾西法尼亚州Titusville地区钻出油井,开创了石油时代。但从石油中成功地提取化学产品,则直到20世纪早期才开始。

    The petroleum era was ushered in by the1859 finding at Titusville , Pennsylvania , but the flourishing of chemicals from petroleum has been only since the early twentieth century .

  4. 石油时代以后的汽车及能源展望

    Prospect of Motor Vehicles and Energy Source After Petrol Era

  5. 后石油时代我国可再生能源发展对策

    China ′ s Development Counter-measures for renewable engergy in the post-oil time

  6. 能源安全及后石油时代的对策

    Energy Safety and Countermeasures for Post - Oil Era

  7. 石油时代还会持续多久?

    How long will the OIT age last ?

  8. 那将成为现代石油时代有史以来无可匹敌的一项丰功伟绩。

    That would be a feat unrivaled in the history of the modern oil era .

  9. 如果需要话,还可以进一步证明,石油时代正在走向。

    Further evidence , if needed , that the petroholic era screeching to a halt .

  10. 后石油时代及其对策

    Post Petroleum Age and Its Countermeasures

  11. 为后石油时代未雨绸缪

    Getting Ready for the Post-Petroleum Era

  12. 后石油时代黄河三角洲地区可持续发展研究

    The Research on Sustainable Development of Yellow River Delta Delta Area in " After Petroleum Ages "

  13. 所有这一切正在使艾伯塔成为一个新石油时代的旗手,该省也已成为一个富足之地。

    All this is making Alberta the flag-bearer of a new oil age , and the province is already becoming wealthy .

  14. 合成气(CO+H2)催化转化是在后石油时代最现实可行的获得可替代油料和大宗化学品的途径之一。

    Syngas catalytic conversion technology is one of ways to active alternative fuel and bulk chemicals instead of petroleum during the post-petroleum era .

  15. 未来可能是不以“石化”阳光为贵的石油时代,先进的生物燃料的兴起也会得以实现。

    The fuel of the future might not need epochs worth of fossilized sunshine , fulfilling some of the promise of advanced biofuels .

  16. 这场经济地震显示石油时代已经过去,60天后的金融崩溃只是它的余震。

    This was the economic earthquake that signalled the passing of the oil era ; the financial collapse 60 days later was merely the aftershock .

  17. 这真的标志了美国石油时代的开端,也可以说是世界石油时代的开端

    It really marked the beginning of the petroleum age in the United States , and one could argue , in the world as well .

  18. 如果你认为沙特没有政治决心在这个新的石油时代贯彻这一新政策,那就错了。

    It would be a mistake to doubt the political resolve of the kingdom to see this new policy through in this new oil era .

  19. 这只是他们庞大计划的一部分,该市希望通过这个计划成为后石油时代使用绿色能源的先锋。

    And Abu Dhabi , anticipating the world after oil , is investing in a huge solar-power project , part of a scheme to turn the city into a green-energy pioneer .

  20. 随着石油时代走向终结,这种愿景让我们看到了在本世纪中叶进入可持续发展的后碳时代的希望,以及我们逆转灾难性气候变化的可能性。

    As the oil era draws to a close , this vision offers the hope of a sustainable post-carbon era by mid-century and the possibility that we can avert catastrophic climate change .

  21. 太阳能作为一种可再生无污染生态能源是未来替代能源的重要组成部分,世界各国的能源战略中,都把太阳能作为解决后石油时代的一种新能源。

    Solar energy as a renewable non-polluting eco-energy is an important component of the future of alternative energy . All countries take the solar energy as a new energy after the age of oil .

  22. 短期内大宗商品周期结束产生的地缘政治影响,以及长期内石油时代告终带来的结构性危机,有可能使俄罗斯经历严峻的经济滑坡,就像上世纪后半叶的苏联。

    Russia could experience a severe economic correction resulting in geopolitical repercussions once the commodity cycle ends in the short term , and a structural crisis once the age of oil ends in the longer term .

  23. 事实上,这正是石油时代进入漫长而缓慢的濒危状态人们预期会看到的情形:每次产出加大油门,就会导致油价反弹,购买力下降,经济停滞。

    Indeed , this is precisely what one would expect from an oil era entering a long , slow death throe : each time output throttles up , oil prices rebound , purchasing power drops and the economy stalls .

  24. 燃料乙醇是一种重要的生物质能源,由于其清洁、可再生等诸多优势受到了越来越多的关注,已经成为国内外能源领域的研究热点,并有望成为后石油时代中新能源的主力军。

    Fuel ethanol is an important source of biomass and has attracted more and more attention , because it has many advantages such as clean and renewable . Now the correlative study has become a hot research field of energy .

  25. 因此文章的立足点是研究后石油时代的安全对策,即发展替代能源尤其是太阳能,这是彻底解决能源安全的惟一途径。

    So the stand of this paper is to study countermeasures in the age with no oil , that is to develop substitute energy especially the solar energy which is the only approach to solve the energy security to the core .

  26. 后石油经济时代中国能源化工的选择

    Choice of China 's energy and chemical industry in post-petroleum era

  27. 风电行业的重量级人物称,自阿拉伯石油禁运时代之后发电方式的转变,也是一个重要因素。

    A shift in the way electricity is generated since the days of the Arab oil embargo is also important , say some wind industry leaders .

  28. 对于眼下那些鼓吹全球石油充足新时代已经到来的人而言,这应是当头一棒。

    This should be a reality check for those now hyping a new age of global oil abundance .

  29. 随着海洋石油大开发时代的来临,越来越多的海域出现了海洋平台。

    With the period of oil exploitation in ocean coming , offshore platforms appear in more and more sea aeras .

  30. 本世纪头十年,以中国和印度为首的新兴国家将人类三分之一的人口带入了石油衰落的时代。

    In the first decade of this century , the emerging nations , led by China and India , brought one-third of the human race into the declining oil era .