
dǎ yá jì
  • have a rare sumptuous meal;have sth. special to eat;have a special dinner
打牙祭 [dǎ yá jì]
  • [have a rare sumptuous meal;have a special dinner] 吃久未曾吃的丰盛的饭菜

打牙祭[dǎ yá jì]
  1. 狮子的咆哮声对可能被它拿来打牙祭的动物来说是最可怕的声音。

    For many potential entr é e animals this [ sound of lion roar ] is one of the scariest sounds around .

  2. 偶尔你还能去不错的意大利或西班牙餐馆打打牙祭喝点啤酒。

    Once in a while you can pop over to a nice Italian or Spanish restaurant and have a nice lunch with some beer .

  3. 到国外才知道,中国的食品绝大部分只有在华人超市里见到,是以华人为销售对象的,西方人除了偶尔到中餐馆打打牙祭,平时几乎不买中国食品。

    In fact , the vast majority of these food only are in the Chinese supermarket which are mainly sold to the Chinese . Instead , foreigners buy those occasionally .