
dǎ jī yuè qì
  • percussion instrument
打击乐器 [dǎ jī yuè qì]
  • [percussion instrument] 通过敲打发音的乐器,如锣、鼓等

  1. 打击乐器演奏教学法初探

    On the Methodology of Playing Percussion Instrument

  2. 打击乐器(如鼓、铃鼓、木琴)。

    Percussion instrument ( eg drum , tambourine , xylophone )

  3. 他们有一把低音吉他、一架钢琴、一管萨克斯和打击乐器。

    They had a bass and a piano and a sax and percussion .

  4. 在管弦乐队中,演奏打击乐器的人会坐在后面。

    In an orchestra , people who play percussion instruments sit at the back .

  5. 有西洋管弦乐队常见的弦乐器,木管和铜管乐器,还有打击乐器

    There are the usual strings , woodwinds , brasses and percussions of western orchestra .

  6. GarageBand的用户现在可以使用新增的中式乐器来创作自己的个性化音乐,如琵琶、二胡和中式打击乐器等。

    Users of the GarageBand can now create their own customized sounds on newly-added Chinese instruments , including pipa , erhu and Chinese percussions .

  7. 下载部分附带了专用于打击乐器(管钟、钢琴、木琴)的内置SoundFont。

    An included SoundFont focusing on hammered instruments ( tubular bells , piano , xylophone ) is included with the Downloads .

  8. 你可以用打击乐器演奏他的作品Zyklus,由下向上或杂乱无序地演奏,或者用你喜欢的任何顺序演奏。

    You could play his " Zyklus ", for percussion , upside down or back to front or in any order you liked .

  9. 还有一些打击乐器如鼓、板等。

    Percussion instruments like drums and clappers are also sometimes included .

  10. 军乐队通常使用铜管乐器、木管乐器和打击乐器演奏。

    Military bands usually play brass , woodwind and percussion instruments .

  11. 简弹吉它,她弟弟敲打击乐器。

    Jean plays the guitar and her brother is on percussion .

  12. 打击乐器多作为主旋律的节奏型伴奏。

    Percussion instruments are usually employed in the accompaniment of main melody .

  13. 我认为乐队的打击乐器部分太响了。

    I thought that the band 's percussion section was too loud .

  14. 打击乐器的声音太响了。

    The percussion is ( or are ) too loud .

  15. 鼓、铃鼓和铜钹都为打击乐器。

    Drums , tambourines and cymbals are all percussion instruments .

  16. 演奏铜管乐器、木管乐器和打击乐器的一组音乐家。

    A group of musicians playing brass and woodwind and percussion instruments .

  17. 敲击板用作打击乐器的一种类似的板。

    A similar board used as a percussion instrument .

  18. 鼓手在管弦乐队中演奏定音鼓或其它打击乐器的人。

    One who plays the kettledrums and other percussion instruments in an orchestra .

  19. 人们用打击乐器与亡灵交流么?

    Believed in using percussion as a means of communicing with the dead ?

  20. 这种舞蹈要配合鼓和椰子壳类的打击乐器来表演。

    This dance is accompanied by percussion instruments , including drums and coconut shells .

  21. 錞于是我国古代流行于春秋至汉的一种青铜打击乐器。

    The Chinese percussion instruments are various kinds and they used in wide ranging .

  22. 它的演唱方式为一人表演到底,其伴奏乐器主要是打击乐器,如锣鼓、拍板、方响等。

    Percussion instrument is the main accompany instrument .

  23. 另一种是以唢呐为主,加上一组打击乐器。

    Suona another is the main , together with a group of percussion instruments .

  24. 中国的乐队传统上包括拉弦乐器,木管乐器,弹拨乐器及打击乐器。

    Chinese orchestras traditionally consist of bowed strings , woodwinds , plucked strings and percussion .

  25. 钟琴由金属管或条棒组成的,敲击时能发出乐音的打击乐器。

    A percussion instrument consisting of metal tubes or bars that emit tones when struck .

  26. 小军鼓和钹是打击乐器。

    Snare drums and cymbals are traps .

  27. 演奏打击乐器的音乐家。

    A musician who plays percussion instruments .

  28. 关于或有打击乐器特色的。

    Involving percussion or featuring percussive instruments .

  29. 打击乐器(不包括钢琴)

    Musical percussion instrument ( excl. pianos )

  30. 有西洋管弦乐队常见的弦乐器,木管和铜管乐器,还有打击乐器。

    There are the usual string , woodwind , brass and percussion of Western orchestra .