
  • 网络emotional state;affective state;POMS
  1. 学习者的情感状态直接影响到他们的学习行为和学习结果。

    Learners ' affective state will influence their learning behavior and learning effect directly .

  2. 消极的情感状态下学习第二语言容易产生语言习得的停滞。

    As a result of negative affective state , stabilization in the second language acquisition occurs .

  3. 双重结构粒子群和K近邻法用于生理信号情感状态识别的研究

    A Study of Affective States Recognition Based on Dual-Structure Particle Swarm Optimization and K-Nearest Neighbors from Physiological Signals

  4. 基于情绪图片的PAD情感状态模型分析

    The Analysis of PAD Emotional State Model Based on Emotion Pictures

  5. 此外,较少有人关注MSA患者的情感状态及日常生活能力。

    In addition , seldom of people focus on the emotional states and the activities of daily living ( ADL ) .

  6. 目的:对急性冠脉综合征(acutecoronarysyndrome,ACS)患者进行抑郁焦虑情感状态调查并对相关因素进行分析。方法:1.收集124例符合急性冠脉综合征诊断的患者的临床资料。

    Objective : To investigate the depressive and anxious states in the patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome and analyze the relevant factors . Methods : 1.We collected the clinical data of 124 patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome . 2 .

  7. 因此,论文研究将BPSO、SBS算法应用于心电、心率的特征选择问题上,以提高情感状态的识别率。

    Therefore , this paper will satisfactorily introduce BPSO , SBS to feature selection on ECG and heart rate to improve recognition rate of emotion states .

  8. 采用数字记忆、注意广度、两位数表测验和情感状态量表(POMS)对两艇艇员在实验前后各进行一次测验,对岸勤组进行一次测验。

    Attention-span test , digit memory test , two-digital numbers list and profile of mood states ( POMS ) were used to test the ship crews and coast-servicemen .

  9. 他表示,他选择情感状态和性取向这两个属性,是因为它们具有重要的隐私意义,而且都能在Friendster网站的资料组中获取。

    He says he chose those two attributes - relationship status and sexual orientation - because they can carry important privacy consequences and were both available in the Friendster data set .

  10. POMS量表是神经行为测试组合中用以反映受试对象情感状态特征的问卷,包括65个题目,每一项情感状态均分为5个等级(分数越高情感越强烈)。

    POMS questionnaire that used to reflect the mood states of the subjects was Neurobehavioral Core Test Battery , including 65 questions , and every question was divided into five levels ( the higher the level was , the stronger the emotion would be ) .

  11. 稳态噪声条件下纺织女工情感状态的研究

    Effects of Steady Noise on Emotional States of Female Textile Workers

  12. 鼻咽癌病人情感状态的相关性研究

    A relativity study on affection state in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma

  13. NES-C3在噪声作业人员情感状态测试中的应用

    Application of NES-C3 in test of workers exposed to noise

  14. 情感状态测验及评分方法

    Testing and scoring methods for the profile of mood states

  15. 不同情感状态对风险决策的影响。

    The influences of different affective states on risk decision-making ;

  16. 情感状态对冲动性购买意图有显著影响;

    Emotion states have remarkable effect on impulse buying intention ;

  17. 首先,她分别考察了每一种情感状态。

    First , she looked at each emotional state separately .

  18. 莫达非尼对军事飞行学员飞行工作能力和情感状态的影响

    Effects of modafinil on flight performance and mood states of military student pilots

  19. 维持性血液透析患者的应对方式、社会支持及情感状态

    Medical coping mode , social support and mood states in chronic hemodialysis patients

  20. 而好的社会支持可改善其应对方式及情感状态。

    Good social support can improve their mood status and medical coping mode .

  21. 正确的英语阅读态度是以健康的情感状态为基础的。

    Positive attitude towards English reading presupposes healthy affect .

  22. 这个精神世界由两个方面构成:情感状态和精神归宿。

    The spiritual worlds consist of two aspects : emotional state and spiritual home .

  23. 陆军新兵情感状态与元情绪能力的相关分析

    Research on the relationship between mood state and meta-mood of recruits in the army

  24. 应怎样激发学生良好的情绪、情感状态以促进他们的学习?

    How should we stimulate the students ' good emotion condition to encourage their study ?

  25. 法律信仰即关于法律的信仰或法律领域中的信仰,指人们对某种在其看来具有普遍价值的法律观念抱有深刻信任的情感状态。

    The article explores the concept , foundation and the condition of the legal faith .

  26. 小学四年级学生情感状态抽样调查分析

    Study on Emotion of Fourth Grade Pupils

  27. 情感状态、肾上腺皮质激素含量变化与患病率类似。

    Similar changes were observed with emotional state and the content of adrenal cortical hormone .

  28. 借助于一个人脸表情图像数据库,可以训练出从情感状态到表情图像的映射,这里称作情感函数。

    A mapping from emotional status to facial expression is trained with a face database .

  29. 与她的情感状态有关呢?

    Is connected to her emotional state ?

  30. 自由精神是游戏者的一种精神解脱和心灵澄明自由的情感状态,它表现为游戏者自由自觉的活动。

    Freedom spirit is a spirit that player is not confined and can act with freedom .