
qínɡ bào yuán
  • intelligence;intelligence officer;intelligence agent;secret agent
  1. 力克是前美国驻巴黎情报员。

    Rick worked for American Intelligence Agency [ 1 ] in Paris .

  2. 加入到克格勃第一局任对外情报员。

    Then joined the KGB 's first Directorate as a foreign intelligence agent .

  3. 他是波兰地下组织的情报员,被空降到华沙。

    He was a courier for the Polish underground and parachuted into Warsaw

  4. 劫持者审问了我们好几个小时,一会儿指控我们是中情局(cia)情报员、运毒者,一会儿又指控我们是英国间谍。

    Our captors interrogated us for several hours , accusing us of being variously CIA , drug-runners and British spies .

  5. 1971年,他要求与小埃德加·胡佛见面,声称他想成为一名FBI情报员,揭发娱乐圈的间谍活动。

    In 1971 , he requested a meeting with J. Edgar Hoover , claiming that he wanted to work as an FBI informant and rat out subversives in the entertainment industry .

  6. 俄英的关系正在发生波动,并且他们曾因为去年11月份在伦敦的前俄罗斯安全情报员AlexanderLitvinenko中毒死亡一案一度紧张。

    Russian-British relations have been sliding , and they were strained further by last November 's poisoning death in London of former Russian security agent Alexander Litvinenko .

  7. 一个情报员明早会把这拿去分析。

    A courier is picking this up tomorrow morning for analysis .

  8. 情报员告诉了我们他们的司令部在哪里。

    The informer 's told us where the command bunker is .

  9. 一个情报员联盟,在去洛杉矶的途中。

    An alliance courier is en route to Los angeles .

  10. 你想打扮得像情报员吗?

    What are you trying to look like , a secret agent ?

  11. 我必须要叫我最好的情报员去。

    I 'd have to send in my best humint .

  12. 哥伦比亚将再招募15万名军队情报员

    Columbia will recruit another one hundred fifty thousand informants for the army

  13. 尤里发现凯吉是美国情报员。

    Yorgi found out that cage is an American agent .

  14. 人们说想要成为出色的情报员。

    They say to be an exceptional intelligence officer .

  15. 送文件的情报员是谁

    The courierdeliveringthe file , what 's his name ?

  16. 他刚刚的表现正是自我旅行中的情报员角色!

    He 's just acting out the secret agent portion of his ego trip .

  17. 我把这给了信号情报员。

    I picked it up in signals lntelligence .

  18. 那现在你也成了情报员?

    So now you 're an agent too ?

  19. 在那些日子里,我们不需要情报员注意敌人动向。

    In those days we did not need spies to watch the enemy 's movement .

  20. 情报员那有什么消息?

    Any word from your humint ?

  21. 身为一名优秀的情报员,我并非浪得虚名!

    As an excellent intelligence agent , I 'm not unworthy of the name or the title !

  22. 她是情报员、导游、预言家、武士、和平调停者。

    She was a courier , a guide , a prophet , a warrior , and a peace mediator .

  23. 该言论也被美国一位情报员证实,他说一批有组织的基地成员进入了瑞典。

    The account was confirmed by an American intelligence operative , who spoke of an established al-Qaeda " cell " in Sweden .

  24. 在5月出版的关于中国军力的最新年度报告中,认为中国军力发展的好几个方面使美国情报员感到震惊。

    In its latest annual report on china 's military power , published in may , it says that several aspects of china 's military development have surprised American analysts .

  25. 有些被北越俘虏的无线电发报员,被北越命令发出增派情报员的要求,但他们成功地以密码告知中央情报局联络人他们被俘的消息。

    Some captured radio operators , ordered by the North Vietnamese to ask for more agents , managed to signal to their CIA handlers with code words that they were being held .

  26. 一位参观者问希拉?马丁,为什么她认为妇女愿意做情报侦察员。

    A visitor asked missus Martin why she thought women would work as intelligence agents .

  27. 专业情报咨询员的人才培养与图书情报教育的宽口径

    The Talents Cultivation of the Professional Information Consultants and the Wide Scope of the Library Information Education

  28. 阐述了专业情报咨询员人才需求的特点,指出我国图书情报教育应形成厚基础、宽口径、多方向的课程结构,提出调整我国图书情报教育结构的思路。

    This paper expounds the features of the professional information consultants , points out that Chinese library information education should form the course structure of deep foundation , wide scope and multi-direction , and puts forward the idea of adjusting the structure of Chinese library information education .

  29. 他们失去了另一边的情报,情报员也一个个死去,不知道幕后主谋是谁。

    they were losing information to the other side and losing agents and could not figure out who was behind it .

  30. 该剧的美国版本是映时频道的《国土安全》,它更有趣,以一个女性角色为主要人物(一名患有躁郁症的中央情报局探员)。

    In " Homeland , " the American version now on Showtime , the series gets a glossier treatment and a female lead ( Claire Danes , who plays a bipolar C.I.A. agent ) .