
qíng shī
  • amatory poems;love poems;love song
情诗 [qíng shī]
  • [love song] 抒发爱情的诗,尤指男人对女人的诗

情诗[qíng shī]
  1. 没有,他没有给我写过情诗。

    No , he doesn 't write love poems .

  2. 激情与理智的较量&胡适情诗论

    Trial of Strength between Passion and Reason & On Hu Shi 's Love Poems

  3. 他最近给你写过情诗或情书吗?

    Has he recently written a poem or love letter for you ?

  4. 他也爱上了她,神魂颠倒,疯疯癫癫地围着这享利家的漂亮姑娘转,送给她好些糟糕透顶的情诗。

    He too had fallen in love , mooning and carrying on about the beautiful Henry girl , and sending her atrocious poems .

  5. 诗人和儿童文学获奖者MichaelRosen在本视频中给出了专业建议:怎样书写情诗?

    Michael Rosen ( Poet and Children 's Laureate ) gives expert video advice on : How do I write a love poem ?

  6. E.C.之谜&解读乔伊斯情诗中的叙事读者

    The Mystery of E. C & An Interpretation of the Narrative Reader in a Joyce Poem

  7. 在阿勒泰,华北曾经写给海涛一首情诗。

    In altay , Huabei wrote a love poem for haitao .

  8. 但是他为她写了很美的情诗

    However , he did write her some very pretty verses .

  9. 所有大陆和一切时代的情诗都证明了这一点。

    The love poetry of every continent and century testifies to this .

  10. 感谢收看“怎样书写情诗”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching How To Write A Love Poem .

  11. 我以为情诗是爱情的泉源

    I thought that poetry was the food of love .

  12. 试论南朝文人情诗的男权文化特色

    On the Characteristics of Male-centered Culture of Cove Poems Written in Southern Dynasties

  13. 找一首经典的情诗,写在浴室的镜子上。

    Find a classic love poem and write it on the bathroom mirror .

  14. 许多情人卡都会写上情诗,并印有丘比特的漫画图案。

    Many valentine cards are written with love verses and comic pictures of cupids .

  15. 乡情寻脉台岛诗潮&台湾当代乡情诗走向

    Trend of the Contemporary Nostalgic Poetry in Taiwan

  16. 我应该怎样书写情诗呢?

    How do I write a love poem ?

  17. 一首情诗代我真情告白。

    A poem to confess for you .

  18. 她少女时的那首玫瑰情诗

    The rose poem of her youth that

  19. 英语诗歌中,文人之间的唱和大多是单边式,以情诗和悼亡词为主。

    In English poetry , responsory poetry between poets is mostly unilateral elegy or lament .

  20. 有一名士兵甚至在我一位同班同学的日记上写了一首很烂的情诗。

    One soldier had even written corny love poems in one of my classmate 's diaries .

  21. 前期以写情诗著称,写不尽人生的欢愉和爱;

    The former ones are mostly love poems , singing the happy life and the human love .

  22. 这样的世界乡情诗,在加速改革开放、面向世界的今天,更有其强烈的借鉴意义。

    Guo 's global hometown complex embodies referent significance in accelerating reform and opening up of China .

  23. 在《二十一首情诗》之中,她更接续带出女同志性向的看法。

    In Twenty-one Love Poems , she pushes further to bring out her perspectives on lesbian sexuality .

  24. 最近他给八篇中国诗词(其中四篇为情诗)配上了钢琴曲。

    He recently set eight Chinese poems , four of them love songs , to piano music .

  25. 本文对《摩利支子情诗》中的东方文化意象试作探讨。

    This paper tries to explore the images of the oriental culture in The Love Poems of Marichiko .

  26. 笔者也同意此诗为情诗,但对于究竟是一女独唱还是数女合唱心存疑惑。

    The author agrees that the poem tells a love story , but doubts whether it is sung by only one girl .

  27. 情诗是一种表达情感的古老语言,经由诗歌的传唱,刹那的也就变成了永恒。

    The love poem is an ancient language expressing human feelings . When a poem is recited , the moment becomes eternal .

  28. 因为意象是非常广泛的概念,因此本文将研究的重点放在了情诗的译本分析中。

    Because the image is a broad perception , this these concentrates the point on the translation study of the love songs .

  29. 在这七八十年间,情诗之流行,产量之丰富,堪称达到了顶峰。

    During this period of some seven or eight decades , love lyrics enjoyed great popularity and the number of poems reached its height .

  30. 当然,很多情诗都很不错,但我认为它们都没有办法超越这首。

    There 's other love poems that are , of course , just as good , but Idon 't think this one can be surpassed .