
qíng cāo
  • sentiment;affect
情操 [qíng cāo]
  • (1) [sentiment]∶感情与操守

  • 高尚的情操

  • (2) [affect] [心理]∶不考虑躯体变化的一种情绪的有意识的主观状态;对情感的自觉意识或情绪

情操[qíng cāo]
  1. 写字教学在学生情操培育中的作用

    Role of Teaching of Handwriting in Training for Students ′ Sentiment

  2. 现代护理教育应加强护生关怀情操的培养

    Modern nursing education should strengthen cultivation of concern sentiment for students

  3. 艺术创作旨在陶冶情操。

    Art was created to uplift the mind and the spirit .

  4. 我情愿做那个年老的,欲壑难填的博士,好友如云,情操高尚

    I preferred the elderly and discontented doctor , surrounded by friends and cherishing honest hopes .

  5. 她拥有高雅的品味,高尚的情操,可爱的性格还有曼妙的身躯。

    Her taste was refined , her sentiments noble , her person lovely , her figure elegant .

  6. 第六章训练Training截拳道最终不是一个轻松的技巧,而是一高度发展的情操和体格。

    JKD , ultimately is not a matter of petty technique but of highly developed spirituality and physique .

  7. 通过阅读,培养学生热爱大自然,热爱四季的情操。

    Let students read the passage : Seasons in My Hometown .

  8. 许三个愿望。坚强起来。陶冶情操。

    Make three wishes . Be strong . Nurture your soul .

  9. 情操陶冶对大学生而言极为重要。

    The edifying of sentiment is very important to college students .

  10. 职业情操包括职业道德和专业态度。

    Professional sentiment consists of professional ethics and professional attitude .

  11. 个人技能分为:自我管理技能、职业情操和认知技能。

    Personal skills include self-management skills , professional sentiment and cognitive skills .

  12. 首先,大学教育可以帮助学生陶冶情操。

    First of all , university education can help student cultivate sentiments .

  13. 她为陶冶情操而阅读最优秀作家的作品。

    Reading the best authors in an attempt to cultivate her mind .

  14. 所以我的文学情操多亏了我的教师培育。

    So my literary attainments thanks to my teacher culture .

  15. 论艺术美育对大学生道德情操的陶冶

    On the Moral Sentiments of College Students Molded by the Aesthetic Education

  16. 她为了陶冶情操而阅读经典著作。

    She reads classic novels in an attempt to cultivate her minds .

  17. 儒家要求人格美既要包括内在精神情操的美,同时还要有外在仪表风度的美;

    The inherent beauty is as important as the extrinsic for Confucianism .

  18. 音乐艺术具有陶冶情操、净化心灵的作用。

    Music art has the function of influencing sentiment and purifying mind .

  19. 博取欢心:通过友善和魅力带动他人培养乐观向上的情操。

    Ingratiation : building positive sentiments in others through friendliness and charm .

  20. 上海人像法国人,偏爱衡山路上的酒吧劈情操。

    Shanghai Portrait France who prefer the bars on Hengshan cleavage sentiment .

  21. 以及教材如何陶冶学生的情操三方面分析美国化学教材中的情感因素;

    And how the textbooks nurture students ' sentiment .

  22. 这样的行为与她情操高尚的原则是格格不入的。

    Such behaviour is inconsistent with her high-minded principles .

  23. 各种与工作相关的互动方式,都是鼓励高尚情操行为的机会。

    All types of work-related interaction offer the opportunity to encourage principled behavior .

  24. 生活要朴素,情操要高尚。(英国诗人德莱顿.)

    Plain living and high thinking . ( william Wordsworth , British poet )

  25. 爱国,是一个民族最基本,最崇高的道德情操。

    Patriotism , is a nation the most basic , the most noble sentiments .

  26. 生活中的情操,就是生活态度和生活感悟。

    What is your attitude towards life and what are your feelings about life ?

  27. 成立主旨推动艺术活动与艺术教育,发扬社会艺术情操。

    Purpose Promote art activities and art education and propagate artistic values in society .

  28. 有些人认为服兵役能陶冶情操。

    Some people think military service is character-building .

  29. 唱歌教学在培养学生良好的道德情操和思想感情方面具有重要作用。

    Singing plays an important role in cultivating students ' good morality and feeling .

  30. 人们发布或浏览微博图像休闲娱乐陶冶情操。

    People release or browse images in micro blog for entertainment and spirituality nurturing .