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qī ɡuǎn yán
  • persistent nagging
  1. 我还不知道我叔叔是个妻管严。

    I don 't know my uncle is a hen-pecked husband .

  2. 我想,许多创业公司的高管们也有类似的“妻管严”现象吧

    I suspect many start-up executives have similar , appropriately humbling marital arrangements

  3. 妻管严丈夫总是屈服于妻子。

    A henpecked husband always gives in to his wife .

  4. 人们把那个怕老婆的男人叫“妻管严”。

    People refer the man who was afraid of his wife as henpecked .

  5. 这个“妻管严”的丈夫对他的妻子言听计从。

    Eg : The henpecked husband carried out everything to his wife 's letter .

  6. 他做任何事都要首先请示他老婆&他是个十足的妻管严。

    He never does anything without asking his wife first-he 's a completely hen-pecked husband .

  7. 他是个“妻管严”,家里事无巨细全由老婆说了算。

    He is a hen-pecked husband and his wife wears the trousers on all the matters .

  8. 虽然上海男人被戏谑为“妻管严”,但他并不屈从于妻子。

    Although Shanghai men are bantered as henpecked husband , they do not submit to their wives .

  9. 有些人支持猫爸,我觉得在他们的家庭里妻管严的情况实在太多了。

    Some defended Cat Dad : I think there is too much bullying going on in their household .

  10. 尽管对待小羊凶恶无比,在家对着老婆红太狼的时候,灰太狼却是一个唯命是从、逆来顺受的妻管严。

    Although he is mean to the goats , he is a nice and timid husband to Red Wolf .

  11. 一些媒体报道授予她“铁娘子”的称号,讽刺漫画家将奥朗德画成了“妻管严”,被瓦莱丽管得死死的。

    Some media outlets have dubbed her the " Iron Lady , " and caricaturists have portrayed Hollande as under her thumb .

  12. 有些人支持猫爸,“我觉得在他们的家庭里妻管严的情况实在太多了。猫爸应该为此感到羞愧。”一个网友如此说道。

    Some defended Cat Dad : " I think there is too much bullying going on in their household . It 's completely disrespectful . " one user commented .

  13. 克莱非常反感一些人(包括一些读者)把他看作妻管严,或认为他没有为家庭做出足够的贡献。

    Clay resents the perception that some people ( including some readers ) have that he is henpecked , or that he doesn 't contribute enough to the family .

  14. 盐井伴生有低压天然气,实现加压采输后出现气井套管、井口,输气管线被严重腐蚀的现状。马文是:气管炎(妻管严)

    There is a low-pressure nature gas in the brine well , the casing , well end and pipe are very corrosive because brine is accrued . Marvin lives under petticoat government .