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dà nán zǐ zhǔ yì
  • male chauvinism
大男子主义[dà nán zǐ zhǔ yì]
  1. 第一,越来越多的女性开始经济独立,这是脱离大男子主义和男权社会的主要因素。

    First of all , women have become more economically independent , which is an important condition for doing away with male chauvinism and a patriarchal society .

  2. 他们性格中的大男子主义倾向是文化的烙印。

    Their male chauvinism is a brand of the paternalism culture .

  3. 他太大男子主义了,从不认错。

    He 's too macho to ever admit he was wrong .

  4. 我讨厌给史蒂夫这个可恶的大男子主义者干活。

    I hate working for that male chauvinist pig Steve .

  5. 他是个彻头彻尾的大男子主义者。

    He 's a real male chauvinist pig .

  6. 我的前男友安东尼大男子主义思想很重。

    My ex-boyfriend Anthony was very chauvinistic .

  7. 公司里一些人的大男子主义作风会让人不快。

    The male chauvinist attitude of some people in the company could get you down .

  8. 默多克和他的儿子詹姆斯(James)和拉克伦(Lachlan)现在有两个任务:接替艾尔斯,并且改革福克斯新闻似乎存在的粗野的大男子主义文化。

    Mr Murdoch and his sons , James and Lachlan , now have two tasks : replacing Mr Ailes and reforming what appears to have been a boorish , macho culture at Fox News .

  9. 我办公室里的男人都是些无耻的大男子主义者。

    The men in my office are all blatant male chauvinists .

  10. 它可能是机巧的、轻浮的,也可能是大男子主义的、恐吓的。

    It can be clever and flirtatious , or sexist and intimidating .

  11. 因为他不是一个无法抵抗,大男子主义的人。

    Because he 's not some overpowering , macho guy .

  12. 他对我的问题反应出些老套的大男子主义。

    He came out with some stereotypical male response to my question .

  13. 在坚忍主义中,与劳格斯平等支持男女平等的人反对大男子主义。

    People who support equal rights for women fight against male chauvinism .

  14. 贝蒂不知道大男子主义是怎么回事。

    Betty had no idea what male chauvinism was .

  15. 他的观点对我来说太大男子主义了。

    His opinions are just too masculine for me .

  16. 你已经谴责男人的大男子主义了吧。

    You have been accused of male chauvinism .

  17. 我并不觉得认为低沉嗓音性感就是大男子主义。

    I don 't think it 's sexist to find a deep voice sexy .

  18. 大男子主义者从不肯与女人妥协。

    Male chauvinists will never compromise with women .

  19. 这家俱乐部自称是坚持大男子主义的最后一批堡垒之一。

    The club regarded itself as one of the last bastions of male supremacy .

  20. 很多同性恋者非常大男子主义。

    A lot of homosexuals are very macho .

  21. 希望我对理论的这种观点只是因为我狭隘的“大男子主义”。

    It may well be that my view of theory is blinkered by chauvinism .

  22. 她对于他的大男子主义非常生气。

    She was angry about his male chauvinism .

  23. 这为非大男子主义至上的企业创造了机遇。

    That creates an opportunity for non-chauvinist firms .

  24. 但是,这种对意大利落后且大男子主义的描述,少了些什么。

    But something is missing from this portrayal of Italy as backward and chauvinist .

  25. 这真是大男子主义,我从没自己点过菜。

    That wasn 't sexist . really , I never order my own food .

  26. 他的大男子主义使得他认为女人没有男人聪明。

    His male chauvinism led him to believe that women were less intelligent than men .

  27. 我不是大男子主义者!

    I am not a male chauvinist !

  28. 中国男人有不少大男子主义者,外国人就很绅士。

    The Chinese man has many male chauvinist , the foreigner right away very gentleman .

  29. 她也素闻尼克的大男子主义及其在公司的显赫地位。

    She knows of Nick 's chauvinistic reputation and his star status at the agency .

  30. 他只是另一个大男子主义者,嫉妒妻子取得的成就。

    He 's just another male chauvinist who is jealous of his wife 's success .