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dài fu
  • doctor;physician


dà fū
  • a senior official in feudal China
大夫 [dài fū]
  • [doctor] [口]∶医生

  • [senior official in feudal China] 古代官名。西周以后的诸侯国中,国君下有卿、大夫十三级,大夫世袭,且有封地。后来大夫成为一般任官职者的称呼

  • 孤之过也,大夫何罪。--《左传.僖公三十三年》

大夫[dà fū]
大夫[dài fu]
  1. 如果便中带血,你就应该找大夫看看。

    If you 're passing blood you ought to see a doctor .

  2. “去请大夫。”他颤声低语说。

    ' Get the doctor , ' he whispered shakily .

  3. 现在大夫建议,这种乳霜要慎用。

    Doctors now advise only sparing use of such creams .

  4. 你要是今天下午来,大夫可以挤时间给你看看。

    If you come this afternoon the doctor will try to squeeze you in .

  5. 我们要不要请个大夫什么的?

    Should we call a doctor or someone ?

  6. 大夫所能给你的忠告是无可替代的。

    Nothing can substitute for the advice your doctor is able to give you .

  7. 大夫们使患者的病情稳定下来。

    Doctors stabilized the patient 's condition .

  8. 请个大夫来,快!

    Send for a doctor , quickly !

  9. “大夫*”——“就叫我萨拉好了。”

    ' Doctor * ' — ' Will you please call me Sarah ? '

  10. 乔伊丝从一位大夫奔波到另一位那里,期盼着有人会认真听她的话。

    Joyce traipsed from one doctor to another , praying that someone would listen .

  11. 大夫,太感谢您了,您真是我的大恩人。

    Thank you very much indeed , Doctor , I am extremely obliged to you .

  12. 草药大夫把花朵浸泡到油里。

    Herbalists infuse the flowers in oil

  13. 佩恩大夫把拉娜领回检查室,告诉她她有幻视。

    Dr Payne led Lana back into the examination room and told her she was seeing things

  14. 大夫查阅了病人的体温图表。

    The doctor looked at a graph of the patient 's temperature .

  15. 她看上去像个大夫。

    She looks like a doctor .

  16. 他看上去像个大夫。

    He looks like a doctor .

  17. 大夫摸了摸我的脉,又瞧了瞧我的嗓子。

    The doctor felt my pulse and looked down my throat .

  18. 史密斯大夫受命分管这个部门。

    Dr. Smith is assigned to take charge of the department .

  19. 大夫建议全休一星期。

    The doctor prescribed a complete rest of one week .

  20. 这是当年白求恩大夫用的手术刀。

    This is the scalpel which Norman Bethune used in those days .

  21. 白求恩大夫的国际主义精神十分可佩。

    Doctor Bethune 's internationalist spirit is altogether admirable .

  22. 大夫不让她起来。

    The doctor told her to stay in bed .

  23. 大夫叫他卧床一两天。

    The doctor ordered him to stay in bed for a couple of days .

  24. 大夫把她的肺炎看好了。

    The doctor has cured her of pneumonia .

  25. 我们作大夫的难道忍心看着病人受痛苦吗?

    As doctors , how can we have the heart to watch patients suffer pain and do nothing ?

  26. 白求恩大夫的国际主义精神,一直为中国人民广泛传颂。

    Praises for Dr. Bethune 's spirit of internationalism are always on the lips of the Chinese people .

  27. 听说张大爷心脏病犯了,唐大夫心急如火立即赶去抢救。

    Hearing of Uncle Zhang 's heart attack , Doctor Tang was extremely worried and rushed to his bedside immediately .

  28. 大夫允许她每天起来两个钟头。

    The doctor allows her up for two hours each day .

  29. 她的主要工作就是给大夫开的药方配药。

    Her main job was filling the doctor 's prescriptions .

  30. 林大夫给了我一些治疗胃痛的药片。

    Doctor Lin gave some pills to clear up my stomach trouble .