
dà fēn shuǐ lǐng
  • great divide
大分水岭[dà fēn shuǐ lǐng]
  1. 这里就是这个课程的大分水岭。

    So this is the big continental divide for the course .

  2. 我家的牧场位于大分水岭以北数英里处,隐没于派厄尼尔山脉中

    Our ranch was located several miles north of Divide , lost in the Pioneer Mountains .

  3. 大分水岭以西是从事耕作的乡村:占该州三分之二面积的干燥平原。

    West of the Great Dividing Range is farming country : dry plains that cover two-thirds of the state .

  4. 滇池流域位于云贵高原中部,在区域的发展中起到了非常重要的作用,其地处长江、珠江和红河三大水系分水岭地带,南低北高。

    Dianchi Lake watershed , which locates in the central of YunNan-GuiZhou plateau , plays an important role in the development of economic in the region . It is located in the watershed zones of the Yangtze River , Pearl River and Red River and lower in north than south .

  5. 黄山是长江和钱塘江两大水系的分水岭。

    The mountain is the watershed of the two rivers of the Yangtze and Qiantang .

  6. 落基山脉成了隔开这两大水系的大陆分水岭。

    The Rocky Mountains form the continental divide separating these two river systems .

  7. 很明显,桑迪胡克小学发生的悲剧是全国枪支管制大辩论的“分水岭”,它使辩论达到了前所未有的激烈程度。

    It is apparent that the Sandy Hook tragedy was a watershed event that has raised the national debate on gun control to an unprecedented level .

  8. 判例法是英美法系主导性的法律渊源,实行判例法抑或成文法,构成了两大法系的根本分水岭。

    It has been recognized that case law is the dominant source of Anglo-American legal system . So , the adoption between case law and statutory law becomes the distinctive watershed of two legal systems .