
  • 网络social entity;social reality;social substance
  1. 体育不是一个孤立的社会实体;

    Sports are not a separate and distinct social entity .

  2. 居住社区是一个社会实体,是人们参与社会生活的基本场所。

    The community is a social entity and also a basic place where people participate in the social life .

  3. 这些社会实体可以概括性地分为两类:人以及人的组织。

    These social entities may concisely divide into two kinds : human and human 's organization .

  4. 户事关中国老百姓的切身利益,是一个不可忽视的社会实体。

    Household is related to the vital interests of the Chinese people , is a social entity that cannot be neglected .

  5. 迄今为止的经济理论未能将企业在性质上视为一个组织,作为一个社会实体的组织。

    The existing economic theories of the firm have so far regarded the firm not as a social organization in nature .

  6. 通过实施知识管理,社会实体可以提高知识利用率进而提高核心竞争力。

    Through the implementation of knowledge management , social entities could improve the utilization of knowledge , and then , strengthen the core competitiveness .

  7. 现实生活中职业与身份的分离产生社会实体性农民与制度设置性农民的角色错位;

    Thirdly , the separation of occupation and status produces the role dislocation of social entity farmers and the system establishment farmers in realistic life ;

  8. 非政府组织作为一种特殊的社会实体,在危机管理中提供有效资源和专业技术方面有着极大的优势。

    As a kind of special social entities , non-governmental organizations have many advantages in effectively providing resources and expertise in the process of disaster crisis management .

  9. 内蒙古南部地区新石器时代晚期各文化遗存,显示出其已超过了简单氏族、部落组织社会实体的存在,最早出现了中华文明的曙光。

    Archaeological findings of southern Inner Mongolia 's late Paleolithic Period prove that social structure at the time had advanced beyond the simple form of tribal communities and " the Dawn of Chinese Civilization " already emerged on the horizon .

  10. 当代市民社会的实体要素,包括诸如NGO、NPO、基层社区等多种类型;具有建构社会资本功能的文化特征。

    With the function of building social capital as its cultural charateristic , the contemporary civil society consists of various entities such as NGO , NPO , communities at basic levels , etc.4 .

  11. 青年大学生是现代社会生活实体的重要组成部分,他们的性观念更是人们关注的焦点。

    Young college students are an important part of the modern social life entities and their sexual attitudes are even in the spotlight .

  12. 当前高校的后勤社会化实体一般采取岗位责任状型、承包经营型、契约管理型、股份参与型、综合型等运行模式。

    The current logistic commercial entities in colleges and universities are run in the modes of post responsibility , operation and management contract responsibility and share holding .

  13. 企业作为社会经济实体在企业社会责任中发挥着重要作用,政府作为公共政策的供给者发挥着主导作用。

    An enterprise as an social economic entities plays an important role in the corporate social responsibility . The government as a provider of public policy plays a leading role .

  14. 而环顾当前教育理论研究,虽有较多涉及网络教育,然而对网络社会的实体师生关系则较少系统述及。

    However , there is almost no contemporary research on pedagogy involving the relation between teacher and student in the networked society though some of them involve the network education .

  15. 我国竞技体育职业化四步曲&社会化、实体化、市场化与产业化的思辩

    0n the Four Steps of the Professionalization of Chinese Competition Sports

  16. 它是对赛博空间、虚拟现实、网络世界和信息社会等新实体的综合。

    It is a new synthesis of cyberspace , virtual reality , network world , and information society .

  17. 最后,要强调的是现代性这种文明的产生一定是要依托在现代社会发展的实体之上。

    Finally , we should emphasize the production of modernity must be based on the entity of development of modern society .

  18. 它是现代社会的经济实体(尤其是金融机构)、投资者和消费者所面临的重大问题。

    It is an important problem that the economic entities ( especially financial institutions ), investors and consumers are facing in modern society .

  19. 为解决这些问题,建议采取如下措施:建立和健全体育产业法规体系;大力推进武术职业化,扶持社会化武术实体;

    In order to solve these problems , it was suggested to establish and perfect the law system of sports industry , promote the professionalized wushu sports , prop up social wushu industry , and adjust competition rules according to the market needs and support wushu competition .

  20. 职工持股制度(EmployeeStockOwnershipplans简称为ESOP)是当代产权主体的社会化和产权实体广泛化的最主要的形式之一。

    Employee Stock Ownership Plans ( ESOP ) is one of the dominant forms of the socialization of the property ownership and the spreading of the property entities .

  21. 社会冲突分为实体性冲突和程序性冲突两种。

    Social conflicts are divided into substance conflict and procedure conflict .

  22. 这一动态与开放的研究框架,将抽象的政治与社会经济因素与实体的物质环境、局部的建筑环境与整体的城市联系在一起,从而使城市形态研究更趋于理性与客观。

    Regional building environment with the entire city , making the urban morphology study tend to be more reasonable and objective .

  23. 高校办学自主权的不断扩大,使高校逐步成为面向社会独立办学的实体。

    With the expanding of its decision-making power , the college is becoming an entity which runs independently in the society .

  24. 个人是社会历史的基础实体,个性自由是个人发展甚至社会发展的根本标志。

    Individual is the basic entity of the human society , the freedom of the individual is the ultimate mark of the individual development even the social development .

  25. 自近代社会诉讼法从实体法中分离出来以后,程序的意义或价值就成为众多学者关注的对象。

    Since the separation of procedural law from substantive law in the modern society , the meaning or value of procedure has become the focus of many scholars attention .

  26. 个人是社会历史是终极实体,个人发展是社会发展的根本标志和终极价值。

    Individual is the ultimate entity of the society and history . The essential symbol and ultimate value in the development of the society is the progress of individual .

  27. 公共合作社、民营企业和新社会机构等商业实体也同样依靠说服村庄内或岛内权威人士来保证他们在社区中的有效运作。

    Commercial bodies like public co-operatives and private co-operative enterprises and new social institutions also depend on their success on the village or island authorities to ensure the usefulness in the community .

  28. 资金的融通是现代市场经济的核心和基础,即金融在盘活社会资本,服务实体经济,促进社会发展方面起着承前启后的作用,为资金的提供方和使用方架起融通的桥梁。

    Financing is the core and foundation of modern market economy . The financial plays an important role in moving the social capital , helping entity economy , promoting social development , establishes communication between demanders and providers .

  29. 伦理实体是伦理关系的载体要素,表现为现实社会中具体存在的社会实体。

    Ethical entity is the carrier of ethical relation , which can be represented as the concrete existing social entity in real society .

  30. 国际社会是个历史范畴,是人类社会发展到各个实体相互联系日益密切,相互依赖日益深化,相互作用日益加强时期的产物。

    International society is a historical category born under special period on which various entities of the mankind society connect each other closer and closer , interdepend and interact more intensely day and day .