
  • 网络The Society Islands
  1. 该岛是法属波利尼西亚群岛中社会群岛链之一部分,火山活动可分三期:早期(1.71.3Ma),中期(1.30.6Ma)和晚期(0.60.3Ma)。

    This island is one of Society Islands , French Polynesian Archipelago .

  2. 大溪地为社会群岛之一,与夏威夷同处一个时区。

    Tahiti is in the same time zone as Hawaii and a part of the society islands .

  3. 在那次太平洋之旅,她在社会群岛举办了一次音乐会,所得的报酬占票房收入的1/3。

    Zeri , a France singer , who had a concert in Society Islands in a journey to the Pacific .

  4. 12月15日,我们在东边望到了使人留恋的社会群岛和作为太平洋玉后的啊娜多姿的塔希提岛。

    By December 15 we had left the alluring Society Islands in the west , likewise elegant Tahiti , queen of the Pacific .

  5. 印度-太平洋:东非到列岛群岛,马贵斯群岛与社会群岛,北至日本南部,南至罗得豪岛。

    Gazetteer Indo-Pacific : East Africa to the Line , Marquesan and Society islands , north to southern Japan , south to Lord Howe Island .

  6. 印度-太平洋:红海向南至在南非的索德瓦纳湾而且向东至社会群岛,北至琉球群岛,南至新加勒多尼亚;

    Indo-Pacific : Red Sea to Sodwana Bay , South Africa and to the Society Islands , north to the Ryukyu Islands , south to New Caledonia .

  7. 印度-太平洋:东印度洋的圣诞岛到夏威夷与社会群岛,北至琉球群岛,南至东加与拉罗东加。

    Indo-Pacific : Christmas Island in the eastern Indian Ocean to the Hawaiian and Society islands , north to the Ryukyu Islands , south to Tonga and Rarotonga .

  8. 此后,从12世纪开始,大批人从塔希提岛来此定居。塔希提岛南太平洋一个岛屿,位于法属波利尼西亚的社会群岛中迎风群岛上。

    Later waves of settlers arrived by the 12th century , this time from Tahiti . An island of the southern Pacific Ocean in the Windward group of the Society Islands in French Polynesia .

  9. 印度-太平洋:红海与东非(参考文献3972)到列岛群岛与社会群岛,北至日本南部与詹斯顿岛,南至拉帕岛与大堡礁的南方;

    Indo-Pacific : Red Sea and East Africa ( Ref.3972 ) to the Line and Society islands , north to southern Japan and Johnston Island , south to Rapa and the southern Great Barrier Reef ;

  10. 波拉岛法属波利尼西亚的一个火山岛,位于南太平洋的社会群岛的里沃列岛你去发动邮差,到岛上的各个角落去,通知渔民、农夫,甚至山里的牧羊人。

    A volcanic island of French Polynesia in the Leeward group of the Society Islands in the southern Pacific Ocean . You start messengers around the island to the fishers and farmers everywhere , even to the mountain goat hunters .