
  • 网络mental life of society
  1. 当前我国社会精神生活领域存在的问题与对策

    The problems and solutions of the spiritual life in our society

  2. 知识分子的精神状态是社会精神生活的一种折射。

    The spiritual state of intellectuals is a refraction of social spiritual life .

  3. 培育公民意识&谈转型期主流意识形态对社会精神生活的引领

    Cultivation of Citizen Consciousness & On Mainstream Ideology Leading of the Social Spiritual Life during Social Transformation

  4. 本文从与物质生活的对比中分析了精神生活的基本特征,探讨了新时期社会主义社会精神生活的发展规律。

    The basic feature and developing law of spiritual life of socialist society will be discussed through the comparison of physical life in this paper .

  5. 这些发展历程和写作方式是社会精神生活的折射、个人意识的宣泄和对社会现实的回避及个人独立自由的反映。

    These phenomena are the refraction of the social cultural life , personal consciousness leads and avoidance of social reality , and the reflection of personal independence and freedom .

  6. 以社会精神生活的反映为背景,本文还讨论了此种倾向在流行文化形态中的作用和地位,以及对于大众审美和社会导向所产生的影响。

    It also reflects society mettle life , impact and status in the popularity culture . At last , what is the effects which impacts on people and society .

  7. 罗斯在其作品中彰显了美国犹太裔在美国社会的精神生活状况,反映了他们的困惑、焦虑、担忧和恐惧。

    He exposes the spiritual and emotional state of American Jewish people and depicts their bewilderment , anxiety , fear and worries .

  8. 多丽丝·莱辛注重对人类现实社会和精神生活的探究,其作品充满了对现实和人生的思考。

    Doris Lessing focuses on the exploration to the human society and spiritual world , so her works are fulfilled with the thinking of life and reality .

  9. 阅读状况标示着一个社会的精神生活水平,阅读对个体的生命和社会的精神生活和道德生活的影响都是长远而巨大的。

    The level of reading , which symbolizes the spiritual cultural level of a society , produces a profound far-reaching impact on spiritual moral life of both the individuals the society .

  10. 它的形成是民间音乐文化在这一特定的自然环境中,以人们日常的物质生产劳动为基础,社会的精神生活为载体,而逐步积淀产生的一种文化现象。

    Its forming is the culture of the folk music in this specific natural environment , based on people 's daily material productive labor , the cultural life of the society is a carrier , and a kind of culture phenomenon that the accumulation produce progressively .

  11. 孝是古今中国社会的重大精神生活现象。

    Filial piety has been one of the significant spiritual phenomena in Chinese history .

  12. 网络文化对我国社会和人民精神生活产生了正面和负面影响。

    Network culture has produced positive and negative effect on both our society and people 's ideological life .

  13. 调查的主要内容涉及家庭成员基本信息、经济生活、社会生活及精神生活等。

    The main investigation related to the family members of the basic information , economic life , social life and spiritual life .

  14. 生态美学吸取这种旨趣而推之于社会生活、精神生活,将大大有助于促进优化的人类生存。

    Learn from this and then push it into social and spiritual life , ecological aesthetics must greatly contribute to promote the optimization of human existence .

  15. 第四,从残卷所反映出的诗人的心态及其价值取向,透视当时文人社会生活和精神生活的某些侧面。

    At last probe into the main theme profoundly , observe certain side of the social and spiritual life of the men of letters in those days from the value tendency of the poem .

  16. 经济全球化使得各个国家和地区的交往日益频繁,人类社会物质和精神生活的交往突破了地域限制,跨文化传播成为可能。

    The economic globalization has made the exchanges in various countries and regions strengthened , the contacts of material and spiritual in human life exceeded the geographical restrictions , which leave the intercultural communication possible .

  17. 中国织绣历史悠久,技艺精湛,已形成一个具有独特风貌的工艺艺术,从侧面反映了各个时期的物质生活、社会生活、精神生活的传承与发展。

    Chinese embroidery has a long history , superb techniques , and has formed a unique style of craft art , from the side reflects the different periods of material life , social life , spiritual heritage and development .

  18. 本文认为,当马克思从物质生产制约整个社会生活和精神生活的角度把艺术界定为一种意识形态的形式时,他实际上也为我们勾画了一幅文艺意识形态批评的总蓝图。

    The author of the article holds that Marx actually sketched out a blueprint for literary ideological criticism when he defined art as one form of ideology from the point of view that the material production dominates the whole social and cultural life .

  19. 当事人双方通过买卖合同实现物质的交换,满足社会主体物质和精神生活的基本需要。

    Both party of contract exchange goods through the sales contracts to meet their material and spiritual needs .

  20. 文章以20世纪30年代《申报》广告为切入口进行研究,发现当时上海社会物质生活和精神生活都在由传统向准现代变迁,并伴随着畸形的裂变与阵痛。

    It can be found that both material life and mental life of Shanghai changed modern , with lopsided variety .

  21. 本世纪,是一个经济、信息、科技、文化等各方面都高速发展的时期,人们对社会的物质和精神生活不断提出新的要求。

    This century is a rapid developing period of many aspects such as economy , information , technology , culture and so on .

  22. 采取多种措施,努力解决老龄人口社会保障和精神文化生活问题。

    Various measures will be adopted in an effort to solve the problems related to the social security and cultural well-being of the aged population .

  23. 全面展示社会生活和人类精神生活的宏阔视野与把人类生活的全部内容视为一个有机整体来表现的创作原则,决定了托尔斯泰长篇小说的史诗性质。

    Talstoy s novels have the qualities of an epic , which find full expression in the broad social life and various human spiritual lives presented fully and skillfully in his novels .

  24. 作为一种表现为身体对抗和身体机能提升的文化形式,它植根于中国人的传统社会经验实践和精神生活,展现出民族精神个性和思想底蕴。

    While being a cultural form of physical game and promotion of body functions , they are rooted in Chinese traditional social experience and spiritual life and reflect national characteristics and ideology .

  25. 湖南农村是在未富先老的情况下进入老龄化行列的,这就出现了许多需要解决的问题如养老资金不足、医疗保健匮乏、社会服务滞后、精神生活单调、法规落实欠缺。

    This has produced many questions which need to solve . For example , the fund lack , the medical care is deficient , the social service is lagging , the spiritual life is monotonous , laws are short .

  26. 中国传统社会对教化调节精神生活的意义和作用十分倚重,特别是经过唐末五代的乱世,宋代有识之士深切体味到了道德生活、精神信仰建设与调和文化群体关系对于社会综合发展的重要意义。

    The edification played an important role on spiritual life in Chinese traditional society . After the end of Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasties , people were fully awared that spiritual construction and harmonious interpersonal relationship played an important role in the comprehensive society .

  27. 文化自觉指人们对于文化认识达到一定高度的标志,而社会发展则是社会物质生活与精神生活的进步。

    Cultural awareness symbolizes high level knowledge of culture , and social development is the advance of social material and spiritual life .

  28. 即:自我节制社会物质生活需求,自我节制社会精神生活需求,并且努力使这种欲望限制在一定限度之内而勿使其任意膨胀,这是一个自觉的精神活动过程。

    Namely : self-restraint of material needs , self-restraint of spiritual needs , and to make such a desire to a certain limit without discretional expansion , it is a conscious process of mental activities .

  29. 交际是人类最普遍的社会现象之一,无论是物质生活,还是社会精神生活,人们都离不开相互接触,离不开交际。

    Communication is the most common phenomenon of human beings in the social life .

  30. 计算机信息技术的突飞猛进,信息网络化的不断发展,极大地促进了社会经济、科技、文化的发展和社会物质、精神生活的提高。

    As the computer information technology advances rapidly , and the information network develops continuously , the development in social economy , science and technology is greatly promoted and the social material and mental life is improved .