
  • 网络social identity;Social Identification;social recognition;social proof
  1. 对于问答网站Quora上的一个问题“社会认同作为投资策略是否有效”,诺瓦尔的回答很有意思,他说,如果所有的投资者都依赖社会认同,将会改变市场的性质。

    A quora question on whether social proof works as an investing strategy has an interesting answer from naval who notes that if all investors rely upon social proof it changes the nature of the marketplace .

  2. 如今,这种“社会认同”式背书的作用已经越来越低了。

    But , today , the value of " social proof " has been significantly diminished .

  3. 反倾销公共利益原则的社会认同与价值取向

    The social identity and value orientation of public interests for anti-dumping

  4. 强化社会认同,改变流动儿童的弱势地位。

    Strengthening social identity to change migrant children 's vulnerable position .

  5. 为什么群体和偏见能如此容易地形成:社会认同理论

    Why Groups and Prejudices Form So Easily : Social Identity Theory

  6. 诚信观与社会认同意识

    Idea of Being in Good Faith and Social Identity Consciousness

  7. 个体价值观定位和集体性社会认同的关系

    The Relationship between Individual Values Oriental and Collective Social Identity

  8. 中国社会认同的现代化转型:政治与文化的向度

    The Modern Transition of Chinese Social Identity from Political and Cultural Perspectives

  9. 户籍制度背景下流动儿童的社会认同图景

    The Social Identity Prospect of Floating Children under Household Registration System Background

  10. 教师职业声望的自我认同低于社会认同。

    Self-identity of teachers ' professional reputation is lower than social identity .

  11. 农业技术创新选择中的社会认同分析

    Analysis on Social Approval of the Selection of Innovation of Agricultural Technology

  12. 社会认同理论视角下企业的体育赞助对其员工的影响

    Effects of Sport Sponsorship on Corporation Employees with a Social Identification Theory

  13. 是便于得到社会认同的模式;

    It is easy to learn from the master model ;

  14. 如何塑造好大学形象,赢得社会认同是民办大学发展战略的重点。

    How would build university image and gain social identity for non-governmental university .

  15. 女性写作:社会认同与自我救赎

    Feminist Writing : Social Identity and Self - salvage

  16. 文化大区的建设要有充分的理论宣传和广泛的社会认同。

    The construction of it needs both sufficient theoretic propaganda and extensive social identification .

  17. 融入与冲突:新生代农民工的社会认同

    Integration and Conflict : The Social Identity for the New Generation of Migrant Workers

  18. 媒体是表达另类社会认同的工具吗?

    Can media be a vehicle for the expression of an alternate social identity ?

  19. 社会认同、分配结果对程序公正判断的影响

    The Effect of Social Identity and Distributive Outcome on the Perception of Procedure Justice

  20. 论学科规训和社会认同的整合

    On the Conformity between Disciplinarity and Social Identity

  21. 论职业教育的社会认同和职业教育发展之间的关系

    On the relationship between social identification of vocational education and development of vocational education

  22. 根据社会认同和自我类属理论,在灾难中,儿童可能改变了对自己和他人关系的认知。

    In disaster , children changed the cognition of relationship between themselves and others .

  23. 漂泊与寻根:农民工社会认同的二重性

    On Duality of Social Identity of Peasant Workers

  24. 对农民工群体社会认同的探讨

    Social Identity of Urban Migrant Worker Group

  25. 第三种情侣——“社交参与型情侣”——很重视社会认同。

    The third group - the socially involved - place high emphasis on social approval .

  26. 现代社会认同建构的基础

    On the Identity 's Social Foundation

  27. 与西方人不同,他们主要以社会认同而非自我实现作为成功标志。

    Unlike Westerners , they define success primarily in terms of social recognition rather than self-actualization .

  28. 如果真个社会认同这一规则,女人就受保护,别人不能从她那里偷到东西。

    If the whole society signs up to these rules , women are protected from thieves .

  29. 文化的普适与包容&中西传统节日的文化差异与社会认同

    Universality and Compatibility Between Cultures Cultural Differences and Social Identification of Chinese and Western Traditional Festivals

  30. 母亲将知识与家族文化传授给后代,并因此获得社会认同。

    By transmitting knowledge and family culture to next generations , the mothers acquired social recognition .