
  • 网络Social anthropology;ethnology;Sociology and Anthropology
  1. 社会人类学主要关于文化多样性。

    Social anthropology is centrally concerned with the diversity of culture .

  2. 当时,我正在剑桥大学(Cambridgeuniversity)社会人类学系读博士。这个地方非常适合做研究,但资金匮乏、被外界忽视,并且由于知识分子的自我怀疑而四分五裂。

    Back then , I was doing doctorate research in the department of social anthropology at Cambridge University , which was a fascinating place to work but also underfunded , ignored by the outside world , and riven with intellectual self-doubt .

  3. 社会人类学是社会科学的一门学科。

    Social anthropology is one of the social sciences .

  4. 裕固族学校教育功能的社会人类学分析

    A Social Anthropological Analysis of Functions of School Education of the Yugur Nationality

  5. 杂散居地区回族妇女权益保障的社会人类学考察

    A Social-anthropological Survey on Privilege Protection of Hui Nationality Women In Interracial Neighborhood

  6. 基于社会人类学的社区教育课程开发

    Community Education Curriculum Development Based on Social Anthropology

  7. 而赛尔辛格过去却是研究社会人类学的。她在纽约长大,现在依然住在那里。

    Raised in New York , which is still her home , Ms Salzinger studied social anthropology .

  8. 社会人类学一直致力于各种人文类型间的文化沟通和文化理解。

    Social anthropology has been working hard for the cultural communication and understanding between peoples with different cultures .

  9. 本文是一项以北京胡同为田野研究地点的社会人类学研究。

    This thesis is a study of Social Anthropology based on the field research of Beijing hutong community .

  10. 社会人类学作为一门独立的人文社会科学体系,它的发展与更替可以借助库恩的科学范式理论得到阐释。

    Social anthropology has been one of the humanities . Its development can be interpreted by Kuhn 's paradigm theory .

  11. 此书标志著什麽承诺,是进化生物学之间富有成效的对话和社会人类学的开始。

    This volume marks the beginning of what promises to be a fruitful conversation between evolutionary biology and social anthropology .

  12. 由于20世纪初期功能主义和社会人类学的兴起,上述状况又经历了一个重要的转型。

    With the rise of functionalism and social anthropology in the early 20th Century , an important transformation had undergone in this field .

  13. 大洋洲社会人类学协会认识社会融入社会适应社会&与大学生谈社会适应问题

    Understanding the Society , Joining the Society and Adapting to the Society & Discussing the Issue of Adopting to Society with College Students

  14. 跨越人文类型的空间阻隔&社会人类学的观察方法与互联网时代的文化沟通

    Across the Spatial Obstruct between Cultures & The Method of Observation in Social Anthropology and the Cultural Communication in the Age of Internet

  15. 文化人类学或社会人类学是分析和比较人类文化,如社会结构、语言、宗教和科学技术的科学;文化人类学。

    The science that analyzes and compares human cultures , as in social structure , language , religion , and technology ; cultural anthropology .

  16. 作者认为,人类学再研究取向有可能成为中国社会人类学研究的新范式。

    The author points out that a trend of the re-study in the anthropology could be a new paradigm for China 's social anthropology .

  17. 而对于像我这样以前研究的是社会人类学或其它社会科学的人来说,这个故事也相当发人深省和令人振奋。

    However it is also pretty thought-provoking and cheering for anybody , like myself , who once studied social anthropology or other social sciences .

  18. 中国著名学者费孝通和日本著名学者中根千枝,早年师从英国人类学功能学派大师马林诺斯基门下,学习社会人类学。

    Fei Xiaotong and Japanese scholar Nakane Chie were both the students of Malinowsky , the English master of functional theory of anthropology in England .

  19. 我目前正在学习中文及社会人类学,我发现学习中文很有挑战性,而且我认为这样能够让我更理解学生在学习英语时的困难。

    I am currently studying Chinese and Social anthropology . I find studying Chinese really challenging and I think it helps me understand my students'difficulties with learning English .

  20. 二十年前,当我还在大学读书时,人们有时候想不明白,凭借社会人类学的学位怎么能找到工作。

    A couple of decades ago , when I was at university , it was not always clear how a degree in social anthropology might produce a job .

  21. 本研究利用心理学与社会人类学研究方法,采用文献分析法、量表测量法、问卷调查法、数据统计法和个案访谈法等;

    The research adopts on psychology and social anthropology research technique , such as document analysis , questionnaire investigation , clinical interview measuring scale method , data statistical and so on .

  22. 社会人类学、社会学、语言学和心理学等多个领域的学者对面子的概念进行了界定,力图解释社会上有关面子的事件。

    Scholars in the field of social anthropology , sociology , linguistics and psychology have defined the concept of face , trying to explain the events of face in the society .

  23. 以英国为主的社会人类学对非洲亲属制度研究的诸多理论,在进入东亚社会后,需要结合其自身的社会结构特点进行修正和讨论。

    This article argues that the British social anthropology theories on African clan system needs to be studied and revised according to the actual society structures when introducing them to East Asian societies .

  24. 又如在社会人类学中,语境可能是文化的、社会的、政治的、经济的、或宗教的和生态学的,它们可能是交互的、系统的、历史的。

    In social anthropology , contexts might be of cultural , social , political , economical , religious , or ecological characters , and they also might be of interactive , systematic , and historical characters .

  25. 本文对武夷山茶文化进行整体梳理的同时,运用社会人类学方法对当地茶文化事件进行分析,试图揭示出当地的空间结构与文化结构之间的关系。

    In this paper , I comb the tea culture in Wuyi Mount systematically , using methods of social anthropology and cultural practices of the local tea , trying to reveal the spatial structure of the local relationship between the structure and culture .

  26. 文摘:对民居研究的两种方法,即文化人类学方法、社会人类学方法作了分析与比较,认为两种方法的学术取向各有侧重、各具特色,互为补充。

    Abstract : the thesis analyses and compares the two methods of researching vernacular architecture , namely method of cultural anthropology and that of social anthropology , thinks that the two methods possess their own characteristics of academic tendency and is complement each other .

  27. 25岁的郑普波(音译)就读于上海大学社会人类学专业,虽然他一年半之前就拿到了硕士学位,但现在他却只是招商银行深圳某话务中心的一名接线员。

    Zheng Pubo , 25 , studied social anthropology at Shanghai University . Although he obtained his master 's degree one and a half years ago , he 's currently working as an operator at a call center of China Merchant 's Bank in Shenzhen .

  28. 社会文化人类学的语境问题

    The Problem of Context in Social and Cultural Anthropology

  29. 近年来社会文化人类学若干热点透视

    A Perspective of Some Hot Focuses in Recent Years ' Socio-Cultural Anthropological Studies

  30. 自然[文化,社会]人类学中国法自然与西方自然法之比较

    Physical [ cultural , social ] anthropology Comparative Study on Chinese and Western " Natural Law "