
shè qū xué yuàn
  • community college
  1. 乔安·雷塔诺(JoanneReitano)是皇后区长岛市拉瓜地亚社区学院(LaGuardiaCommunityCollege)的历史教授,著有若干关于长岛市和纽约州历史的佳作。

    Joanne Reitano is a professor of history at LaGuardia Community College in Long Island City , Queens .

  2. 这位贝尔维尤社区学院队(贝尔维尤是西雅图的一个镇)和几支ABA球队的前教练正在追寻着他的激情。

    The former coach for Bellevue Community College and several teams in the American Basketball Association , is pursuing his passion .

  3. 当下时局艰难,一些社区学院被迫停止招生。

    Hard times are forcing community colleges to turn away students .

  4. 他们没有完全放弃高等教育,而是选择了社区学院或低入学门槛的公立学校。

    Instead of skipping out on higher education altogether , they chose community colleges or state schools with low bars for admittance .

  5. 田纳西州的技术学院和社区学院不会将其设施管理外包给一家私人公司,该决定被一份各所高校的出分析报告所支持,一位领导说道。

    Tennessee 's technical and community colleges will not outsource management of their facilities to a private company , a decision one leader said was bolstered by an analysis of spending at each campus .

  6. 纽约州立大学(StateUniversityofNewYork,SUNY)也面临同样困境,该校运营着一个由公共社区学院以及大学组成的庞大网络。

    So too at the State University of New York , which runs a vast network of public community colleges and universities .

  7. 制造商学会制定了一个认证系统,旨在协调社区学院与技术学院的课程和技术证书颁发机构,比如美国焊接工程协会(AmericanWeldingSociety)等,以帮助人们获得证书或学位,或者两者兼得。

    The manufacturing Institute developed a credentialing system to coordinate programs in community and technical colleges with skills Certificate-granting associations like the American Welding Society to assist people seeking a certificate or degree , or both .

  8. 全球晶圆公司同其他高科技公司一起,与哈德逊谷社区学院(HudsonValleyCommunityCollege)紧密合作,该学院拥有一个名为“TEC-SMART”的专门用于半导体相关培训的园区,也坐落于同一片森林区。

    Along with other high-tech companies , GlobalFoundries is working closely with Hudson Valley Community College , which has a dedicated semiconductor-training campus , called TEC-SMART , nestled in the same forest .

  9. 今年九月,苹果(Apple)付给福德希尔德安萨社区学院(Foothill-DeAnzaCommunityCollegeDistrict)100万美元,在那里举办苹果智能手表的发布活动。

    Apple reportedly paid $ 1 million to the Foothill-De Anza Community College District where it held an event to announce its Watch in September .

  10. 福赛斯技术社区学院(ForsythTechnicalCommunityCollege)(位于北卡罗来纳州温斯顿塞勒姆市)的校长加里•格林表示,学院对课程进行了修订,以便与最新的制造技能系统保持一致。

    Gary green , President of the Forsyth Technical Community College , in Winston-Salem , N.C. , says his institution already has revamped its curriculum to align with the new manufacturing skills system .

  11. DavidBaime是美国社区学院联合会一名高级副主席。

    David Baime is a senior vice president of the American Association of Community Colleges .

  12. 格罗伊利希先生是在新泽西州兰道夫(Randolph)的莫里斯社区学院(CountyCollegeofMorris)与马库斯女士相识的。2013年8月,在佛蒙特州旅行时,他在热气球上向她求婚。

    Mr. Greulich , who met Ms. Marcus at the County College of Morris in Randolph , N.J. , proposed on a hot-air balloon ride during a trip to Vermont in August 2013 .

  13. CBE职教模式是加拿大社区学院教育的成功教学模式,是以能力培养为基础的教育教学体系。

    CBE vocational education method is a successful teaching method for Canadian community college education , it is a teaching system of competency-based education .

  14. 美国社区学院AOI教育及对我国高职公共基础课改革的启示

    The Inspiration of Academic and Occupational Integration of American Community Colleges on Public Basic Course Reform of Chinese Higher Vocational Colleges

  15. 他表示,位于伊利诺伊州迪凯特的ADM公司与当地的社区学院和技术学院达成了合作,但公司同时也支持拓宽认证渠道,使证书的获取更为容易,同时更容易得到整个制造业的认可。

    - based company works with local community and technical colleges , he says , but it endorses the broader certificate approach to make credentials portable and recognized across the manufacturing industry .

  16. 许多职业学校和社区学院都已提供了此专业的学位课程,其中一部分还能同时获得美国汽车维修资格认证协会(ASE)的证书。

    Vocational schools and community colleges offer degree programs in this field , often leading to certification by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence ( ASE ) .

  17. 签证处荣幸的宣布启动与加拿大社区学院协会(ACCC)合作的学生合作计划(SPP)。

    The Visa Section is pleased to announce the launch of the Student Partners Program ( SPP ) in partnership with The Association of Canadian Community Colleges ( ACCC ) .

  18. 这些节约的资金超过一半将用于为贫困学生提供更多的助学金(PellGrants)。其中的几十亿还将拨付给传统的少数民族学校和两年制社区学院。

    The plan is to use more than half the savings to provide more federal Pell Grants to A few billion will also go to schools that traditionally serve minorities and to help two-year community colleges .

  19. AOI是美国职教工作者上世纪90年代至今一直倡导并实施的教育理念,对美国社区学院课程改革产生了深刻的影响。

    AOI is the educational idea which has been advocated and implemented by the workers of vocational education in America since 1990 's , which makes far-reaching influence on curriculum reform of community college in America .

  20. 如果你觉得是因为GMAT分数一般影响了录取,那就把在社区学院里为提高技能而参加的会计或财务课程的成绩单寄过去。

    If you suspect a mediocre quantitative score on the GMAT is a culprit , send them transcripts of accounting or finance classes you have taken at a community college to boost your skills , for example .

  21. 介绍了职业教育的基本概况和社区学院教育的主要特点,分析了CBE教学模式的形成背景、组成与结构、实施步骤、课程开发流程以及基本特征,最后指出了CBE教学模式的若干缺陷。

    The paper introduces the general situation of vocational education and the main character of community college , analyzes its background , form , structure , procedure , curriculum development and basic characteristics of CBE , and it finally pointes out the some shortcomings of CBE .

  22. 关于美国社区学院的学生服务体系

    On the Students Service System of Community Colleges in the U.S.A

  23. 奥巴马总统是星期二在华盛顿附近一所社区学院发表讲话时说这番话的。

    The president spoke Tuesday at a community college near Washington .

  24. 另外,加拿大也有很多社区学院和职业培训学院。

    As well , Canada has many colleges and vocational schools .

  25. 加拿大社区学院的经验与借鉴

    The experiences of community college in Canada and its reference

  26. 论社区学院在农村经济可持续发展中的作用

    On the Function of the Community College in the Village Economic Development

  27. 社区学院在构建终身教育体系中的不可替代作用

    Community Colleges Play a Great Role in Building of Life-long Education System

  28. 社区学院成为推进终身教育的重要机构。

    Community college is an important institution of lifelong education .

  29. 美国社区学院的师资队伍建设研究

    On the Faculty and Staff Development of American Community Colleges

  30. 美国社区学院对促进高等教育大众化的贡献

    Great Historic Contribution of Community Colleges to Popularizing the U.S. Higher Education