
  • 网络public university
  1. 论我国公立高等学校行政主体法律地位

    The Administrative Subject Law Status of the Public University in China

  2. 公立高等学校除作为行政主体之外,其还具有自治主体的法律地位。

    The public university has the autonomous subject law status besides the administrative subject law status .

  3. 由于非营利组织存在很多种,本文以公立高等学校为例,具体介绍了BP时序人工神经网络的运用过程,建立一个包括一个输入层、一个隐含层和一个输出层的网络结构。

    Since there were lots of nonprofit organizations , the article took universities as an example . The article introduced the process of using the BP neural networks in the university . It build a network structure including a importing tier , a connotative tier and an exporting tier .

  4. 论公立高等学校的公法人化趋势

    On the Trend of the Public Higher Educational Institutions Public Legal Person

  5. 我国公立高等学校内部管理体制改革研究

    A Study on Chinese Public Higher Schools ' Internal Management System Reformation

  6. 公立高等学校的经营观

    On the Economic Operation of Public Higher Education Institutions

  7. 公立高等学校学生身份处分权的法理探析

    Jurisprudential Analysis on Students ' Identity of Disciplinary Power in Public Higher Schools

  8. 我国公立高等学校的法律定位

    Legal definition of China 's public colleges and universities

  9. 公立高等学校与政府的分权理论

    Theories of Distributing the Educational Power between Public Higher Educational Institutions and Governments

  10. 论我国公立高等学校的性质与地位简论高职教育的性质与地位

    Discussion on the Nature and the Position of Chinese Public Higher Educational Institutions

  11. 江苏省公立高等学校办学自主权现状研究

    Research on the Current Situation of Autonomy of Public Universities in Jiangsu Province

  12. 委托代理视角下公立高等学校债务分析

    An Analysis of Debts of Public Colleges and Universities under Entrusted Agency Visual Angle

  13. 本文提到的我国高校仅指我国大陆地区的公立高等学校。

    Chinese colleges and universities mentioned in this article refer only to public colleges and universities .

  14. 以产权的观点审视了传统计划经济体制下我国公立高等学校的制度安排问题。

    This paper analyzes the traditional property right system of public colleges and universities in China .

  15. 论我国公立高等学校的法律地位&以公立高等学校与学生的关系为研究视角

    Legal Status of China 's Public Colleges and Universities & Based on the Relationship between Universities and Students

  16. 第二部分对我国公立高等学校现行内部管理体制中存在的问题及其原因作了探讨。

    In the second part , problems and their reasons among Chinese public higher schools ' internal management system were discussed .

  17. 自二十世纪90年代以来,我国公立高等学校的行政法律地位一直备受学者的关注。

    Since 1990s , the administrative legal status of public university in our country has been of great concern by scholars .

  18. 公立高等学校教师的工作压力和工作满意度关系研究

    An Inquiry into the Interrelationship between the Teachers ' Job Satisfaction and Occupational Stress of the Teachers from the Public Institutions of Higher Education

  19. 而其它相关法律法规对我国公立高等学校教师的法律地位规定也是模糊不清。

    And the provisions of the legal status of teachers in public colleges and universities in other related laws and regulations are also unclear .

  20. 第二部分把公立高等学校放在具体的法律关系中考察,研究了公立高等学校与政府的关系,公立高等学校与教师、学生的关系。

    Legal relationships between public university and government as well as between public university and its teachers or students are inquired in the second chapter .

  21. 在理论界有些学者认为公立高等学校是法律、法规授权组织,具有行政主体资格。

    Meanwhile , some scholars have theoretically referred public university to be an organization authorized by law and regulation as well as a qualified administrative subject .

  22. 具体对我国公立高等学校内部决策体制、执行体制、咨询体制和监督反馈体制中存在的问题及其原因进行了分析。

    Problems and their reasons among Chinese public higher schools internal leadership system , implementation system , consultation system , supervision and feedback system were analyzed concretely .

  23. 第四部分是国内外关于公立高等学校法律地位的各种学说,理论界的各种学说使我们更全面的了解问题。

    The fourth part is the various theories about the legal status of public universities at home and abroad so that we can more fully understand the problem .

  24. 我国现有法律、法规都没有对公立高等学校的法律地位进行规定,从而导致学生的权利被侵害却得不到救济。

    At present , the legal status of public universities is not clarified in Chinese laws ; therefore , students ' rights in this regard were infringed without relief .

  25. 授权理论和公务法人说不足以合理界定我国公立高等学校的法律地位。

    It 's not appropriate to define the legal status of China 's public colleges and universities by using the Authorized Theory or the Theory of the Official Legal Person .

  26. 聘任合同作为保障公立高等学校法律地位和教师劳动者法律地位的基本形式,是贯彻和落实教师聘任制的直接依据。

    As a basic form to ensure the legal status of public colleges and universities and teachers , appointment contracts is the direct basis to carry out the appointment system .

  27. 公立高等学校成为了行政诉讼的被告,而现行行政法律制度和理论无法对此提供全面的理论支持。

    Public university has been accused in administrative litigation , however , no general theoretical support to this problem has been provided by the rules and theories of the present administrative law .

  28. 因此,有必要明确我国公立高等学校的行政主体法律地位,以法律来规制公立高等学校的行政权力,构建具有法治精神的现代大学。

    Therefore , it is necessary to specify the administrative legal status of public university as to build up modern university in the spirit of law by regulating the administrative power of public university .

  29. 事业单位之定性使得公立高等学校的法律地位模糊不清,法律、法规授权的组织之定位也不能对公立高等学校成为行政诉讼的被告进行有说服力的阐释。

    The legal status of public university is vague because of the quality of enterprise , while the phenomenon of public university accused has not been convectively interpreted caused by the orientation of organization powered by law and regulation .

  30. 建立公立高等学校监事会制度,从外部对公立高校的运行进行监督,有利于国家高等教育公益性目标的实现,促进高等教育在法制的轨道上健康运行。

    The establishment of public university supervisory board system and external supervision on the running of public university are beneficial to the realization of the national higher education objectives and to promote the healthy operation for higher education in legal track .