
  • 网络public release;public announcement;general availability
  1. 据悉,腾讯游戏官方暂未公开发布本次改编电影将选用哪款游戏,同时对拍摄金额保密;

    He said that Tencent wishes to keep the launch confidential until it makes a public announcement , and refused to reveal which game would be adapted or how much Tencent is investing in the project .

  2. 第一次公开发布是在2011年1月。

    The first public release was in January of2011 .

  3. 建立了甘肃省测绘资料信息发布系统发布网站,并在Internet上公开发布。

    The Gansu surveying and mapping data information delivery system website is built and published in the Internet .

  4. 由于协议是通过免版税许可证公开发布的,所以很多客户端和Broker实现因为它而存在。

    Because the protocol is openly published with a royalty-free license , many client and broker implementations exist for it .

  5. 只有希望方案能使用各种公开发布的WSDL文档时才有必要使用此代码。

    This code is only necessary so that the scenario can be used with a wide array of publicly published WSDL documents .

  6. 拥有一个公开发布的AMF规格说明应该只会帮助改善这些实现。

    Having a published AMF specification should only help to improve these implementations .

  7. 静态分析重新获得关注,始于一款Microsoft内部的工具&FXCop,由于它非常受欢迎,所以微软将其公开发布。

    The new emphasis on static analysis started with FX Cop , an internal Microsoft tool that was so successful that they released it to the public .

  8. 通过UDDI注册,各企业可以将自身的描述、服务描述以及服务访问方式的描述公开发布。

    By using UDDI registry center , each business can publish its description about business , Web service and the way to access the Web service .

  9. 由于有关规定要求地方政府在发行债券前必须公示地方财政状况,上海新世纪资信评估投资服务有限公司(ShanghaiBrillianceCreditRating&InvestorsServiceCo.,简称:上海新世纪)的这份信用评级报告在周二得以公开发布。

    The credit report , issued by Shanghai Brilliance Credit Rating & Investors Service Co. , was released publicly on Tuesday thanks to the requirement that local governments need to make their financial position transparent before they can sell bonds .

  10. 为了加强对社区的反馈,微软打算更频密地公开发布Hotfix。

    In an attempt to be more responsive , Microsoft is trying to publicly release hot-fixes more frequently .

  11. 缺点在于CCH必须通过支持渠道获取,它不是公开发布的。

    The one drawback is that the CCH must be obtained through support channels as it is not posted publicly .

  12. 这个公开发布的前期版本为开发者和消费者提供了对其进行测试的机会,并就其新特性、增强以及与之前制作的动画内容的兼容性问题向Adobe提供早期反馈。

    This public prerelease is an opportunity for developers and consumers to test and provide early feedback to Adobe on new features , enhancements , and compatibility with previously authored content .

  13. 但是,如果内核是经过定制、在本地构建的,它就无效了,因为UptrackManager无法针对公开发布的操作系统检查内核并生成拼接。

    It won 't work , though , if your kernel is customized and built locally , because Uptrack Manager cannot compare your kernel to a known , published operating system to generate splices .

  14. NET平台是Microsoft公司在2000年6月公开发布的一个软件平台。其核心内容之一就是要建立第三代互联网平台,这个网络平台将解决网站之间的协同合作,从而最大限度地获取信息。

    NET platform is a software platform which Microsoft Company released publicly in June of 2000 . One of its key contents is to set up the third generation internet platform , which will solve the cooperation problem among the websites to obtain information to the maximum extent .

  15. 当大多数单元测试都针对Alfresco顺利完成后,我就开始针对已经公开发布CMIS实现的其他供应商进行测试。

    As soon as most of the unit tests were finishing cleanly against Alfresco , I began to test against additional vendors who had publicly available CMIS implementations .

  16. 另一位知晓DJI财政状况的人士证实了这些数字的准确性,但要求不具名,因为公司尚未公开发布数字。

    Another person familiar with DJI 's finances confirmed the accuracy of those figures , asking for anonymity because the company has not publicly released them .

  17. Arduino公开发布各种产品,包括其畅销电路板的所有设计图和电路图,任何人都能拿来自行使用、修改或销售。

    Arduino publishes all the designs and schematics for its products , including its popular circuit board , for anyone to use , modify , or sell themselves .

  18. 2002年,德国罗斯托克马克斯-普朗克人口研究所(MaxPlanckInstituteforDemographicResearch)的詹姆斯•沃佩尔(JamesVaupel)指出,每次公开发布的对平均寿命趋稳水平的估计都会在几年内被打破,这令人口统计学家感到吃惊。

    In 2002 , James Vaupel of the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock , Germany , startled demographers by pointing out that every estimate published of the level at which average life expectancy would level out has been broken within a few years .

  19. 在你要公开发布的正则表达式里加入注释尤为重要。

    It is especially important to comment regular expressions that you release to the public .

  20. 这是国家卫生部卫生经济研究所公开发布的全国卫生总费用系列报告。

    The report is one of the serial reports open published by China Health Economics Institute .

  21. 中国虚拟人项目已公开发布了数例人体数据集。

    The on going Virtual Chinese Human Project ( VCHP ) released some Chinese human datasets recently .

  22. 自由基于改进软件,并公开发布你所进行的改进,从而令所有人受益。

    The freedom to improve the programme and release your improvements to the public , so that everyone benefits .

  23. 下周,她将出席一个公开发布她传记的仪式,并在维多利亚的议会大厦进行午餐。

    Next week , she will attend a public launch of her biography and lunch at Victoria 's Parliament House .

  24. 不过,对我们而言,我们只能采用公开发布的数字,除非它们被正式修订。

    For our purposes , however , we have to stick with the published estimate until it is formally revised .

  25. 最终公开发布的版本将在所有的故障都被解决并且程序运行非常稳定后被释出。

    The final public version will be released right after all bugs have been removed and the software is running stable .

  26. 大壶节的Ashioto使用的代码马上就会公开发布,任何人都可以免费获取。

    The code used by Ashioto during Kumbh Mela will soon be made publicly available , free to use for anyone .

  27. 你说该报告还没有公开发布,所以我选择不对其予以置评。

    And you said it 's not publicly released , so I choose not to comment on it , he told Lamborn .

  28. 这个项目的各个组件都是开源的,比如硬件就是在“知识共享许可协议”下公开发布的。

    So the different elements of the project are all open , so the hardware is released with a Creative Commons license .

  29. 建立在强制授权和代码共享基础上的知识产权协议,培育了生机勃勃的全球社区,它们公开发布和分享自己的创新成果。

    Intellectual property agreements based on compulsory licensing and code-sharing have fostered vibrant global communities that openly reveal and share their innovations .

  30. 通胀目标制的思路是以公开发布的量化的通胀目标作为承诺,也同时作为对央行行为的长期约束。

    Inflation targeting system of thought on the published quantitative inflation target as a pledge acts as the central bank of long-term constraint .