
  • 网络public good;public product
  1. 采用两阶段DEA方法对我国地方公共品供给效率地区差异进行了测度。

    The two-phase DEA method is adopted by the author to measure the regional differences in China 's local public goods provision efficiency .

  2. 全球公共品视角下的SNA

    SNA under the Framework of Global Public Goods

  3. 本文将从以地方公共品供给为表现形式的产业政策这一角度来研究地方公共品供给是如何在不违反WTO规则的前提下来增进产业竞争优势。

    From the view of industrial policy in the form of local public goods supply , this article means to study how the public goods supply promote competitive advantage under the precondition of inviolate the rules of WTO premise of industrial .

  4. 本论文报告了一个新颖的公共品实验。

    The present paper reports on a novel public goods experiment .

  5. 单位供给公共品的制度经济学分析

    An Analysis of Institutional Economics of Work Unit Supplying Public Goods

  6. 统筹发展城乡公共品供给制度

    The Overall Plan Develops the Urban and Rural Public Supplies System

  7. 农村公共品供给与农业电子商务的发展

    Rural Public Goods Supply and the Development of E-Commerce in Agriculture

  8. 走出困境:公共品供给的博弈分析

    Out of Traps : The Game Analysis of Public Goods Provision

  9. 企业受市场机制引导以盈利为最终目标,市场可以有效提供私人品,却不愿提供公共品。

    Market may offer private goods but not public ones .

  10. 论区域公共品及其提供主体

    On the Regional Public Goods and Their Subjects of Supply

  11. 农村公共品供给大多与村社有关。

    The supply of rural public goods is relevant to the community .

  12. 论税费改革后农村公共品的供给

    Analysis of Effect on Supply of Rural Public Products after Tax Reform

  13. 公共品的平等性、差异性与均等化。

    The equality , difference and equalization of public goods .

  14. 农村公共品供给不足及其求解路径

    On the Shortage of Public Construction in Rural Areas and Its Solution

  15. 地方性公共品供给制度创新研究

    Institutional Innovation on Supply of Local Public Goods LOCAL POLICY LOCAL ECONOMY

  16. 农村公共品供给与需求的制度分析

    An Analysis of Supply System and Demand System on Rural Public Goods

  17. 专用性公共品与企业性质:一种新观点

    Specific Public Goods and the Nature of Firms : A New Viewpoint

  18. 林业公共品供给制度的路径选择分析

    Analysis on the Way Choice for Forestry Supply of Public Goods Systems

  19. 在现实生活中,公共品多为地方公共品。

    In reality , many public goods belong to local public goods .

  20. 地方债为公共品融资:条件与效应分析

    Financing Pubic Goods through Local Debt : Conditions and Effects

  21. 美国特许学校实际上是市场经济条件下的一种公共品生产形式,从其实践看,这种学校较好地使政府机制与市场机制进行了有效的结合。

    The school combines the government and the market effectively .

  22. 并借助博弈论的工具分析了他们在供给农村公共品中的相关关系。

    It takes the tools of game theory to analyze their relationship .

  23. 农村公共品供给的理论假定与逻辑推演

    Theoretic Hypothesis of Rural Public Goods Supply and Logic Reasoning

  24. 论准公共品的本质特征和范围变化

    Research on Essential Character and Scope Movement of Quasi-public Goods

  25. 对于当前中国公共品供给私有化的置疑&以环境资源类公共品为例

    Arguing over the privatization of Public Goods Supply in China

  26. 中国公共品供给制度的缺陷分析

    On the Limitations for Chinese Government to Supply Public Goods

  27. 税费改革对农村公共品融资制度的影响&基于山东省调查资料的分析

    Impacts of Tax Reform on Rural Public Goods Financing System

  28. 农村公共品供给对农民消费支出的影响

    Impact of Rural Public Product Supply on Peasant Consuming Expenditure

  29. 技术进步、制度创新与公共品市场供给&以基础设施发展为视角

    Technology Improvement , Institution Innovation and Provision of Public Goods

  30. 美国特许学校:尝试把教育作为真正的公共品

    American Charter School : An Attempt to Regard Education as Public Goods