
  1. 公有制实现形式理论的两次重大历史性创新

    Two Innovations of Historical Significance in Public-Owned Way of Realization

  2. 马克思的所有制理论与公有制实现形式探索

    Probe into Marxist Property Theory and the Realization Forms of Communal Property

  3. 关于市场经济条件下公有制实现形式的理论思考

    On the Appropriate Form of Public Ownership in Market Economy

  4. 论公有制实现形式的形成和发展

    On Formation and Development of Realization Forms of Public Ownership

  5. 跳出将股份制简单等同于公有制实现形式的误区

    Eliminating the Misunderstanding that Stock System Identifies with the Realization Form of Public Ownership

  6. 股份合作制是符合产权演进规律的公有制实现形式之一。

    Share cooperated System is one form of public ownership in accordance with ownership derivation .

  7. 市场经济要求公有制实现形式多样化,公有制实现形式多样化要求多种所有制经济共同发展。

    Market economy needs diverse forms of public ownership , which in turn requires a joint development of various kinds of ownership .

  8. 三是明确指出了公有制实现形式可以而且应当多样化。

    Third , it clearly points out that the form of public ownership to be realized and the forms can be varied .

  9. 本文运用马克思主义的唯物辩证法深入考察了我国公有制实现形式探索的全过程,全面总结了各种公有制实现形式。

    This paper , by using Marxist materialist dialectics , endeavours to investigate the whole process of the exploration of realization forms of public ownership .

  10. 在寻找能极大促进生产力发展的公有制实现形式时,必须进行公有制的微观基础重构。

    When we seek the forms to realize public ownership to promote the development of productive t'orces , we must rebuild the microcosmic and basic of public ownership .

  11. 按生产要素分配是公有制实现形式多样化的前提条件,公有制为主体、多种所有制经济共同发展的基本经济制度,决定了必须实行按劳分配为主体的多种分配方式。

    The basic economic system in which public ownership is dominant and various kinds of ownership develop jointly must select diverse distribution systems with distribution according to work as .

  12. 医疗卫生单位公有制实现形式的多样化十分必要:①发展医疗卫生事业不能单靠政府的投入;

    It is essential for medical health institutions to adopt diversified forms of public ownership . This is because ① the development of the medical cause cannot rely on government input alone ;

  13. 目前应从公有制实现形式的创新,完善资本市场制度,结合国企战略性改组、推动存量结构优化,完善资本市场监管制度四个方面予以规范。

    That is to innovate the realization of the public ownership , to improve the capital market system , to optimize storage and measurement structure combining with the state-run enterprise strategic re-organization and to perfect capital market supervisory system .

  14. 尊重劳动者个人所有权应该是理解个人所有制的关键,科学的公有制实现形式应该是劳动者个人股份所有制。

    This essay states that the key factors to understand this lie in a respect to the private ownership of the workers , and that the workers ' private ownership based on share-holding constructs the scientific realization of public ownership .

  15. 1997年党的15大的政治报告就提出要探索有效率的公有制实现形式,16大的政治报告将这一任务更加具体化了,有着更强的实际操作性。

    To explore an effective " form to realize public ownership " is also the call of the 15th Party Congress of 1997 . The political report of the 16th Party Congress further specifies the task and makes it more workable in practice .

  16. 试论公有制的实现形式可以而且应当多样化

    Public Ownership Can and Should Take Multiple Forms in its Realization

  17. 论所有制性质和公有制的实现形式

    On the Nature of Ownership and Implementary Forms of the Public Ownership

  18. 论社会主义初级阶段公有制及其实现形式

    On the Public Ownership at the Socialist Primary Stage and Its Realization Forms

  19. 股份制这种产权组织,包容多元股权,既可以成为公有制的实现形式,也可以成为非公有制经济的实现形式。

    The shareholding system as a property right organization encompasses pluralistic stock rights .

  20. 马克思重建个人所有制论断与我国公有制多种实现形式探讨

    Marx 's Theory about Rebuilding Individual Ownership and Realizable Forms of Public Ownership

  21. 股份制是公有制主要实现形式的必然选择

    Stock System is Inevitable Choice of the Primary Realization Form of Public Ownership

  22. 论股份制企业中公有制的实现形式

    On Realization of Public Ownership in Shareholding Corporations

  23. 某种公有制的实现形式在现实经济中的生存权利与发展前景,最终还要由效率标准决定。

    The development of a realization form of public ownership depends fundamentally on its efficiency .

  24. 公有制的实现形式多样化必然造就出产权主体的多元化,而多元化的产权主体恰恰正是市场经济存在的一般前提。

    Secondly , diversified forms of realizing public ownership offer realistic possibility for the combination of socialism and market economy .

  25. 股份制可以成为公有制主要实现形式,并且必将极大解放和发展我国社会生产力。

    It can be the realizing form of public ownership and will , to a great extent , emancipate and improve our social productivity .

  26. 使股份制成为部分高校公有制主要实现形式途径探析

    Make the share make into to part of and high school the owned by public system to primarily realizes the form path of discussion and analysis

  27. 分析了公用事业由国有独资经营向公有制多种实现形式转化必须把握好的几个方面。

    Several aspects needed to be well dealt with in the conversion of PU from the exclusive state-financed and managed status to the realization of diversified forms of public ownership are analyzed .

  28. 我国在探索社会主义市场经济条件下公有制多种实现形式的过程中,也产生了一些类似西方员工持股制度的产权组织形式。

    In the process of investigating multiple realization formation of public ownership under socialism market economy in our country , some forms of property right organization , which resemble ESOP , are also produced .

  29. 正确理解马克思的所有制理论对判断所有制的性质、设计社会主义社会的所有制结构和公有制的实现形式有重要意义。

    To correctly understand the ownership theory of Marx 's has important significance for us to judge the nature of ownership and to design the ownership struction of socialist society and the realization form of public ownership .

  30. 一是从社会主义初级阶段的基本经济制度、公有制多种实现形式和社会主义市场经济体制的内涵及基本要求探讨按生产要素分配的基本理论依据。

    First , it provides the basic theoretical basis for the distribution of production factors from the viewpoint of the basic economic system in the primary stage of socialism , of various realization forms of public ownership .