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gōng jī
  • cock;rooster
公鸡 [gōng jī]
  • [rooster;cock] 雄性鸡

公鸡[gōng jī]
  1. 公鸡啼叫。

    The cock crowed .

  2. 这只公鸡胸部羽毛呈浅栗色,带有白色细条纹。

    The cock 's breast is tinged with chestnut .

  3. 公鸡追着我跑过谷仓的泥土地面。

    The rooster chased me across the dirt floor of the barn .

  4. 这样可以使这对公鸡和母鸡正常交配,让母鸡不再呆在鸡窝里。

    This allows the pair to mate properly and stops the hen staying in the nest-box

  5. 公鸡振翅啼叫。

    The cock clapped his wings and crowed .

  6. 那只公鸡啄了我一下。

    The cock gave me a peck .

  7. 公鸡头上的鸡冠很好看。

    The comb on the cock 's head looks very beautiful .

  8. 母鸡咯咯叫,公鸡喔喔啼。

    A hen cackles . a cock crows .

  9. 这公鸡有一个红鸡冠。

    The cock had a red comb .

  10. 这只公鸡正在啼鸣。

    The cock is crowing .

  11. 运动按摩治疗师GloriaSharp虽然是第一次养鸡,但她表示自己得到了新加坡养鸡者社区的大力支持。从如何处理公鸡的啼叫到常见的疾病,比如鸡趾瘤症,乌鸡的主人经常在网络论坛上讨论和分享饲养乌鸡的技巧。

    From how to handle roosters ’ crowing to common ailments like bumblefoot , Silkie owners often discuss and share tips for raising Silkies in online community groups .

  12. 那云成公鸡形。

    The cloud was in the shape of a cock .

  13. 于是,她们捉住公鸡,拧断了它的脖子。

    So they caught it and wrung3 its neck .

  14. 公鸡竖起了鸡冠。

    The rooster bristled his crest .

  15. 那风信公鸡既没有母鸡,也没有小鸡。他只想着自己,满身铜绿

    The latter has neither hens nor chicks , and only thinks of himself and perspires verdigris .

  16. 每当公鸡一打鸣,这个老女人就叫她们起来去干活,不让她们多睡一会儿。

    They were not allowed to lie long abed in the mornings , but the old lady had them up and doing as soon as the cock crew .

  17. 宾梦到郊外游玩,看见一只公鸡用嘴一根一根地啄掉尾巴上的漂亮的羽毛,感到奇怪,并问侍者公鸡为什么要这样做?

    Once Bin1 Meng went outing on the suburbs . He was surprised to see a rooster pulling out its tail feathers and asked the waiter why the rooster did so .

  18. 女主人听不到公鸡的叫声了,确比往常更早地叫醒她们,在半夜里就让她们去干活。

    For what happened was that their Mistress , not hearing the cock crow as usual , waked them up earlier than ever , and set them to work in the middle of the night .

  19. 仆人们都不喜欢这么早的时间起床,尤其冬天里,她们以为,若是那只公鸡不在那么早的时候叫醒女主人,她们还能多睡一会儿。

    They disliked intensely having to get up at such an hour , especially in winter-time : and they thought that if it were not for the cock waking up their Mistress so horribly early , they could sleep longer .

  20. 墨子回答说:“青蛙和癞蛤蟆的叫声从早到晚没有停过,但是,却几乎没有引起人们的注意。公鸡仅仅只在黎明时分叫上几声,便能将天下的人都唤醒.”因此,话多不一定有好处。

    Mohist answered , " The grog and hop never stop shouting from day to night , but they get little from people . The rooster only sings only for a few minutes in the morning and wakes up all the people . So , it is not necessarily advisable to speak a lot . "

  21. 他刨出出来的是一颗不知什么时候遗落在庭院里的珍珠“你也许这是个宝贝”,公鸡大人说,“对于人类来说,他们会珍惜你,但在我看来,我宁可要一粒大麦也不想琢一粒珍珠。”

    What did it turn out to be but a pearl that by some chance had been lost in the yard ? " You may be a treasure , " quoth master pock , " to men that prize you , but for me I would rather have a single barley-corn than a peck of pearls . "

  22. 说明不同粗蛋白和钙水平日粮对成年种公鸡的体重没有明显的影响(P>0.05)。

    Body weight of aged roosters was not affected by the different dietary of crude protein and calcium levels ( P0.05 ) . 2 .

  23. PCR扩增禽类W染色体特异性的重复序列发现,2只嵌合体公鸡的性腺都嵌合了供体异性的细胞。

    Hetero-sexual cells were found in the gonads of both chimeras by PCR amplifying the W-specific repeating sequences .

  24. Vc和中草药添加剂对夏季种公鸡精液品质的影响

    Effect of vitamin C and Chinese herb additives on the sperm quality of rooster in summer

  25. 日粮锌添加水平影响公鸡的生长发育,对公鸡的性腺发育有显著影响(p<0.05)。

    Added level of dietary zinc affected growth and development in cock , at the same time , influenced sex gland development significantly ( p < 0.05 ) .

  26. DMA和甘油对公鸡精子冷冻保护作用的比较

    A Comparative Study on the Cryoprotective Effects of DMA and Glycerol on Cocks ′ Spermatozoa

  27. 日粮LFA3对AA肉用公鸡肉品质的影响

    Effect of dietary lfa_3 on meat quality of male broiler

  28. 性别间分析结果表明母鸡肌肉硫胺素含量有高于公鸡的趋势,但统计检验结果表明并不显著(P>0.05)。

    There is not significant difference in contents of muscle thiamine between male and female , but contents of muscle thiamine in female are higher than one of male ( P > 0 05 ) .

  29. 这首歌曲在创作上,歌曲的演唱上,都有极为大胆的-惊人之举,旋律部分的歌词从头到尾不超过五个字,小鸡,母鸡,公鸡,咕咕day。

    In the creation of the song , the song of the concert , there is a very daring stunt lyric melody part from beginning to end , no more than five words , chickens , hens , rooster , cuckoo day .

  30. 染氟组公鸡精子数量减少,活力降低,精子畸形率升高,与对照组比较差异极显著(P<0.01),且呈显著的时间&效应关系。

    In experimental group ( fluorosis group ), sperm density and sperm vitality reduced and sperm abnormality rates rised compared with control group ( P < 0.01 ), and all the sperm indexes take a noticeably time-effect relationship throuth the experimental time .