
gān ba
  • wizened;shrivelled;dried up
干巴 [gān bā]
  • (1) [wizened;dried up]

  • (2) 因脱水而收缩变硬

  • 大豆荚儿都晒干巴了

  • (3) 皮肤因缺脂肪而显得皱缩,不光滑

  • (4) [shrivelled]∶皱缩起来或被皱缩起来

  • 人老了,皮肤就干巴了

干巴[gān ba]
  1. 枣儿都晒干巴了。

    The dates have all dried up in the sun .

  2. 她说她头疼,看上去显得又衰老又干巴。

    She complained of a headache , and she looked old and wizened .

  3. 通过例证使干巴巴的论点充实起来。

    Examples were used to flesh out the skeleton of the argument .

  4. 她啃着干巴巴的烤面包的一角。

    She nibbled at the corner of a piece of dry toast .

  5. 人老了,皮肤就变得干巴了。

    When a person grows old , his skin shrivels .

  6. 他的声调,阴沉沉的,干巴巴的,完全没有感情。

    His voice was utterly and drearily expressionless .

  7. 例句我把烤肉大餐给搞砸了:土豆烤焦了,鸡肉也干巴巴的。

    I made a pig 's ear of the roast dinner – the potatoes burnt and the chicken was dry !

  8. HACCP系统在云南牛干巴生产中的应用

    John Bull Application of HACCP system to the processing of Yun-nan cured beef

  9. 我们可以直接从API文档执行实时的API调用,相较干巴巴的静态示例这种方式可以提供实时的载荷数据。

    Live API calls can be made directly within the documentation , providing realtime payload data as opposed to static examples .

  10. 回答迅捷而尖锐,干巴巴的,毫无幽默感。

    The answer was quick and sharp , devoid of humour .

  11. 我干巴巴地说,你必须要有信仰。

    You 've got to have faith , I said dully .

  12. 但苔丝没有哭。她的脸干巴巴的,没有一丝血色。

    But Tess did not cry.Her face was dry and pale .

  13. “别让我参加讨论,”他干巴巴地说。

    Do not include me in this discussion , 'he said dryly .

  14. 她父亲的话题似乎没有什么意义,干巴巴的。

    The things her father said seemed meaningless and neutral .

  15. 我们还没死哩,朱莉亚干巴巴地答道。

    ' We 're not dead yet , ' said Julia prosaically .

  16. 它并不是干巴巴地宣传中国的灿烂美食文化。

    It is not empty propaganda about China 's splendid food culture .

  17. 不用担心天花板上的洞。他干巴巴地说。

    Never mind the hole in the ceiling , he said drily .

  18. “我什么也不会说的。”海格干巴巴地说。

    I 'm sayin ' nothin , said Hagrid flatly .

  19. 低盐保鲜清真牛干巴的研制

    Studies on Low Salt and Preservation of Muslim Corned Beef

  20. 在古巴国内,生活已变成一套干巴巴的公式。

    Within Cuba life had settled into a drab routine .

  21. 每天三遍,饭后,斯蒂芬干巴巴地说。

    Three times a day , after meals , Stephen said drily .

  22. 把一个原本可能干巴巴的有关衍生品的故事变成了一部人物形象丰满的戏剧。

    Itturns this otherwise dry tale of derivatives into a character-filled drama .

  23. 干性皮肤无油,然而,脱水皮肤缺少水分,看上去干巴巴的。

    Dry skin lacks oil whereas dehydrated skin lacks moisture and looks crepey .

  24. 辐照牛干巴在贮藏过程中微生物变化的研究

    Study on the microbial changing of irradiated corned beef in process of storage

  25. 但人类不是没有干巴巴的计算机器。

    But human beings are not desiccated calculating machines .

  26. 所有的事实都在那儿,但是有点干巴巴的。

    All the facts are there , but it 's a bit dry .

  27. 这一文本还提供了比干巴巴的技术批判更有抱负的信息。

    The document also offers something much more ambitious than a dry technical critique .

  28. 拜伦说得也象总统那么干巴巴的,每个字都咬得清清楚楚。

    Byron spoke as flatly as the president , getting out each word very distinctly .

  29. 下面是我要说的最干巴巴的故事了,请大家安静点。

    This is the driest thing I know . Silence all round , if you please !

  30. 他干巴巴地唱了那首歌。

    Lifelessly he performed the song .