
  • 网络playa;Playas;playa lake
  1. 卤水中含有大量的核爆氚,表明自1952年以来通过干盐湖发生过大气降水的补给。

    Therefore , brine contained large portion of nuclear-bombing tritium , which verified that since 1952 , atmospheric water had precipitated and seeped into the playa of this area .

  2. 柴达木盆地察尔汗干盐湖钾镁盐的沉积

    Deposition of potash-magnesium salts in the Qarhan playa , Qaidam Basin

  3. 这些同时含有S、Cl和Na,且S和Cl显著正相关,Na相对富集的多数颗粒物来自于沙尘暴途中所经过的其表层土成分富含氯化物和硫酸盐的干盐湖盐渍土地区。

    Those particles enriched with S , Cl , and Na were likely from surface soils of dried salt-lakes and saline soils that enriched chloride and sulfate while the dust storm passed through these areas during its long-range transport .

  4. 罗布泊干盐湖电磁感应电导率与耳纹成因关系探讨应用EM38电磁感应电导仪测量法调查了罗布泊耳纹地区盐壳电导值,对干盐湖沉积物采取不同尺度和不同空间分辨率的取样与测量。

    The Electromagnetic Induction Measurements ( EM38 ) were applied to investigate electromagnetic induction of the salt crust in Lop Nur Great Ear region and the deposit sampling and measurements were made in different scales and varied space differential rate .

  5. 利用盐层中碎屑沉积物粒度分布特征鉴别干盐湖沉积层序

    Apply Grain-Size Distribution of Clastics in Identifying Dry Playa Sequences

  6. 蒸发沉积阶段可以进一步分为盐湖和干盐湖期。

    The evaporation stage can further be subdivided into salt lake and dry salt lake phases .

  7. 这种特殊的地质地埋背景称为“干盐湖”。

    Such a special geologic and geographic setting is known as a " dry salt lake " .

  8. 罗布泊;“大耳朵”干盐湖;盐盘;沉积特征;沉积环境;

    Lop Nor basin ;" Great Ear "; playa ; salt pan ; sedimentary features ; sedimentary environment ;

  9. 察尔汉盆地是现代干盐湖的一个典型实例。

    The salt deposits in Qarhan Basin are cited as a typical example of a modern dry salt lake .

  10. 基于决策树方法的罗布泊大耳朵干盐湖区盐壳分类研究

    A Study on Salt Crust Classification Based on Decision Tree Technology in Lop Nur " Great Ear " Dry Salt Lake Area

  11. 目前察尔汗盐湖正处在干盐湖早期阶段,即干盐滩与卤水湖并存的阶段。

    There are10 brine lakes surrounding the Qarhan Salt Playa , each maintaining its own life on the fresh water supply of inland rivers .

  12. 罗布泊盐湖位于塔里木盆地东端,是世界上最大的干盐湖之一。

    The Lop Nur playa , one of the largest playa lakes in the world , is located in the eastern part of the Tarim Basin , Xinjiang .

  13. 在断陷分割充填阶段主要发育冲积扇、河流相、局部地区发育干盐湖相。

    During the fault dividing and filling up period of Raoyang Depression , it mainly develops alluvial fan facies , river facies and playa lake facies which develops in local area .

  14. 2011年的盛会开始前不久,道尔蒂说:“‘火人节’已经和早期不同,如果有什么没变,就是它可以让一个温文尔雅的人不计后果的(除了不舒服的碱烧伤)赤裸着在干盐湖的泥里打滚。”

    Early Burning Man 's has changed , Doherty said shortly before the 2011 event began . What hasn 't changed , Doherty said , is that it can compel a mild-mannered accountant to roll naked in playa mud without fear of consequences ( except for an uncomfortable alkali burn ) .

  15. 罗布泊位于新疆塔里木盆地的东端,可能是世界最大的单体(干)盐湖。

    The Lop Nur Saline Lake located in eastern Tarim basin of Xinjiang is probably the largest single saline lake in the world .