
gān chuán wù
  • dry dock;graving dock
干船坞[gān chuán wù]
  1. 船停泊在干船坞里时水手们都上岸去了。

    The crew was on the beach while the ship was in dry dock .

  2. 该馆由建筑事务所比贾克·英格尔斯集团(BjarkeIngelsGroup)设计,用玻璃结构筑成U型干船坞。倾斜的地板和之字形曲曲折折的步道让人想起随着浪涛起伏的甲板。

    Designed by the architectural firm Bjarke Ingels Group , the glassy structure is built into a U-shaped dry dock and filled with slanted floors and zigzag passageways that evoke ocean-rocked ships ' decks .

  3. 去年福布斯家族的汉兰达(Highlander)游艇都被拖到了干船坞里,船员也已被辞退。

    Last year the Forbes family motor yacht , the Highlander , was put into dry dock , its crew laid off .

  4. 干船坞卧倒门的舱格设计计算

    The Calculation for the Design of Flap Gate Cell of Dry Dock

  5. 浅谈30万吨级干船坞主排水泵安装工艺

    Installation technique for main drainage pump in 300 000 dwt dry dock

  6. 土钉墙数值模拟在干船坞坞墙中应用探讨

    Application research on numerical simulation of soil nailing wall for dry dock wall

  7. 干船坞水工结构设计规范

    Code for design of hydraulic structures of dry docks

  8. 干船坞坞门及灌水排水系统设计规范

    Code for design of dock gates and filling and emptying systems of dry docks

  9. 干船坞气控式坞门的设计和动态仿真

    Design and Dynamic Simulation of Dry Dock Gate

  10. 干船坞中的环境保护技术探讨

    Discussion on environmental protection technology in dry dock

  11. 其中大型干船坞数量不断增加,而且在今后几年内还要修建一批大型干船坞。

    Furthermore , a lot of large-size shipyards will be constructed in the coming years .

  12. 干船坞工艺设计规范

    Code for technological design of dry docks

  13. 利用干船坞进行加长船舶改装的难点问题分析与解决方案

    Analysis to difficulties in refitting the ship to be lengthened in dry dock and the plan to solve it

  14. 干船坞里的宾夕法尼亚号却仍安然无恙,显然是唯一未遭受袭击的主力舰。

    The Pennsylvania , which was in dry dock , was unscathed-evidently the only battleship that had not been attacked .

  15. 高压喷射注浆和水泥土搅拌桩在干船坞土围堰防渗工程的组合应用

    Joint Application of High-Pressure Jet Grouted Piles and Cement Soil Mixed Piles in Anti-seepage of Earth Cofferdam for Dry Dock

  16. 当地的领导人也有宏伟的计划,要将此处打造成为一个具有全新港口设施和旅馆的现代化干船坞。

    Local leaders have ambitious plans to develop new port facilities and hotels , and to modernise the dry dock .

  17. 福建某船厂注水式干船坞工程坞口前沿大方量岩坎爆破施工技术

    Technology of Blasting to Remove Large Rock Mass in Front of Entrance of a Dry-dock in Ship Building Yard in Fujian

  18. 现在正是捕捞阿拉斯加红王蟹的大好季节,可是许多渔船仍在干船坞滞留。

    And the Alaska red king crab season is underway . But a lot of fishing boats are stuck in drydock .

  19. 上海越江隧道临时干船坞拆除爆破测振与分析

    Monitoring and analysis of blasting vibration in blasting demolition of temporary dry dock for a tunnel across the Huangpu River in Shanghai

  20. 这两个巨大的钢,这是放在精心以上干船坞并排部分,现在是焊接在一起。

    These two giant sections of steel , which are placed carefully side by side above the drydock , will now be welded together .

  21. 深入了解干船坞气控卧倒门系统的动态特性,以便缩短坞门的设计周期,节约试验费用;

    The dynamic behavior of pneumatic horizontal dry dock gate [ DK ] 's system is deeply studied to reduce design time and test cost .

  22. 本港港口拥有大量设施,供载重量达15万吨的各类船舶以至钻油台,进行修理、进干船坞或上排。

    The port has extensive facilities for repairing , dry-docking and slipping all types of vessels of up to 150 000 dead-weight tonnes , including oil rigs .

  23. 为向中国政府表明自己计划不断在中国投资,皇家加勒比本周表示,该公司正着眼于在中国建立干船坞和物流中心,以便为自己部署在中国的游轮提供服务。

    Royal Caribbean said this week it is looking into building Chinese dry dock facilities and developing logistics centers to supply its ships deployed in the region .

  24. 自去年瓦良格号在干船坞露面以来,中国许多军事迷纷纷带着望远镜和昂贵的相机,前来大连朝圣。

    Since the ship emerged from dry dock last year , many Chinese military enthusiasts have made the pilgrimage to Dalian , equipped with telescopes and expensive cameras .

  25. 这艘新航空母舰于2013年11月开始建造,干船坞2015年3月建造,舰船去年4月正式下水。

    Construction of the new carrier began in November 2013 , dry dock construction started in March 2015 , and the vessel was launched in April last year .

  26. 很难想象,但钢正在制定上述干船坞上高于对这些基本块地悬挂巨型部分。

    It 's hard to imagine , but the giant sections of steel that are being worked on above the drydock are hoisted above the ground on these rudimentary blocks .

  27. 介绍高压喷射注浆和水泥土搅拌桩防渗加固技术在日照港干船坞土围堰防渗处理中的组合应用。

    This paper introduces the joint application of high-pressure jet grouted piles and cement soil mixed piled for dealing with seepage of earth cofferdam for dry dock in Rizhao Port .

  28. 文克尔地基基床系数取值的新途径(干船坞设计规范水工结构篇附录二方法说明及建议)采用水上深基坑围护法建造特大型船坞坞口的创新设计

    A New Way of Evaluating Bed Coefficients of Winkler 's Foundation Creative design of super large dry-dock head construction by means of deep steel sheet piling excavation in water area

  29. 作为船坞闸的工作闸门和水工建筑物的检修闸门在静水中使用,浮箱门已被证明是排干船坞、渠道、水电站进水口建筑物水的一种最经济有效方法。

    As dock gate and emergency gate using in standing water , the floating bulkhead has proven to be an effective method for dewatering intakes at dams , dock basin , canals , and hydro plants .

  30. 本文对国内第一个浮箱式干船坞的施工工艺作了全面扼要的介绍,为今后施工类似该结构的工程提供一些参考经验。

    This paper makes description in detail on the constructional technology of a floating dock with box type , which is the first style in home , and it is of help for reference to the similar works .