
  1. 英国殖民者在1607年抵达詹姆斯敦的时候,带来了一群鸡。鸡帮助处境艰难的殖民地度过了最初几个凛冽的寒冬。13年后的五月花号(Mayflower)上也带了鸡。

    English settlers arriving at Jamestown in 1607 brought a flock of chickens that helped the struggling colony survive its first harsh winters , and the bird was on the Mayflower 13 years later .

  2. 这队人决定留在那里,不再寻找詹姆斯敦。

    The group decided to stay there instead of trying to find Jamestown .

  3. 你背叛了所有詹姆斯敦的人民。

    You 've betrayed these citizens of jamestown .

  4. 1607年的今天,詹姆斯敦殖民地的英国殖民者们在美国弗吉尼亚的亨利角着陆。

    1607-English colonists of the Jamestown settlement make landfall at Cape Henry , Virginia .

  5. 抵达詹姆斯敦后的一年�

    Within a year of arriving at Jamestown ,

  6. 詹姆斯敦和普利茅斯都是首批移民定居地(美洲)新大陆的。

    The settlements of Jamestown and Plymouth were among the first in the New world .

  7. 美国社区发展的统一计划&以詹姆斯敦市为例

    The Consolidated Plans of American Communities

  8. 与詹姆斯敦的情况相似,在第一个冬天,普利茅斯殖民地一半的人去世。

    As Happened in Jamestown , about half the settlers in Plymouth died the first winter .

  9. 凯尔索花了十年的时间在挖掘詹姆斯敦&英国在美洲殖民时的第一个根据地。

    Kelso has spent decades excavating Jamestown , the first permanent English settlement in colonial America .

  10. 1607年,英国人在詹姆斯敦建立了他们在北美洲的第一个有成就的殖民地。

    At Jamestown , in1607 , the English made their first successful settlement in North America .

  11. 与定居在詹姆斯敦的殖民者不同,定居在弗吉尼亚北部的人们因为不同原因离开英国。

    The people who settled there left England for different reasons than those who settled in Jamestown .

  12. 据白金汉宫消息,女王访美之行的前两天将访问弗吉尼亚州的詹姆斯敦;

    The first two days of the trip they will be in Virginia for the Jamestown commemoration .

  13. 1607年,欧洲人在美国弗吉尼亚州的詹姆斯敦建立了第一个殖民地。

    The first place in the US where Europeans settled permanently was Jamestown , Virginia , founded in1607 .

  14. 这些最初的英国投资者不久之后就把詹姆斯敦和普利茅斯这两处殖民地交给了移民。

    The original English investors quickly turned over both the Jamestown and the Plymouth colonies to the settlers .

  15. 组织者希望能向女王展示这些年来詹姆斯敦发生的众多变化。

    Organizers are looking forward to showing the queen the many changes that have taken place since then .

  16. 因为这是拥有詹姆斯敦土地的殖民者真正提供一小部分让人参观。

    This is because the true place where the settlers landed on Jamestown Island offered visitors little to see .

  17. 女王曾于1957年10月詹姆斯敦建立350周年纪念时首次访美。

    During her first visit , she went to Jamestown in October of1957 , the year of Jamestown's350th anniversary .

  18. 新大陆的第一个永久性的英属殖民地于1607年在弗吉尼亚的詹姆斯敦建立。

    The first permanent English settlement in the new world was established at jamestown , in virginia , in1607 .

  19. 你看,众所周知,到了1620年,詹姆斯敦盛行多种语言。

    You see , by1620 , it was well-known back in England that many languages were being spoken at jamestown .

  20. 这个地方叫做詹姆斯敦,就在今天的弗吉尼亚州。

    Take me home , country roads It was called Jamestown and was located in the present-day state of Virginia .

  21. 和平来自宝卡荷塔斯,她是酋长包华德的女儿,和詹姆斯敦一个烟草农夫,约翰罗夫结婚。

    Peace came when Pocahontas , daughter of chief Powhatan , married John Rolfe , a tobacco farmer in Jamestown .

  22. 英格兰在北美洲通过在詹姆斯敦和普利茅斯定居下来而开始了它的殖民活动。

    England began its colonization in North America by settling at Jamestown and Plymouth , which soon gave England the Atlantic seaboard .

  23. 詹姆斯敦有很多这种植物,早在1607年,就有殖民者误把曼陀罗当作食物吃了。

    The plant was plentiful at Jamestown , where some colonists made the mistake of having it for dinner as early as 1607 .

  24. 詹姆斯敦殖民地是1957年维尔尼亚建立来庆祝殖民地建立300周年。

    Jamestown Settlement was built by the state of Virginia in nineteen fifty-seven to celebrate the three hundred fiftieth anniversary of the former colony .

  25. 把殖民者带到詹姆斯敦岛的船也被重新造了出来。这些船叫作永恒的苏珊,幸运发现号。

    There are also recreated versions of the ships that the carried the colonists to Jamestown Island . the ships were called the Susan Constant , Godspeed and Discovery .

  26. 一小群早期拓荒者为了寻找在他们自己的祖国已不存在的自由,在三百多年前远涉重洋,来到詹姆斯敦和普列茅斯。

    More than three centuries ago a handful of pioneers crossed the ocean to Jamestown and Plymouth in search of freedoms they were unable to find in their own countries .

  27. 英国人抵达詹姆斯敦以后,许多人在漫长的严冬死去,但第二年春天,美洲原住民告诉他们当地什么东西是可以食用的。

    When the English arrived in Jamestown many died during the long cold winter , but in the following spring Native Americans showed them what local foods they could eat .

  28. 还有一个关于美洲原住民公主波卡杭塔斯的故事。在波卡杭塔斯的父亲波瓦坦打算杀死詹姆斯敦首领约翰·史密斯的时候,波卡杭塔斯救了他的性命。

    Another story describes how the Native American princess Pocahontas saved the life of John Smith , the leader in Jamestown , when her father , Powhatan , wanted to kill him .

  29. 欧洲很多国家参加开发这片后来变成美国的土地,其中英国最为成功,主要原因是英国从詹姆斯敦殖民地时代开始就利用特许公司这种方式。

    England was the most successful of the European nations at colonizing what would become the United states , and its success was due in large part to its use starting with the Jamestown colony of charter companies .