
  1. 直至次周三,日本检察官不得不决定是否要起诉詹其雄。

    Japanese prosecutors had until next Wednesday to decide whether or not to charge the man .

  2. 飞机在福建省福州机场着陆后,詹其雄称能回来他很感谢政府并再次强调他是被冤枉的。

    After landing at Fuzhou Airport in Fujian Province , he said he was thankful to be free and repeated his claim of innocence .

  3. 本月初,詹其雄因其渔船在中国东海有争端的岛屿附近与两艘日本巡逻船相撞而获捕。

    Zhan Qixiong was arrested earlier this month after his trawler collided with two Japanese patrol vessels near disputed islands in the East China Sea .

  4. 据新华社报道,中国渔船船长詹其雄于周六凌晨乘包机安全抵达福建省福州市。

    The Chinese trawler captain Zhan Qixiong arrived safely in Fuzhou , Fujian Province , early Saturday morning by a chartered plane , Xinhua reported .

  5. 詹其雄的渔船与日本两艘海上保安巡逻船在钓鱼岛附近的水域相撞,之后,他同其他船员于9月8日被日方非法扣留。

    Zhan and his crew were detained by Japan on Sept.8 after his trawler collided with two Japan Coast Guard patrol ships in waters off the Diaoyu Islands .

  6. 此前东京方面强调本案应依法办理的重要性,据称,詹其雄故意用自己的渔船撞击在日本实际控制的岛屿附近巡视的海上保安厅船舶。

    Tokyo had previously stressed the importance of following law in dealing with allegations that Mr Zhan had intentionally rammed his boat into coastguard vessels patrolling near the Japan-controlled islands .

  7. 在过去,双方一般都寻求避免讨论分歧,但詹其雄与日本海上保安厅之间的冲突让隐藏的紧张关系浮出了水面。

    In the past , both sides have generally sought to avoid discussion of the dispute , but the clash between Mr Zhan and the Japanese coast guard has brought submerged tensions to the surface .