
  • 网络James;the James River
  1. 南面淌着詹姆斯河。

    On the south side ran the James River .

  2. 我在詹姆斯河游了7英里。

    I swam the James River seven miles .

  3. 一天黄昏,在美国德克萨斯州埃克特詹姆斯河蝙蝠洞保护区,墨西哥游离尾蝠飞出洞穴。

    Mexican free-tailed bats spiral out of Eckert James River Bat Cave Preserve in Texas at dusk .

  4. 109名潜逃者中,59名成功抵达了联邦阵线,48名被重新抓获,还有两名溺死在附近的詹姆斯河中。

    Of the 109 escapees , 59 succeeded in reaching Union lines , 48 were recaptured , and 2 drowned in the nearby James River .