
Zhān Tiānyòu
  • Zhan Tianyou; engineer;pioneer railroad builder
詹天佑 [zhān tiān yòu]
  • [Zhan Tianyou] (1861-1919) 中国近代铁路工程师。字眷诚,出生广东南海(今广州)县。中国第一个铁路工程师,负责修筑唐山至天津的铁路。1905年至1909年主持修建京(北京)张(张家口)铁路,为我国自建的第一条铁路,并培养出第一批铁路工程师

  1. 中国近代工程技术界的一代宗师詹天佑

    Zhan tianyou : master of engineering and technology in modern China

  2. 詹天佑的铁路生涯是从天津开始的。

    Zhan Tianyou began his life of railways in Tianjin .

  3. 你觉得昨天晚上电视上演关于詹天佑那部电影怎么样?

    What did you think of the film about Zhan Tianyou on television last night ?

  4. 詹天佑不怕不怕嘲笑毅然任务;

    Zhan Tianyou resolutely not afraid to accept the difficult task is not afraid of ridicule ;

  5. 它是在20世纪初,由中国杰出的爱国工程师詹天佑独立设计,领导施工建成的。

    It was designed independently by the outstanding distinguished patriotic Chinese engineer Zhan Tianyou , and constructed under his supervision at the beginning of the20th century .

  6. 凌鸿勋是继詹天佑之后,将西方铁路科技技术引入到中国,并逐步实现铁路设计与建设自主化的又一重要人物。

    Ling Hongxun is an important person who introduced Western railway technology into China and realized the independent design and construction of railway in China after Zhan Tianyou .

  7. ○3采用詹天佑钩解决直通扶梯之间的连接问题。○4通过设置锚定装置和夹轨器等保证自动扶梯固定。

    ○ 3It solved the problem of connection between the escalator through the use of Represented hook ○ 4 It ensure the escalator fixed by setting the anchoring device and clip-rail .