
  • Zhang Lei;【人名】Lei Zhang
  1. 她走向张磊,让他伸出双手。

    She walked towards Zhang Lei and asked him to put out his hands .

  2. 后来,张磊上了大学。

    Later , Zhang Lei went to college .

  3. 张磊是一位技艺高超的医生。

    Zhang Lei is a highly skilled doctor .

  4. 听到这些,张磊很惊讶,因为几乎没有人说过这样的话。

    Hearing this , Zhang Lei was surprised because almost nobody said such words this way .

  5. 张磊说起自己的生活,他总是对自己的志愿老师表示感谢。

    Zhang Lei talks about his life , he always expresses thanks to his volunteer teacher .

  6. 韩雪刚进张磊的学校时,简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。

    When Han Xue first entered Zhang Lei 's school , she couldn 't believe her eyes .

  7. 张磊完全不敢相信,但他深深记得老师的肺腑之言。

    Zhang Lei couldn 't believe that completely , but he remembered what the teacher said in his heart .

  8. 有一天,韩雪在上课的时候,张磊为了好玩闹了几声,其他的孩子都笑了。

    One day when Han Xue was giving a class , Zhang Lei made some noises for fun.Other kids laughed .

  9. 不过,张磊很幸运,因为他不仅上了大学,而且成为了一名优秀的医生。

    However , Zhang Lei was lucky , for he not only went to college , but he also became an excellent doctor .

  10. 中国社会科学院的一名经济学家张磊称贷款的剧增是CPI增长的主要原因。

    Zhang Lei , an economist with Chinese Academy of Social Sciences , says the credit boom is the main reason for the CPI growth .

  11. 而在张磊的投资人看来其中包括像麻省理工(MIT)和耶鲁大学(Yale)这类名牌大学的捐赠基金,以及主权财富基金,还有富有的企业家他似乎从来不会压下糟糕的赌注。

    To his investors which include the endowments for prestigious universities like M.I.T. and Yale , sovereign wealth funds , and wealthy entrepreneurs he seems incapable of making a bad bet .

  12. 我把书借给张磊,但是他把它弄丢了。

    I lent my notebook to Zhang Lei but he lost it .

  13. 张磊在中国还拥有宝贵的人脉。

    Mr Zhang also has a valuable network in China .

  14. 张磊说相对而言,自己的童年生活无忧无虑。

    Zhang tells me he had a relatively carefree childhood .

  15. 张磊说,他有能力完成这个任务。

    Mr. Zhang says he is up to the task .

  16. 张磊运用经方治疗外感发热经验探析

    Exploration on Zhang Lei in Treating fever due to exopathy with Classical Prescription

  17. 这种说法并不准确,但张磊没有费心反驳这种指责。

    Inaccurate , but Mr Zhang did not bother to contradict his critics .

  18. 由于房地产行业的兴盛,对于像张磊这样专业人才的需求也在急剧增加。

    Demand for professionals like Zhang has risen sharply thanks to the housing boom .

  19. 张磊表示耶鲁改变了他的一生,并教会了如何给予。

    Zhang said Yale changed his life and taught him the spirit of giving .

  20. 但张磊说自己一直清楚有朝一日会返回国内。

    Zhang , however , says he always knew he would return to China .

  21. “这就像是在为房子做体检,”张磊说。

    " It 's like a physical examination of the house ," says Zhang .

  22. 那你知道张磊吗?他是人大的校友。

    Do you know Zhang Lei ? He 's an alumnus of Renmin University .

  23. 以前往往都是全世界向学习美国,张磊说。

    It used to be that the whole world learnt from the US , says Zhang .

  24. 但挑战正等待着张磊。

    But challenges await Mr. Zhang .

  25. 张磊以前是我校的学生,如今是很有名气的专家。

    Zhang Lei , a sometime student of my school , is now a wellknown expert .

  26. 现在回想起来,我觉得,哇,腾讯当时那么便宜,张磊说。

    Looking back now I think , wow , Tencent was so cheap , Mr. Zhang said .

  27. 但中国在很多方面跨越式地赶超了美国,在移动互联网领域尤为如此,张磊说。

    But China has leapfrogged the US in many ways , especially mobile internet , Zhang says .

  28. 张磊只是想对自己有朝一日可能投资的业务有所了解。

    Mr. Zhang just wanted to get to know some of the businesses he might one day invest in .

  29. 张磊于2002年毕业于耶鲁管理学院,曾就职于耶鲁投资办公室。

    Zhang , who graduated from the Yale School of Management in 2002 , worked for the Yale Investments Office .

  30. 现在,张磊已压下赌注,认为蓝月亮可以成为一个价值上百亿美元的品牌,与汰渍这样的品牌一争高低。

    Now , Mr. Zhang wagers it can be a multibillion-dollar brand that will compete with the likes of Tide .