
  • 网络Zhang Yining;zlc
  1. 张怡宁在奥运会上获得两枚金牌。

    Zhang Yining won two gold medals in the Athens Olympics .

  2. 张怡宁是一个十分优秀的运动员。

    Zhang Yining is quite a good player .

  3. 中国乒乓球运动员张怡宁和张继科,以及射击运动员张梦雪便是这一现象的典型代表。

    Chinese table tennis players Zhang Yining and Zhang Jike , as well as shooting athlete Zhang Mengxue are representatives of this phenomenon .

  4. 张怡宁和她的搭档孙贝贝,稳步发挥再加上球的定位最终以2:0领先。

    Top ranked Zhang Yining , in her encounter with Sun Bei Bei , played steadily plus placement shots and jumped a2-0 lead in sets .

  5. 张怡宁是一名前中国乒乓球队的运动员,被人们认为是乒乓球运动历史上最伟大的女子运动员。

    Zhang Yining is a former Chinese table tennis player and has been considered one of the greatest female table tennis players in the history of the sport .

  6. 周五,张怡宁战胜队友王楠,夺得女子乒乓球单打金牌,最终使主队包揽了这一项目的奖牌。

    Zhang Yining of China defeated teammate Wang Nan on Friday to win the gold in women 's singles table tennis at the Olympics , completing a medals sweep for the host team .