
  1. 张晓风以其独特的诗性解释散文在台湾文坛独树一帜。

    Zhang Xiaofeng has distinguished herself with her poetic essays in Taiwan literary circle .

  2. 挖掘不如小心&专访台湾作家张晓风

    Interview with taiwan 's writer Zhang Xiaofeng

  3. 像山一样思考&从生态角度看张晓风的《常常,我想起那座山》

    Thinking Like a Mountain & From the ecology angle looked that Zhang Xiaofeng " Frequently , I Remembers That Mountain ";

  4. 遭受过病魔的折磨差点失去生命的张晓风幸运地活下来了,所以她异常珍惜活着的每一天。

    Suffered from the serious illness torment nearly lost of life , Zhang Xiaofeng luck enough to live on . So she cherish deeply the everyday on her life .

  5. 从分析张晓风的散文集《画晴》入手,透过张晓风瑰丽的文字,向读者展示一代散文家独特的文化品位与情感观照。

    This paper , starting by analyzing Zhang Xiaofeng 's anthology of prose Drawing Clearness , through the surpassingly beautiful words , tries to reveal to readers the special cultural taste and caring about emotions of a proser of a generation .

  6. 童年时代的居无定所,八岁迁台,多年与故乡隔海遥望,这种漂泊无根的生活造就了她深厚的怀乡意识。书写唯美浪漫的乡愁之梦主要是分析张晓风乡愁意识的表现。

    The childhood of no fixed abode , eight years to go to Taiwan , with hometown facing each other , the rootless wanderer life made her deeply homesickness . " Writing beautiful and romantic nostalgia dream " Mainly analyzes the performance of Zhang Xiaofeng essay the consciousness of nostalgia .